What are you listening to II: Electric Bogaloo

Moved on to Doug and the Slugs. I dunno, I think I'm ready for summer to start. I've been listening to a lot of the music my dad blasts throughout the neighbourhood whenever we have a barbecue/ bonfire. BTO, Doug and the Slugs, Trooper, Bryan Adams, AC/DC, Beatles....


I bet I fucked that up. Anyway Lanegan's been a constant in the rotation. New albums a bit like Woven Hand stuff albeit without the religious angle, anything he's done post 1999 is gold, earlier stuff is cool too but I prefer the last three albums. His stuff with Queens of the Stone Age is great as well.

14 minute long album, this is probably the longest song. Thick guitar tone, lyrics (yes there are some) are well done and I dunno, just caught my attention a lot this spring.

Listening to my sleep playlist because I'm about to go nap like a champ. Lots of stuff like this, as well as other laid back songs like this:

I love all of these, but this one is one of the best since this guy started. Sadly, Ann Druyan has apparently asked him to not use Sagan, but I think DeGrasse Tyson is a great substitute.
It is 22 degrees outside and gorgeous. I am wearing shorts for the first time this year and drinking rum and coke.

It is a Planet Smashers day.



I need something good to listen to... but I'm very eclectic in musical tastes.


I like anything from Michael Buble to Razed in Black, though not everything.

Also, not a bad band at all. Just not what I'm looking for right now.