[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

Spiders don't bother me and I obviously didn't take her attitude or look into account. So... eh. I'll take the spider away and you all can look at the pretty girl. lol


Staff member
Map of support/opposition for Scottish independence. Red = oppose, Blue = support.

Man, the Welsh really want those Scots outta here.
Map of support/opposition for Scottish independence. Red = oppose, Blue = support.

Man, the Welsh really want those Scots outta here.
Hmm, where did you get that map from Gas? I'd want to look into their figures since they've got NI mostly blue as well when given their pretty strong belief in the Union & close cultural connection to Scotland I'd expect it to be mostly red.
According to that site, 44% of Scots wants to secede, and 42% of the UK is on board with that. The first I can imagine being about right (though official polls put it closer to 47%, there's plenty of wiggle room in the margins), the second sounds off...and as mroosc said, the distribution seems off.


Staff member
According to that site, 44% of Scots wants to secede, and 42% of the UK is on board with that. The first I can imagine being about right (though official polls put it closer to 47%, there's plenty of wiggle room in the margins), the second sounds off...and as mroosc said, the distribution seems off.
It is, after all, an internet poll with a self-selecting source. Not the most scientific of methods.
It took a couple minutes for me to see them as anything other than clasped hands with a big Superman/Elvis curl.



Staff member
Are those bees or wasps/hornets/yellowjackets/other stingy little bastards?
They look like honeybees, but even those you can't be sure, because often enough around here especially they turn out to be those africanized mother fuckers.
My grandfather did too back in the day, before the hives all got africanized.
They takin' our bees' jerbs!

Sorry, couldn't resist. I know the trouble with bee hives dying en masse from the co-worker next door, though over here it's the american foulbrood, not sure if that's the same as what your grandfather's hives struck.
One of my uncles had his own hives, but he died in the 90s, long before all the bee illnesses struck our country. Now, come to think of it, we kids played a lot in his garden with the bees humming and droning beside and there never was any trouble at all.


Staff member
They takin' our bees' jerbs!

Sorry, couldn't resist. I know the trouble with bee hives dying en masse from the co-worker next door, though over here it's the american foulbrood, not sure if that's the same as what your grandfather's hives struck.
One of my uncles had his own hives, but he died in the 90s, long before all the bee illnesses struck our country. Now, come to think of it, we kids played a lot in his garden with the bees humming and droning beside and there never was any trouble at all.
Africanization isn't a disease, it's a genetic strain of bees, there was a big hullaballoo over them in the 90s when they really started moving into the US... colloquially, they're known as "killer bees" because they're much more aggressive about defending their hive.

The spread of Africanized honeybees -

(everything south of there is pretty much already all blue)

They were bred originally in Brazil by a scientist who was trying to breed a type of bee that could handle the tropical climate better and produce more honey than the regular "European" honeybee, and some other dumb schmuck accidentally opened the filters on the hives and the queens got out. Every year after that, they've spread more and more. They're one of the world's most successful invasive species - because they're still genetically "compatible" with regular european bees, so the "killer" bee drones can mate with new european bee queens on their mating flights, and then the queens will establish new hives that are africanized. Additionally, they swarm more often and also like to take over established european bee hives by invading, killing the queen, and then replacing it with one of their own.

Some beekeepers stave off the process by "requeening" every year, that is, they buy a pre-fertilized european bee queen and manually replace their hive's queen every year to try to keep the bees docile. But the farther south you go, the more people have said "screw it" and either given up beekeeping or just accepted the new reality of wrangling killer bees. The silver lining is that, true to their original purpose, they are indeed more hardy in tropical climates and produce 10 times the honey/do 10 times the pollenization. It's just they break out the stings a lot earlier and faster, and if they get too stressed, they are much more likely to say "hell with this" and abscond (abandon the hive and all the food in it and start over somewhere else).


Staff member
The africanized bees will produce the hell out of honey. Even where you don't want it. Like inside my garage walls. Wish I had pictures. They were slick about it. I really didn't notice until I really started smelling honey overwhelmingly. I really like honey, but it was sickening, and it seemed to hit all of a sudden. A friend of mine had a water oak removed, and the hollow was dripping the stuff. They had to crane the tree over his house, and it leaked honey all over his roof.