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Final Fantasy V

This came free for Plus members on PSN recently. I'd tried it once years ago, but couldn't get into it. I honestly can't recall why. Having played it a bit this time around, I've realized what it is:

I'm not invested in the characters. With FFIV or especially FFVI, the characters were incredibly well-developed and unique. Here, they're more or less blank slates at the start and it starts to slowly fill in. I've only gotten as far as getting the pirate ship, so I'm probably only 5% (if that) into the game. But compared to the great openers for other FF games, I can see why I wasn't digging it as much. On a technical level, it's sound. From a storytelling perspective, I'm found wanting.
You're right. However once FFV hits it's full stride the depth of characters is deeper than most FFs because it never has more than 4 characters at a time. As for FFVI being well developed? Maybe 3-4 of the 12 characters sure. Otherwise, most got 1-2 minor story arcs and that was it. Not to mention entire "throw-away" fun characters.
Yeah, but those minor story arcs did give them some pretty good character development and depth.

I guess when it comes to this, so far, I'm just not invested in the characters. Which is one of the things that makes me play games.
Now with that, I'll definitely agree. They're not as interesting as almost any of the FFIV or FFVI casts. However FFV is worth playing alone on the Class System and the second best FF villain ever: Gilgamesh.

That's why Lunar, in my opinion are the two best RPGs ever made. Interesting characters, small cast so they're VERY well fleshed out, amazing villains and beautiful hand drawn animation. The ONLY place it falls short on is the very basic gameplay engine but that's easily over shadowed by how amazing the rest is.
Yeah, FFV is a bit slow at first but totally worth it in the end. Story takes its sweet time getting somewhere, but once it does it's right up there with IV/VI/VII. Definitely better character buildup than, say, VIII or XIII.

Man, I miss Lunar.
FF8 has character build-up?
Um, yes? Like, tons of it?

Well for everyone but the main character anyway. The realizations that the 'crew' goes through as they realize the deeper impact and relationship they have with Edea is downright poetic. The growth of at least 5-6 of the characters based on the situations they go through (Irvine's facade as a master sniper and confident ladies man breaks down and he eventually learns to deal with it etc) the long arcing storyline of how the Garden's are part of something bigger and how Cid's relationship in the large picture are much more than just your average School Principal.
I was mainly referring to Squall. He's easily the worst of the FF game leads, due to his character not evolving until what is essentially the final moments of the game.

If you want a Square game that does the "Loner who learns a life lesson and opens up to people" story better, I heartily suggest The World Ends With You. At least Neko learned his lessons well. Ironically, I believe both of those games were headed by the same guy... so I guess at least he learned something over the ten years in between.
Just finished the first Uncharted (night before last) on PS3. Started (yesterday) playing Fear2. Still playing WoW (playing 3 mains at raid capacity in 3 separate guilds).

I think the real reason I didn't play it is because I can't stand Hand Helds. The reason I finish any PSP games is because I hook them up to my TV.
Kind of defeats the purpose of a handheld :p

When I've had time, I've still been working my way through Pokemon Black.

I loves me some Sawk. It's just too bad that he doesn't evolve at all.

As far as the FF conversation goes, really the only thing that hinders the story of FF8 is the fact that they had to smoosh 2 games together with the Laguna story and try to tie it together. Originally it was supposed to be like X and X-2, but the suits didn't think that gamers would go for a direct sequel.

Mind you, I'm only talking about story. As anyone who's played it or watched Spoony's lets play can tell you, drawing magic is the most tedious game mechanic ever.

Though, for some reason, it's still my favorite FF game.
@Handhelds - I just can't stand the tiny screen. Also I'm never "outside the home" in a place where I'd be able to play a game anyway. I don't see the purpose of a hand held for me.

@FF8 - Not my favorite, but also not my least favorite and yes the Laguna thing was so poorly put together it really brought the overall quality of the game down.
8 is by far my least favorite, though I didn't much care for XIII either. IV, VI, and X are probably the ones I've enjoyed most, all in all, with VII growing on me every time I replay it.

My big gripe with Squall is it was like Square took every negative aspect of Cloud's personality, amplified it, and put more leather on it.

Also VII wins out over VIII because Cid. One of my favorite FF characters ever.
Even I can't explain why 8 was my favorite. It definately wasn't because Squall was an engaging chacter, I know that much. I think I actually enjoyed the Laguna storylines more. I also loved Zell and Quistis.

