[Comics] Amazing Spider-Man comic ends, Marvel drinks SM fan tears. [Spoilers]

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We'll see him using the robotic arms soon enough. If he wants to be a better Spider-Man, he'll want to max out his offensive capabilities. Besides, it's Ock; he'll be very tempted to utilize them.
The iron spider costume kind of has Oct like legs. Maybe he'll bust that out if its still around.
He also briefly wore Ock's arms after Ock died during the Clone Saga back in the nineties.
I remember a comic in which a fat kid stole those arms and tried to be spider-man. He was upset that Spider-Man had taken to the black costume at the time, because he no longer matched.


Staff member
We'll see him using the robotic arms soon enough. If he wants to be a better Spider-Man, he'll want to max out his offensive capabilities. Besides, it's Ock; he'll be very tempted to utilize them.
Wasn't that one of the alternate universe versions of Spider-Man from the 90's cartoon?
On the topic of Scarlet Spider, anyone wonder if Spidercide will make a come-back? If so, he should be hilarious. Because with those bell-bottoms I don't see how he could be a serious character.
On the topic of Scarlet Spider, anyone wonder if Spidercide will make a come-back? If so, he should be hilarious. Because with those bell-bottoms I don't see how he could be a serious character.
Spidercide should never EVER be seen, heard from, or mentioned again. It was around his introduction that I stopped reading Spider-Man.
If he were a serious character than yes! I would agree, he deserved to die his nonsensical death. BUT- if they pulled some Grant Morrison type shit and reinvented him, than maybe. Like he'd realize how stupid a character he was as well as his name, that would be awesome.
I'm not a comic nerd and I'm actually starting to get tempted to see where this goes. Not in a "this is a great ay for Spidey to go", because it isn't, but as a short span? I can see myself liking this Spider for a couple of issues, given they don't completely blow it. And I'm alwyas a fan of Spidey with 8 appendages :p
It was cute in the Spider-Man musical episode of Ultimate Spider-Man, when Paulson showed Peter Parker who was selected in front of him to play Spider-Man in the musical, one of the names was Miles Morales.

That sentence sounds terrible, but that cartoon actually isn't that bad.
Not as good in some ways, but it can actually be more enjoyable as it definitely strays from the norm of most from scratch Spider-Man stuff seem to stick to. Unfortunately, it goes the route of the hulking out super monster Green Goblin from Ultimate Spider-Man which I really, really didn't like in the comics and just as little in the cartoon. It's far more team based with him having to work with White Tiger, Nova, Iron Fist and Power Man all the time.
I just caught up to current Ultimate Spider-Man, and I have to say it's pretty good. Weird stuff going on in the universe, though, some of which I don't know much about. Reed Richards did something and the US is all fucked up, plus Cap just got elected President.


Staff member
I just caught up to current Ultimate Spider-Man, and I have to say it's pretty good. Weird stuff going on in the universe, though, some of which I don't know much about. Reed Richards did something and the US is all fucked up, plus Cap just got elected President.
Same boat as you. Reed being a bad guy confuses me.
I'm pretty sure Ultimate Spiderman is based on the Ultimates Universe, which is why things are different. I'm also pretty sure the "Cap gets elected president" storyline happened there and Reed Richards is kinda awful in that universe as well.

It's a decent show, as they have Man of Action working on it. Those would be the guys responsible for the first 3 Ben 10 incarnations and Generator Rex (which I thought needed more seasons).
I'm pretty sure Ultimate Spiderman is based on the Ultimates Universe, which is why things are different. I'm also pretty sure the "Cap gets elected president" storyline happened there and Reed Richards is kinda awful in that universe as well.
Yeah I know, I just haven't kept up with much of the Ultimate stuff since Ultimatum/Ultimates 3, as it was all pretty terrible.
Speaking of good super hero cartoons, the current Avengers cartoon is great. If they get renewed for another season, I think Civil War is coming. They did an excellent job of covering the Live Kree or Die, Secret Invasion, and Operation Galactic Storm, all in one season.
Speaking of good super hero cartoons, the current Avengers cartoon is great. If they get renewed for another season, I think Civil War is coming. They did an excellent job of covering the Live Kree or Die, Secret Invasion, and Operation Galactic Storm, all in one season.
I know for awhile they wanted to drop it and make a new Avengers show that was more in-line with the movies, but I'm not sure if they are moving forward with that anymore. Honestly, I've never really gotten into the Avengers show and have enjoyed Iron Man: Armored Adventures much more. However, no one is really sure if they are doing a third season of that yet, as the end of season two was called a season finale and not a series one.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes?

