[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

It'll be nice to live somewhere else for a while and just meet different kinds of people. My hometown just got named "happiest city in America" recently, and I'm just sick of hearing about it. Pride in your home is a great thing, but I'm just disenchanted lately, I suppose. I'm tired of a lot of things about living in the south in general. Girls who ball-bust sensitive guys and say they need a "real southern man," alcohol being tied to every social occasion (I'm not against drinking, but I don't drink just to drink either), the "manners," the heat. I need a change! Can't wait for Jake to graduate and hopefully--eventually-- land a job someplace else.

http://blogs.marketwatch.com/capito...ork-city-is-the-most-unhappy-city-in-america/ <--That's the report. I'll be honest; I still don't quite understand how they figured it all out.
Y'all can come stay with me. I'd love to have someone to cook gumbo with. Y'all can bunk with the doomweasels.


Staff member
Prosperity Bank has to have some of the worst agency-produced commercials I've ever heard. They're dry (no music in the background) and have tons of pauses/dead air. The guy they chose to voice their spots sounds like the smarmiest, whitest, country-club-republicanest, fat-cat-crony-capitalistest douchebag ever. Maybe that's meant to appeal to business customers, but half the ads with the guy's voice are for personal stuff for po' folks... you know, free checking, debit cards, etc. Seriously, this guy sounds like the voice actor for a Captain Planet villain, and he takes so many pauses that it nearly lulls me to sleep.
My office phones have been down for weeks or half-assed working, and now mail that goes to my ticket management server is getting blocked. I am basically dead in the water.


Staff member
Man I am ranty today.

It bothers me when people are vocal about a cause only when they feel like taking the wind out of others' sails. Case in point--anyone who suddenly cared about water conservation during the ice bucket challenge. I wonder how many of those people take 30-minute showers?

My father posted a food art picture, and my shitty uncle posted this tirade about how people all over the country are starving. Well, maybe you should spend your disposable income on food for the poor if you're so concerned, instead of buying drugs. Maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen instead of getting in fights wtih strangers. You fucking douche. This is why everyone hates you. Well, that and your assault on my mother and your deplorable treatment of your parents. Ass.

If you only care about something for the added bonus of being shitty to people who are excited about something, then you suck.
I do not feel like writing this paper on domestic violence. It's the 3rd paper I'm writing in as many weeks. I have another one to go which will be a case study on conduct disorder and a 3 minute video PSA on a crisis I have not chosen yet. I love writing, but I feel like the life is being sucked out of me brain first. I can haz graduation tiem nao? /thud
What the heck is wrong with people that use public restrooms? Just because you have used our public toilet doesn't mean that the next person in there needs to see your bowl of yellow water. FLUSH THE DANGED TOILET YOU INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE. Whoever you are.
My father posted a food art picture, and my shitty uncle posted this tirade about how people all over the country are starving. Well, maybe you should spend your disposable income on food for the poor if you're so concerned, instead of buying drugs. Maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen instead of getting in fights wtih strangers. You fucking douche. This is why everyone hates you. Well, that and your assault on my mother and your deplorable treatment of your parents. Ass.
There's a reason my whole family has my older brother blocked on facebook.
All I wanted was to get out of the house and study for a while. The easiest place to go is the nearby Starbucks. I went this afternoon and the place was crowded. I waited awhile and can back a fwe hours later.

It started to downpour. I waited 20 minutes for a parking space.

I walk through the rain umbrellaless and get to the only table open.



Their Internet is down

Fuck Comcast sideways with a rusty pitchfork.

I was going to explain, but it's way too wordy and it pisses me off, so to hell with it. Their tech support sucks.
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Car troubles for me today. Car turns over, but never gets any fire to start running on it's own. Through metering we cannot figure out what is wrong. It's getting plenty of fuel, battery is good just not running. It's currently sitting in the locked yard at the Honda place... Hopefully something stupid and not something super expensive.
Car would still start with a bad alternator, just would die once all the electricity in the battery was drained.
(fun fact: Your battery isn't there to run your radio, it's there to do two things...start your car, and keep it running long enough to get to safety if your alternator dies while you're driving)
I'm guessing that if it turns over, then the starter isn't bad.

I'm no car guy, but the symptoms suggest:
-bad coil (assuming you don't have individual coil packs per cylinder), except you say that ALL electrical is good so probably not this.
-fuel pump not running (shut-off switch tripped?), except you say that it "...is getting plenty of fuel."
-air intake/filter plugged?
-plugged header/catalytic converter/exhaust?
-EGR valve getting too much vacuum (easy to test, just pull off the vacuum connector and see if it starts then).

PatrThom wins the prize for being closest. Your winnings are getting read about my pain.

Fuel pump and harness assembly have shorted out, giving fuel, but actually really really dangerously. It's gonna be $2000+ on the repair. That is pretty much gonna wipe out my Disney trip account. ARGHHHH!

Good news from it though, the car didn't burst into flames while trying to start it. It's only money, and Little Blue has been a good car for us, only 108000 miles on it in 7.5 years and we've put all but about 28 of those miles on it.
What the heck is wrong with people that use public restrooms? Just because you have used our public toilet doesn't mean that the next person in there needs to see your bowl of yellow water. FLUSH THE DANGED TOILET YOU INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE. Whoever you are.
I would like to tack on the folks that open the bathroom door with a paper towel and then drop it on the floor behind the door as they are leaving. Lazy pricks. Now, the cleaning crew has to clean up after you. Walk literally 10 steps to the trash can around the corner, you idiot stick.
On Friday, the library got new printers / copiers. That's good, since we were having to make maintenance calls on the ones we had every week or so.

