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"You insulted my house, Obama."
They are taking far too many liberties now. I still like the show but jesus christ...
And can someone tell me if Book 4 gets better? I'm struggling to stay interested in some of the characters.
I don't know if it's that they're trying to denut Tyrion so much as prop up Cersei. They keep trying to make her sympathetic.Why do they keep feeling they have to denut Tyrion?
That's Book 5... Just sayin.Nope. The 4th book is the weakest of them all. Feel bloated. When a Bran chapter follows a Daenarys chapter..... ugh
Also, Jaqen mentioned the Red God needing his due and I was like "WTF DID THEY WRITE OUT THE MANY FACED GOD TOO?! NOOOOOOOOOOO."
I'm really wondering who Arya's 2 other deaths are going to be, because there is no Weese, and Roose Bolton seems to still be with Robb...
No, you are right on the money, I'd much rather see nudity that fits the story rather than them shoe-horning it in just to have it. I feel the same about violence, it needs to fit the story, you don't throw it in just to throw it in.I have a lot to say about this episode and not all of it is good. I mean, I know some things are going to change between the book and the show - that's just logic. But while some things add to the whole feel of the thing - Arya & Tywin Lannister having their little stare-down - some things are just infuriating me.
First, all the nudity bothers me. Not the stuff that I feel stays true to the books, but the scenes like the brothel where Littlefinger did his exposition while instructing the whores. The annoyed me. A lot. I realize they are HBO but the shit should make sense not just be there because BEWBS!! (Yes, the SNL skit was right on the money.)
This one threw me for a loop. I don't get it. Why did they change this? It makes zero sense from a story standpoint. Maybe it will make a difference later but... it seems like a really odd change.Cersei had been talking to the Alchemists? WHAT?!? Tyrion poisoned Cersei to keep her out of the way while he saw to the defense of the city! HE is the one who went to the Alchemists! HE'S the one who had the great ideas! Why are they trying to make it look like he just kind of fell in to the whole Alchemist idea? Why do they keep feeling they have to denut Tyrion? His fall from grace is so much more tragic when he did everything he could to save the city in spite of Cersei and the king than it will be in the show.
Don't get me wrong, I love the show, but why they feel the need to change certain things is beyond me.
Or like.... VISERYS!Daenarys is starting to sound like Stannis.
Frankly, I'd rather not hear all the juicy details. Without expensive movie channels, I'll have to wait a few months before I get to watch the shit out of this season.Please rant about this in detail for those of us without HBO.