To date, it's still the only FF game that I've finished to 100% completion. Every GF, every ultimate weapon, maxed out magic, etc... I was even a card master in that game.
I will un-ashame-dly admit that I've done 100% runs on everything until FFXII (which I have yet to play) and FFXI (obviously it's an MMO). Yes I did a 100% run of both FFX (getting the ultimate weapons by doing the bullshit mini-games) and FFX-2 by doing the multiple play throughs and multiple endings and in all honesty, the best of the bunch goes:

FFIV (Best story, best characters, most epic traveling/scope of the game)
FFVI (See above, but stretched thin on the large cast)
FFIX (Probably my favorite of the "New Gen". Seriously, if you can get past the "Big head/little body" graphics issue it's an amazing storyline and awesome characters)

I'm not saying I didn't like FFVIII, but it just didn't get "up there" for me. I only did one 100% run of it and felt that it was sufficient. I did a couple more play attempts but it's like those REALLY GOOD movies where the strongest point is the "big reveal" and after you've seen that, the future watchings just don't have the same impact. That's pretty much how I felt after all the reveals were thrown at you in FFVIII.
I LOVED the systems put in place in FF9.
People were far to quick to write that one off due to the cutsey look of the characters.
I loved the item leveling system for spells and abilities (predecessor to the Dress Spheres of X-2).
I loved the story.
He's still my favorite FF character.
Added at: 02:12
I will un-ashame-dly admit that I've done 100% runs on everything until FFXII (which I have yet to play) and FFXI (obviously it's an MMO). Yes I did a 100% run of both FFX (getting the ultimate weapons by doing the bullshit mini-games) and FFX-2 by doing the multiple play throughs and multiple endings
I've 100%ed...

FF1: Really, the only hard thing in this one is taking on Warmech and surviving.
FF4 DS: What a pain in the fucking ass it is to get the Onion equipment.
FF7: The Chocobo Ranch stuff is the hardest part of this, unless you have a guide. (I didn't in 1997)
FF9: Excalibur 2 can kiss my ass. I'm not sure if I got it or just dreamed it because of delirum. It's such a pain to beat that 12 hour mark.
FFX-2: I hated the plot of this game so much, but at least I had FUN while playing it. I'd say the only hard part is the Via Purifico unless you abuse the Cat Nip/Gunner combo.

Final Fantasy X I couldn't do because of Kimari's ultimate spear and Lulu's sigil. Those butterflies and thunderbolts were just too much for me at the time and my copy of the game has been stolen since then.

I never even attempted FF12. Getting all the rare hunts is too time consuming and often tricky, while getting some of the best weapons involves getting lucky with the RNG in places that you really just don't want to travel through more than a few times. Getting a Zodiac Spear involves a 1 in many thousand chance unless you know the trick to FORCE it to spawn in the bonus dungeon, while getting the best dagger involves at minimum 45 minutes of near non-stop killing of certain mobs in the most confusing dungeon in the game. I DID do all the Bounty Board stuff though.

As for Final Fantasy 13... I really don't feel like spending hours grinding just to do the bonus bosses, nor do I feel like grinding Adamantoises for the gems I need to make the ultimate weapons. Virtually all the extra stuff in this game involves grinding CP to fight harder bosses. It's just not worth it.
My issue with 12 was them taking a page from the hour+ bosses and fights in 11. I wasn't going to sit at beat down 20 million health bosses for an item I had to sell, only to have to go grind more gil to buy things from the bazaar. Also the Zodiac Spear was silly, because there were 4 specific chests you had to leave alone, and without a guide you would have no idea which 4 those were (as they're spread out from Rabanastre to Phon Coast, which was nearly 13 hours of playtime for me with moderate JP grinding). I enjoyed it otherwise, though.

Also FFT Cid is slick, but he was so good that using him felt like cheating.
I wonder if we should split the FF discussion off to a separate thread. Y'know, like we've done about half a dozen times before. :p

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I find I don't enjoy any Final Fantasy from 7 and on like I used to. The problem I find is what I call the "Kefka Destroys the World" moment. As much as I love FFVI, I find the story pacing comes to a screeching halt once Kefka destroys the world. I realize it's sort of the point, but we went from non-stop, heart-racing story to...gotta collect 'em all and go fight Kefka. There's a lot of great character development over the course of that, but compared to the first half of the game, I didn't dig it as much.

