I'm fairly sure you answered your own question there.LUCRATIVE
Not me, still just Tycho. But it doesn't surprise me. Erudite men (and heroes) prefer redheads, universally.@GasBandit have you taken a job writing dialogue for Penny-Arcade?
Nothing inspires a protagonist to fill his enemies full of lead like a double-recessive.Erudite men (and heroes) prefer redheads, universally.
Especially given the halfassed job done on the walls and ceilings.I'm mostly in awe of the faithful reproduction of the floor tiles.
Exactly. I'm sure it would've been just as easy to texture fill -> perspective distort with any of the other planar surfaces.Especially given the halfassed job done on the walls and ceilings.
"Starcaulk?"Today on Critical Miss, Rule 63'd Gas Bandit posts a non-Space Engineers youtube video...
You fixate on the oddest things."Starcaulk?"
Well, duh. I gotta reputation to maintain.You fixate on the oddest things.
Hmph. You probably adjust your withholding juuuust right so you don't get a refund every year, too.You guys need an RSS reader. Bad. I've got 91 comics in my RSS concatenator (Feedly), so the updates come to me.
Well, yeah! Ain't givin' no interest-free loans to the government! That'd just be silly!Hmph. You probably adjust your withholding juuuust right so you don't get a refund every year, too.