He probably means how many enemies chase after you. I can only vouch from watching though; my wife's the one playing it ... or was. Then I got her Animal Crossing and I have a feeling if I ever want to see how the story progresses, I'm going to have to start my own Ni No Kuni save file and do it myself.Um... there are no random battles in Ni No Kuni.
Decided to take a glance at my 3DS activity log out of curiosity ... it's amazing to me some of my patterns with things, such as the games I haven't touched since I beat them, or the games I claim to love, yet I've had for almost a year and only played 10 hours of, vs games I played 30 hours of within a couple weeks of getting them. It made me decide to pick up Kid Icarus Uprising again, because I adore that game and it's bizarre I've played so little of it despite it being one of the first games I got for my 3DS. Not only that, I think I've played more multiplayer than single player, so I decided to progress the story.
There's a ... "twist", much as it can be called one for a game with such a shallow plot.
Medusa goes bye-bye at a stage that pretends to be the finale, and then Hades is the bad guy. I honestly thought Dark Pit would take up the antagonist role, but it looks like he's going to be this game's Vegeta.
With that rock to my system, it's either time for some multiplayer (I hope some people are still playing this) or maybe dive back to Shin Megami Tensei IV. Either way, I can get my ass kicked, yay!