They probably will show up soon. I'd imagine they might catch up with Bran and fit several of his chapters into one episode. I've been reading along and am probably an episode ahead and I'd imagine that to save time and also make it a little more interesting they might skip to about where I am now in one or two scenes.That'd be nice. I like them.
I fucking love that dog.Was watching this with my fiance and another married couple.... their reaction the last minute of Game of Thrones tonight (none have read any of the books)
Hey! That's my shtick!
I understand thatThey had the Melisandre/Davos scene now because they are probably skipping the part with Robert's bastard at Storm's End, but having them go to a barred cave makes no sense in this case, because THEY ARE IN AN OPEN CAMP, NOT IN A CASTLE. And I know Joffrey is a little shit, but it makes me wonder how he was raised if he thinks beating the shit out of people is awesome. Especially since it's said in the books that Robert wasn't allowed to even consider slapping Joff.
Joffrey thinks power is awesome. He is eternally a child who lashes out, hits, cries, etc. He isn't beating people because he was beaten, he's beating people because he can. Maybe if Robert had been allowed to smack him when he treated someone like shit it would've done some good, instead of Cersei coddling him and telling him what a wonderful boy he was, but it's a little late for that.
Book 2 spoiler, just a question about the show:
Hey, anyone want to take bets on if Tyrion is going to keep his nose in the show?
I'm sure he'll get scarred, just not super disfigured.
Or not at all. Not a lot of attention paid to Jon's burns or Dany's hair or anything like that either.
Book 2 spoiler, just a question about the show:
Hey, anyone want to take bets on if Tyrion is going to keep his nose in the show?
A Lannister always kills his pets.It's quite clear early in the books that Joffrey is pretty fucked up. As a child, he had a cat, the cat was pregnant, he opened the cat stomach to "see what's inside". His father slapped the shit out of him going, "What the fuck is wrong with you you little shit?"
Wonder if Obama has any weddings to attend in the near future.Just had this sent to me:
Please ignore the liberal bias on this. I'll repost it in the political threads if need be.