ZenMonkey Announcement

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I loved Zoolander mostly because I have a serious love for Owen Wilson.

Mmmm Owen Wilson.


Staff member
A few notes.

1. How is Zoolander underrated? I hardly hear anyone who thinks that movie isn't pretty genius. Of course Ben Stiller has had a lot of misses since then, but Zoolander is such a bright spot on his resumé!

2. Family Guy is miserable television. It aims for the lowest common denominator and even then misses sometimes. It's irreverent and wacky...which is always welcome. But it's irreverent and wacky in an extremely obnoxious, tired way. Every once in a while they hit it all right.

3. Will Ferrel has gotten WAY too much screen time based on the fact that highschoolers and frat boys are paying to see him talk in a funny voice. Step Brothers was surprisingly good, however. Ferrel + Reilly = win.


Staff member
Family Guy was good when it first hit the scene. But like you said, it's tired. Its schtick is played out, and it's gotten really repetitive.
A few notes.

1. How is Zoolander underrated? I hardly hear anyone who thinks that movie isn't pretty genius. Of course Ben Stiller has had a lot of misses since then, but Zoolander is such a bright spot on his resumé!
I don't know many people who DID like Zoolander. It had a very poor reception at the box office, and the reviews tend to rate on the low end of the scale, so yeah, underrated.
I love Old School, Elf, Ricky Bobby, Anchorman, and Step Brothers but I detest Will Ferrel.

That make any sense?

Wasn't a big Reily fan till "Walk Hard".
I always figured Ferrel blew his movie load too early. Anchorman is still his funniest movie to me, and for the most part it was the exact same character over and over (loud, obnoxious, stupid) for years. Ricky Bobby was at least the first sports-based, but then he went and tried THAT again.

Personally I think he needs more things like Stranger Than Fiction if he wants to prove he's more than a guy with a penchant for taking his shirt off and screaming a lot.


Staff member
Anchorman was his only funny movie. I think that's because it was tailor made for his humor style and his physical appearance. Part of his problem is that the two just don't mesh. He's doesn't look right for childlike humor.


I hated anchorman so very very much.

And Talladega Nights was stupid as well but my god did i laugh. I laughed so damn hard at that movie and I kept asking myself why why are you laughing.

"There's nothing more frightening then driving with a live goddamn cougar next to you. "

HAHAHA still gets me... sigh.:(

* I also loved Elf except for that chick.. so annoying.


Staff member
Zooey? Yeah, ya know, I love her voice but I could take or leave her acting. Then again I haven't seen her in much.
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