Because that's already been cancelled. and it was pretty fantastic.
I'm kinda hoping for a Freakazoid-inspired Deadpool cartoon someday, but that's not going to happen until he gets his own movie.

Does anyone think it's odd that the superhero who got his powers from the internet (Freakazoid) and consequently became a hyperactive nerd with random humor perfectly embodies the internet as it exists now? And that this happened years before the net really took off?
I watched the Beta Ray Bill episode of EMH, and it was pretty good. Might get around to the rest eventually. All the Marvel toons are on Netflix now, seems like.
A freakazoid-style Deadpool cartoon could be the greatest thing ever.

Or just make a TV version of Cable vs. Deadpool.
I watched the Beta Ray Bill episode of EMH, and it was pretty good. Might get around to the rest eventually. All the Marvel toons are on Netflix now, seems like.
Earth's Mightiest Heroes might as well be called Marvel character porn. If you like the Marvel universe, it's definitely enjoyable.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes?

Because that's already been cancelled. and it was pretty fantastic.
It was, and I sure wish it went on for another season to tie up the whole Surtur arc. I still go back and watch some scenes, like when Thor beheads Ultron after Vision disconnects his neck. Actually that show made me love Thor again, just because his badass level was off the charts.

Between Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon I've been really weirded out about the SHIELD helicarrier. I mean it's this huge battle fortress designed to house and utilize some of the most powerful weapons ever. It holds like a thousand SHIELD agents who are the most highly trained people on earth and it just kinda floats there above New York.

Another reason that New York is a bullshit town. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Daredevil and the friggin' helicarrier are all there because fuck the rest of the country.
I'm extremely sad to hear that Earth's Mightiest Heroes will not be returning. I thought the show was the Justice League Unlimited of the Marvel universe.
Between Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Ultimate Spiderman cartoon I've been really weirded out about the SHIELD helicarrier. I mean it's this huge battle fortress designed to house and utilize some of the most powerful weapons ever. It holds like a thousand SHIELD agents who are the most highly trained people on earth and it just kinda floats there above New York.

Another reason that New York is a bullshit town. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, Spiderman, Daredevil and the friggin' helicarrier are all there because fuck the rest of the country.
Think about how often shit happens in New York that actually needs that kind of protection... and now think about how often it happens elsewhere. How many super villains are going to start shit in Columbus, Ohio? How about Nebraska? Omaha? North Carolina?

There's a reason most states only have a single team or individual protecting them from major threats. It's because they just don't have much worth attacking.
Actually, I suppose I should retract my earlier statement about Columbus, Ohio considering we have Dr. Universe and Gretta Gravity attacking all the time. Spinnerette, Mecha Maid, and Tiger just can't keep up it seems. Thank god we have the Canadians showing up to help all the time...

I really appreciate Spinnerette for the detail it uses. It's clearly drawn by someone who lives in the Columbus area and understands what exactly is here. The Laughing Ogre is probably the most famous comic/P&P store in the area and Ohio Research University is clearly OSU, which makes most of it's money from it's research department.


Staff member
So, what superhero teams are protecting Houston, TX? Fourth largest city in the US, an intercontinental airport, major shipping port, NASA, second highest number of fortune 500 companies after New York...

Let's not kid ourselves. New York and California get a lot of superheroes because they're iconic cities that have also had a lot of movies and TV shows set in them. Both writers and readers are familiar with them, so it's easier to set comics in those locations. Cities that haven't had as much time on screen are harder to set comics in because there are fewer people who feel like they're familiar with them.
So, what superhero teams are protecting Houston, TX? Fourth largest city in the US, an intercontinental airport, major shipping port, NASA, second highest number of fortune 500 companies after New York...
According to the Marvel Wiki, they have The Rangers, which includes...

- Firebird
- Phantom Rider
- Red Wolf
- Shooting Star
- Texas Twister
- Armadillo
- Living Lightning

So yeah, you guys managed out pretty good. All Ohio has is Howard the Duck since Machine Man left.
I'm not sure if I should be proud that we have the Great Lakes Avengers (or whatever they're calling themselves nowadays). On the one hand, they're a joke group, on the other, Squirrel Girl is awesome.
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