What are you listening to II: Electric Bogaloo



Oddly enough, I've had a couple friends try to get me to do vocal for them, but... I just don't go for the over-all focus of thier group, so I always delcine.
Lol, you're making this very tough! Dammit, I can do this...

How about Therapy?

I will say the problem with Therapy? (if you want to call it a problem) is each of their albums are different. After this one (in which they were invited to Ozzfest) they put out an album that had a very 80's feel to it. Their earlier work featured a lot less vocals while the later stuff became more pop rock oriented before they dumped the 4th member and went hard rock again.


I think I'm just not looking for as much of a darker selection.

Sorry! These are very good groups, btw.
I think I'm just not looking for as much of a darker selection.

Sorry! These are very good groups, btw.
No, it's quite fine, really. I'm trying to narrow it down and that helps. I'll come up with something a little more light hearted and see where it takes us.
Hm, more electronic type stuff. How about Orbital?

I just love this video.


I got the point, previously, in that I'd just make my own music to suit my desires/needs. It's getting to that point once more. Should I do so, I'll try to share my attempts.


I also get very self-conscious about being underweight if I'm on stage. -.-
I also get very self-conscious about being underweight if I'm on stage. -.-
::thinks back to that one picture he saw YEARS ago:; I don't remember you being underweight. Really, don't worry bout it! Some people will be turds and focus on shit that so doesn't matter. What matters is if the music means something to you and allows you a connection to someone else. Fuck all that other shit.
Ooof, that's still a long drive for ya. I dunno, man, you'd probably get the same amount of joy out of seeing The Coffin Daggers
Annnd... it's a football weekend, too. Doubtful I'll get that time off. :(

Los Straitjackets will be in DC June 9. I'll be on vacation, so a 3-hr drive each way is no biggie. Even less so if I can hit up friends or relations with somewhere to crash while I'm there. :)
I found out Ween is breaking up after all these years and had a sad. Oddly enough, it put me in a mood for Ween.

Just discovered this and holy shit. One of my favorite metal singers singing my favorite Iron Maiden song. How did I not know this before?

Hm, I guess it would take something truly fantastic to pull this from pg 2 again.

If you don't like this, I have nothing but pity for you. One of the best blues rock albums of the 90's.

another cd i listened to a lot in the 90's is pushmonkey, which I'm willing to bet almost none of you have heard of.

More prog from last night into tonight...

Beacons is an excellent work, although the track titles are a bit morbid (taken from plane crash CVRs).