God, Huey just sucks so bad. Fuck that guy.
I'm actually getting sick of having to replay old missions on ultra-difficulty in order to unlock more story missions. This is some ULTRA unnecessary padding. This second chapter has been pretty ass so far (in comparison to the first). I can see where the unfinished-ness of the game is coming into play now.
Also, Huey sucks. I'll literally never be able to hear Otacon's voice actor again without just loathing him.
Also, Miller sucks. Fuck Miller. Whiny, bitchy shit. We all lost limbs dick, it's the theme of the game, get yourself a fucking cool robot arm and stop your whining.
And Ocelot, you could have at least apologized for the eye.
Another thing, the game's insistence on focusing on Quiet's tits ALL THE TIME is grating. We get it Kojima, you like tits. The shittiest part is the flimsy as fuck excuse for her outfit, which, now, later on in the game, I've learned doesn't matter, since you can just put her in a full soldier garb which she looks fucking awesome in. And I like Quiet. She's really so far, the only redeemable character in the game.