The same applies, I find, for any FF's that follow it. The pacing in VII slows down a lot once the meteor is in the sky. For VIII, it's been so long, I can't remember. IX, after they came back from the alternate dimension. My other beef is that anything after VI makes a lot less sense. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Sephiroth, how he got power, his motivations, etc. The time travelling witch stuff from VIII just killed it for me. And IX was a great, old school fantasy setting until they start introducing alternate reality hopping spaceships and such. Then there's whatever the hell most of FFX was. That was the last time I even enjoyed a Final Fantasy game.
Final Fantasy has sucked for the longest time and only serve to remind me they are training manuals to create "good japanese workers".

Games like the Elder Scrolls or Mount & Blade make them close to worthless.

So anyways..... Mass Effect 2 MP... it's fuuuuuun. And some of you people are cool beans.
Funny you should say that. I felt the same way and purposely didn't use him..... then I went and made my Meliadoul immortal (with the perfume accessory) and my Cloud a one-hit god. :D
Yeah I built up Beowulf, Cloud, a Summoner and Squire Ramza with dual-wield. Beowulf can lock down pretty much any non-boss, Cloud and Ramza hit like trucks full of trucks and Summons are just stupid OP (though I never did get Zodiac, always got bored looking for the stairs in that dungeon).
Assassin's Creed: Revelations is starting to annoy me a bit.

First came the small design decisions and quirks that seemed to indicate insufficient playtesting. There's no longer a first-person camera, which was present in the previous games. Gimmicky, yes, but it was actually useful at times for surveying certain areas. You can't activate Eagle Sense while moving; you need to stand still, activate it, and then start walking. Guards and other NPCs can appear from nowhere right next to you, or their location won't match what's on the mini-map. Rooftop guard patrol routes that actually take them off the edge of the roof, which makes it seem like it's raining dead guards. All of these could've been fixed with a few weeks of extra playtesting.

Then came the bugs. One set of bomb challenges is impossible to complete, because the game doesn't keep track of the actions you're meant to be completing. One Altair memory involves following your son around, who runs very fast and has a tendency to disappear, which causes you to fail the memory. Assassin recruits spawn inside buildings or behind walls when you summon them, resulting in them trying to run to the enemy but failing.

But now, I just found out that failing a Mediterranean Defense challenge causes the game to crash. Add to the fact that the game auto-saves, and my game is currently autosaved at exactly seven seconds before a challenge is going to fail, and I'm looking at restarting the game, after completing over 70% synchronization.

Oh well. At least it'll still be fun when I play the game again from the start. But I hope Ubisoft release some patches, because this is bullshit.
I'm glad I don't do a bunch of the side bullshit in the AC games, because I'd be mega-pissed if that happened to me.

I just started it yesterday and I'm not enjoying some of the small design changes. For three games, most of these button sets have been in place. Why fuck with it now? I could understand if it was AC3, which is a new game, but we've been doing this with the same engine for years now on the last game on this engine. Makes no sense.

Tower defense, alchemy... it feels like Ubisoft has no confidence in their own game. Assassin's Creed is good for you going around and assassinating people. It doesn't need investment projects, mixing ingredients, RTS elements, button changes, a million missions, etc. It just needs to be itself.

But as usual, I'm enjoying the basic gameplay, story, and characters. The graphics and settings are gorgeous. I have a feeling Brotherhood's going to end up staying my favorite though, because the minor tweaks and bad choices in making this are really annoying me.
I think it's because secondary weapons need their own button now, so you can mix and match your weapons. So instead of being limited to sword plus gun, or dagger plus throwing knives, you can pair them up however you want, especially with the new permutations of bombs. So, if you want, you can have something like polearm plus smoke bomb.

Though I just noticed they appear to have removed taunting too. Perhaps now that Ezio is older and more refined, rude comments are considered beneath him. Yes, he can disembowel all the guards he wants, but he will most definitely not be commenting on their mothers while he does so.

Also, it's been a while since I've played Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, but it feels like each chapter had more content in them. The main quest feels awfully short this time around, with each chapter being 2 or 3 missions long at most. Go to point A, tail a target to point B, and that's your first mission done. Then from point B, track your target to point C, kill him, and then the chapter's over.

I dunno, I still like the game, it's still fun to go around assassinating people. But it feels merely "good" rather than the "great" that I expected.