Our IT department, when installing the new printers on the servers, forgot to remove the old printers. So now the student accounts are defaulting to printers that are no longer here.


How is it that they are so bad at everything?
So, I was sitting in the Tim Horton's listening to a young girl and boy (both apparently just turned 18) talk about how this social group is better than this and how this guy is always talking behind so and sos back. You know, the shit high schoolers talk about. It made me smile and reminded me just how long ago that was for me, but also reminded me how I don't understand how guys my age go for girls that young. Hell, I know cops older than me that only go after the under 20 crowd at bars. I don't get it. Sure, she was plenty attractive, but that's it. What could anyone my age or older possibly get out of that? Other than a terribly awkward lay from someone inexperienced.

I'll stick to women my age. Experience is a good thing.
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Staff member
What could anyone my age or older possibly get out of that?
Warm, wiggly, disposable revenge on the ones that got away in high school.

Or to put it less tactlessly, they're not after a relationship, they're looking for an appealing place to empty their balls and move on.

Wait, that was supposed to be LESS tactless. Shit.
The GM running our Dragon Age RPG is pouting because a few weeks ago we "let the NPC die". We didn't especially like the NPC, but we were in a dungeon with no healing resources except magic, and she changed the rules on dying on us - normally, once someone's taken to zero hit points, they start "bleeding out" and you have x number of rounds to stabilize them. Well, in this magical dungeon, once you hit zero, that was it - you woke up back in the physical world as a Tranquil. I was about to kill the monster that kept hitting the party with AoE attacks, but I rolled a goddamn 1 for damage - if I'd rolled 3 or better, it would have killed the Sloth Demon, and it wouldn't have gotten to cast Shock once more, dropping Stefano the Rogue to zero hit points.

Now, me and the other player didn't like Stefano - he was flamboyant and annoying and was basically a Zevran knock-off without the charm or humor. The universe didn't like Stefano, either - when the GM would roll a d6 to determine who got hit, it was Stefano more than half the time. We generally had to revive him at least once a gaming session.

So this past weekend she's like, "You know, I don't like how you guys metagamed and treated Stefano like he was disposable, just letting him die" and so on. And I didn't say anything, I wanted her to get out what she had on her mind. But afterwards me and the other player were talking about it, and it was like, "You know, if she hadn't changed the rules on us, if she didn't have that one demon keep using AoE attacks, if Stefano had run out of range before getting down to his last few hit points, if she didn't determine that going to zero hp meant you were basically lobotomized and there was nothing that could be done about it... I mean, yeah, he was down to 4 hp but I was down to 5, and was almost out of mana as it was. So yeah, I supposed I could have run over there and spent the last of my mana healing him... and then been killed the next round. Except instead of an NPC which we picked up 4 sessions ago, we'll have to roll up a whole new character and figure out how to work him in to the campaign."

It just rankles.
Warm, wiggly, disposable revenge on the ones that got away in high school.

Or to put it less tactlessly, they're not after a relationship, they're looking for an appealing place to empty their balls and move on.

Wait, that was supposed to be LESS tactless. Shit.
See, that's the thing. They all try to date these younger girls and then whine when their "relationships" don't work out. I get one night standing. It's not what they're doing. I should have been more specific.
See, that's the thing. They all try to date these younger girls and then whine when their "relationships" don't work out. I get one night standing. It's not what they're doing. I should have been more specific.
Then they're fooling themselves, trying to legitimize an inherently sad / trashy situation. If they were just doing it as a one-night stand, then that'd be... I don't know, at least honest? But there's a certain point of age and life experience after which you really can't relate to the other person on most things, and that's doom for a relationship.
The GM running our Dragon Age RPG is pouting because a few weeks ago we "let the NPC die". We didn't especially like the NPC, but we were in a dungeon with no healing resources except magic, and she changed the rules on dying on us - normally, once someone's taken to zero hit points, they start "bleeding out" and you have x number of rounds to stabilize them. Well, in this magical dungeon, once you hit zero, that was it - you woke up back in the physical world as a Tranquil. I was about to kill the monster that kept hitting the party with AoE attacks, but I rolled a goddamn 1 for damage - if I'd rolled 3 or better, it would have killed the Sloth Demon, and it wouldn't have gotten to cast Shock once more, dropping Stefano the Rogue to zero hit points.

Now, me and the other player didn't like Stefano - he was flamboyant and annoying and was basically a Zevran knock-off without the charm or humor. The universe didn't like Stefano, either - when the GM would roll a d6 to determine who got hit, it was Stefano more than half the time. We generally had to revive him at least once a gaming session.

So this past weekend she's like, "You know, I don't like how you guys metagamed and treated Stefano like he was disposable, just letting him die" and so on. And I didn't say anything, I wanted her to get out what she had on her mind. But afterwards me and the other player were talking about it, and it was like, "You know, if she hadn't changed the rules on us, if she didn't have that one demon keep using AoE attacks, if Stefano had run out of range before getting down to his last few hit points, if she didn't determine that going to zero hp meant you were basically lobotomized and there was nothing that could be done about it... I mean, yeah, he was down to 4 hp but I was down to 5, and was almost out of mana as it was. So yeah, I supposed I could have run over there and spent the last of my mana healing him... and then been killed the next round. Except instead of an NPC which we picked up 4 sessions ago, we'll have to roll up a whole new character and figure out how to work him in to the campaign."

It just rankles.
Sounds like you just have a shitty GM that isn't creative enough to fix things. If I were GM, I'd just look at that and think "PLOT HOOK!"