Dave's House of Pain

Anyone who wants to participate in a second private Yahoo league, we have only six members. Message me if you're interested.


Staff member
Sweet! We now have 10, which is just fine. Anyone else wants to join they have to bring someone with them! ;)
I got caught up in family stuff (nothing bad) and just wasn't able to get there. Then again, I did set up my picks to hopefully get the best I could.


Staff member
I was there! I swear! I had to go to a party so I downloaded the live draft app from Yahoo. Every time I'd connect it would freeze and then drop me. So I came rushing back home (the party was next door)...and my son was playing Bioshock Infite on the computer. By then it would have been the 8th or 9th round so I said fuck it and went back to the party. Stupid Yahoo app!
I'm going to find Peyton Manning and shoot an arrow in his knee.
Fantasy Manning owners should thank Trevathan for leaving his interception on the other side of the goal line. Otherwise, Peyton may not have needed/wanted to throw for another TD.
A blast from my personal archives:
  1. Pay attention to your players' bye weeks. THE LOS ANGELES XTREME RULE: You can't win a game if your star players are sitting at home because their team isn't playing that week. Keep an eye on the bye weeks for your players, and make sure you have someone backing them up during that week. This is called the LA Xtreme rule because, like the only champions of the XFL, they aren't playing next week.
  2. If your star player goes down early in the season, all is not lost. THE MICHAEL VICK RULE: If your star player is injured in the first four weeks of the season, there are usually plenty of undrafted selections that you can use to replace them with. This is named the Vick rule because of his frequent injuries in the pre-season, especially back in 2003; in years past this was known as the Testaverde rule.
  3. Use the waiver wire to help with your "problem areas" on your roster. THE KURT WARNER RULE: Sometimes the guy you don't draft is the one who ends up leading your team to the championship. This is the Warner rule because of Kurt's success with the Rams in 1999.
  4. Do NOT allow yourself to be "Favred". THE BRETT FAVRE RULE: Don't let yourself get caught benching a star player after a sub-par performance one week, only to see him come back and have the game of his life the next week. Care to guess why this rule is so named?
  5. Pay attention to the weather in your players' games - especially your kicker. THE ADAM VINATIERI RULE: Don't expect a kicker to do well if he's kicking in New England in the middle of December. Also, don't expect a lot of passing yardage in a game played at Lambeau in a snowstorm. This is the Vinatieri rule because of Adam's penchant for hitting kicks - indoors.
  6. Pay attention to matchups: your own players against their opponents, your opponents players against theirs, and your players against your opponents. THE JAMAL LEWIS/CLEVELAND BROWNS RULE: If a star player is facing a team that he has owned in the past, by all means start him. And, if your defense is going up against a team that is basically inept on defense, start them as well. This is especially important for your matchups on the week. Also: keep an eye out for attempts to siphon points from your team by pitting your QB's primary target WR's against you. This is named the Lewis rule for his record-breaking performance against the Cincinnati Bengals in 2003 – in both games that the Ravens faced them.
  7. Your first draft pick will make or break your season - so don't waste it on anything that doesn't get you points. THE MARSHALL FAULK/PRIEST HOLMES/AARON RODGERS RULE: Your first pick is your most important pick, and most likely your best player. Do NOT waste it on anything other than a QB or a RB. This is has been, traditionally, the "Marshall Plan" rule, but Mr. Holmes and Mr .Rodgers have gotten co-billing because of their superiority as a fantasy stud.
  8. Pay attention to your players' teammates, especially your receivers and running backs. THE JIMMY SMITH RULE: If your WR's starting QB is hurt, or if your RB's offensive line is starting to gather injuries, you might want to reconsider starting him. This is the Smith rule because of the on-and-off nature of his former teammates, Keenan McCardell and Mark Brunell. Yes, I got burned by this too many times to count.
  9. Pay attention to the injury reports for your players. THE FRED TAYLOR RULE: If your player is listed as "Questionable" before a game, you really might want to reconsider starting him - especially if he's in one of your "money" positions (QB, RB, WR). Mr. Taylor was notorious for getting injured one week, and the Jaguars not revealing until (essentially) game time if they he was going to be scratched.
  10. Players on teams that have already clinched playoff berths are the Kiss of Death during league playoff time. THE TOM BRADY RULE: If you have managed to get to the playoffs, beware of teams that have nothing to play for in weeks 15 and 16. No-names may get the ball more often than your star player. This happened a few too many times in the author's experience, including a year where he finally got to the league championship and ended up with three key players "sitting" because they were saving it for the playoffs.


Staff member
I kicked ass. I'm the second highest scoring team in the league. I'm also in 5th place.

No justice, I tells ya!
Crap, I'm having such a horrible season. I get players that are supposed to kick ass and they get hurt... supposed to have an easy match-up, they get blown out... I just don't have players that are going consistently from week to week.

Lemme ask for some trade advice: I'm in a 12 team keeper league, and my year is shit. Right now I'm being offered Giovani Bernard for Jordy Nelson. I should mention that in our league keepers count for one round higher than the previous year, so high upside/low round picks are pretty valuable. I took Nelson in the 4th, I think he took Bernard in the 6th. His team is stacked at RB (Bernard is on his bench) and he's had some injuries at WR (Julio Jones), so I'm thinking of asking for swapping picks, say his 6th for my 8th. Does that sound reasonable?
No, because Nelson is going to be Rodgers' main target for the foreseeable future.

EDIT to add: The way that Green Bay's offense is situated, Nelson is going to be Aaron's primary target - for the rest of this year and years to come (Lord willing).
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