Oh dear GOD, I've found another webcomic to waste my time with...
...and I'm not even halfway through the archive trawl of
I've really enjoyed freefall, and it's one of the few I know I'd keep around if I ever cut my list down further.
I guess while I'm at it, I might as well show my current list:
Schlock Mercenary - Consistently funny, consistently sciency fictiony, about the only strike against it might be that the characters don't grow or change significantly, but that's not a killer (see: peanuts, Calvin & hobbes, etc). The only comic in this list with daily updates, including weekends and a big sunday strip.
Sluggy Freelance - Honestly, this one has fallen over the last few years for me. The mix of lighthearted to serious is off kilter, and it feels like he's trying to quickly run through a too-complicated story. The last storyline I honestly enjoyed was the whole dimension of pain/torg saving zoe/sword thing, and that must have been years ago now. These days it seems I'm only in it for the "tortured torg, trying to save his friends, and I guess the world" glimpses. He's indicated that there's a definite end in mind, but he's not sure whether it'll take 3 or 5 years to get there. I'd like it if he at least wrapped up a few specific loose ends.
Faus Pas - Talking animals, decent art, pretty consistently funny.
Sandra and Woo - A girl and her raccoon. Gag a day strip, usually, with short storylines. Hesitate to recommend this right now because he spent the last 8 comics (2.5 weeks) breaking the fourth wall.
Drive - Another sci-fi strip, but very slow*. Great cast, interesting story.
xkcd - Yeah, I keep up with this. Interesting, funny.
Freefall - This is an interesting one. It's consistently funny, with relatively simple but good art, and the storyline progression is slow but not infuriatingly slow. You don't feel like you have to rush to the end, but you do want to know what happens next. Surprisingly it manages to have a fairly serious discussion about artificial intelligence and human rights, despite the limited format (gag a day, three panel strip).
Little Guardians - This has been a recent addition. It's a comic book format pre-industrial magic and monsters and fighters series. I got caught in the story idea of Guardians (one magical fighter per village, passed down from father to son) and the premise (what if a guardian had a daughter) but the story hasn't progressed. It isn't just extra slice of life, either, it seems to be filler with the point of introducing the protagonist to the wider world. I'm not sure I'm going to keep up with this one, it might be one I stop reading and catch up on occasionally, but I'm giving it a chance.
Gunnerkrigg Court - An attempt to find the intersection of technology and magic. I enjoy the understated humor.
So I'm down to 9 comics, which is a big cut from the time many years ago when I kept up with over 64 webcomics.
If I had to cut them in half again I'd probably stick with Schlock, Freefall, Gunnerkrigg, and Drive.
Honestly I'm annoyed. I've already dropped his comic Sheldon because of inconsistency (yeah, he was producing a film, but ever since then it's not on a regular schedule, and the comic just seems to be variations of the same jokes over and over again these days, I don't think his heart's in it any longer. With Drive the story is great, the art is good, but he's producing one comic a week, and that would be fine except he's fleshing it out with side story lines by other invited guest artists, and has set up a patreon claiming up to three regular comics a week - only the main story line will never get more than one a week, he'll just fill up the other two slots with other artist's stories. Some of them are ok, but they get in the way. Fortunately once a side story is concluded they disappear from the archives and go into a separate archive section, so an archive binge will be clean. But this is me whining about free entertainment, so take that for what it is.