[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More




Oye. My wife thinks that I have the hots for a coworker. It sucks. That stuff makes working so difficult. I feel like shit now. Ugh.
My wife is the same. She seems to think I'm always on the prowl or that every woman I work with wants to sleep with me. Like I have any game even if I wanted to.
My wife is the same. She seems to think I'm always on the prowl or that every woman I work with wants to sleep with me. Like I have any game even if I wanted to.
I hope this isn't the case, but very often when a partner starts getting very jealous or accusatory, it's because they've got something on the side. They're projecting their guilt onto their partner.


Staff member
I hope this isn't the case, but very often when a partner starts getting very jealous or accusatory, it's because they've got something on the side. They're projecting their guilt onto their partner.
That certainly turned out to be my case.
It was the case in one of my pre-marriage, serious relationships, too. I had suspicion laid on me at every turn. Later I found out he had something going on the side for 2 1/2 years of our 3 year relationship.
Thanks for the hug @Null, but he was a total jackass. I've married someone who is a better person overall than that guy ever could have hoped to be. But I learned a lot about myself from that relationship and did a lot of growing up thanks to it. So, no regrets. ;)
Thanks for the hug @Null, but he was a total jackass. I've married someone who is a better person overall than that guy ever could have hoped to be. But I learned a lot about myself from that relationship and did a lot of growing up thanks to it. So, no regrets. ;)
Still probably sucked a lot when it was happening though.
Still probably sucked a lot when it was happening though.
You're right. It did. Of course right now I'm reading Frankl which seems fitting in relation to this experience; there was meaning in the suffering I went through. After I got over the grief of deception and loss I found that I had learned a lot about myself and what I wanted out of life.
You're right. It did. Of course right now I'm reading Frankl which seems fitting in relation to this experience; there was meaning in the suffering I went through. After I got over the grief of deception and loss I found that I had learned a lot about myself and what I wanted out of life.
Ah, yes, I had one of those. In some ways, a waste of 3 and 1/2 years of my life, but on the other hand, the learning portion left me better off.
I think.

I'd still consider pushing him in front of a bus if I had the chance. Doubly so if the bus was moving.


Staff member
So I'm here at work today. Not supposed to be. The university is putting on an all day event called the Soundz of Freedom. They have bands, vendors, a play-place for the kids, food, beer, and earlier we had skydivers come in to our parking lot. There's also a mobile wall of remembrance for those from Nebraska who have lost their lives. It's awesome. But there's NOBODY HERE! It's free to get in! The day is beautiful. The bands I've heard are actually pretty good. But there's just no crowd at all. There are literally more vendors and volunteers than people in the crowd.

So I'm sitting at my desk, a volunteer who is unneeded, on the off chance I might be anytime soon. It sucks that I'm kinda stuck here, but it sucks more that there's no crowd.


Staff member
My uncle in Arkansas has pancreatitis and might die. I just saw him this past summer, and he was fine. It's a shock to all of us, and my poor aunt, who had 4 or 5 miscarriages, doesn't need more loss, especially with her only son going off to study abroad soon. My mom went to be with her sister and got in a car accident on the 2nd day. The guy tried to flee the scene, left his wife/girlfriend and her baby behind in the car. She didn't sustain any serious injuries, but she's going to be sore and bruised for a couple of weeks. My sister might have yo drive up and get her if she's in too much pain to drive herself. Car is totalled.

If my uncle dies, jake and i will be traveling to Arkansas for the funeral. And this is where I feel like a shit person, because the thought of that is stressing me out. Writing 3-4 days of sub plans is a nightmare, especially with so little warning, and work has been stressful lately anyway. Of course I don't care about that as much as my uncle. But it's there in my head and on top of all this other shit that's happening I now also feel like a jerk.

No more funerals. I can't go to one more funeral. I can't.
It is 4 am, my time off just got canceled, need to be in to run the "shop" this morning. Allowed myself some cherry chip cake and vanilla ice cream. This is only a minor rant because I pretty much assumed it would happen and theoretically it should only be a half day.
I still hate translation clients. "Hey, we're going to dock your pay by 20% because this line break is in the wrong place."
One of my kids took a look at the blank map on my quiz, raised his hand, and told me that he couldn't label South America without a compass rose, because without it he couldn't tell which direction was south.

Future leaders of America, ladies and gentlemen.


Staff member
I feel like writing.. but I don't really have the words for what I want to convey, and it's not a short story.

It's not especially uplifting. It might even be dour. It'd be about how you can only rely on yourself and no-one else, how you need to be as self-sufficient as you can possibly be, because you can't truly trust that someone else will do what needs to be done, or will always be able to. It'd be about how in an ideal world, you would have every skill you would ever need, and be able to accomplish every possible thing you could ever hope to without the aid of another. People fail, forget, don't care, lie, or are mistaken, and very rarely could you find someone who's always able to meet whatever need there is reliably. So you can only trust yourself to assist yourself. You take care of your own problems and you don't ever need other people.

It's somewhat dark, it's somewhat idealistic, and it's also not feasible for a multitude of reasons. But that's what I feel like writing right now.
One of my kids took a look at the blank map on my quiz, raised his hand, and told me that he couldn't label South America without a compass rose, because without it he couldn't tell which direction was south.

Future leaders of America, ladies and gentlemen.
At least they knew what a compass rose was. Stay positive!
(Had this briefly in the Rant thread, but really, it's not a major issue enough to warrant being there.)

I really wish I knew some people in the city who would be interested in playing my tabletop wrestling RPG. I don't know anyone, aside from @HCGLNS, but he's understandably busy with work and a family, so his availability is lacking to join on a regular, weekly basis like I'd love to have. That's not fault on his part because I fully understand that he has many responsibilities that come first.

But it's just...argh. I know so few people in the city. I don't know anyone right now that even plays any RPGs. Worse, Spirit of Wrestling is such a niche idea within role-playing that it's incredibly hard to find anyone who would even be interested in playing it. I've been wanting to get something with it off the ground for years, but just don't know anyone who wants to play it.

I think I may have to just give up on the idea and come to terms that it's too niche for anyone.[DOUBLEPOST=1410909270,1410909189][/DOUBLEPOST]
I feel like writing.. but I don't really have the words for what I want to convey, and it's not a short story.

It's not especially uplifting. It might even be dour. It'd be about how you can only rely on yourself and no-one else, how you need to be as self-sufficient as you can possibly be, because you can't truly trust that someone else will do what needs to be done, or will always be able to. It'd be about how in an ideal world, you would have every skill you would ever need, and be able to accomplish every possible thing you could ever hope to without the aid of another. People fail, forget, don't care, lie, or are mistaken, and very rarely could you find someone who's always able to meet whatever need there is reliably. So you can only trust yourself to assist yourself. You take care of your own problems and you don't ever need other people.

It's somewhat dark, it's somewhat idealistic, and it's also not feasible for a multitude of reasons. But that's what I feel like writing right now.
So write it. If it's in your head, then write it out. Don't think about what it's supposed to convey or how people might think about it or you if you write it. No one else has to see it but you, if you want.
Are there any FLGSes in the city? I know here, if you were interested in something like that, you'd go in, talk to the owner about it and he'd gauge interest among his regulars.
Yeah, there aren't any real dedicated RPG stores. I know the one I'm referring to is a comic book store, but they also do Magic the Gathering, Warhammer, War Machine, etc. Last time I was in there an older gentlemen came in and talked to the owner about setting up a 5th edition D&D group. The owner advertised it on Facebook and to people who came in that he knew were into D&D. He also offered the store as a place to hold it.

Just an idea. The worst thing that could happen is they tell you no.