[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
I am covered in a stress rash. Awesome. My nice skin--one of the few things about my body I'm actually pretty proud of--is covered in gross red blotches. If I continue working at this intensity level, I might just turn into a lobster.


Staff member
My ex isn't handling this Just Friends thing very well and has fallen into old habits like when we were dating (hovering around me, playful punching, nudging, flopping on me, standing really close, flirting, talking to me every day, relying on me for things, etc), so much so that people think we're dating again.

That being said, I do hate upsetting her (or anyone, really, but she's very sensitive), and anytime I let her know I don't like something, she gets very upset about it. Thing is, we went to a convention this past weekend and it got out of hand, so I'm sending her an e-mail stating everything clearly and basically saying that stuff can't happen anymore.

It's going to ruin her day and probably upset her for a while, but I pretty much have to.

Pretty sure you really just need to stay away from her indefinitely until she's with someone else for awhile. It may suck since you have the same friends, but I was totally this type of person for a time in college and it was bad for both of us.


Staff member
Yeah. It's pretty much impossible to avoid each other, and she's had over a year to try to get over me. It's all just complicated and I hate drama, but it seems the drama llama will be following me for a while.
I do not have to pick up any children from school today until 4:30 because of after school activities. I am pretty sure around 2:00, my brain is going to start freaking out, and then around 3:30 I will be going into a panic that I haven't left to pick up any kids yet. Even though I know I don't have to. Because that's just how my brain works.
This town has the worst drivers I have ever seen. I said this to a local and he told me it was due to all the influx of people from New England! So, thanks NY, NJ, MD, PA, and MA for exporting your worst drivers. Nearly every member of my lab has been rear-ended since moving here, including me. I have seen so many illegal U-turns, turning left in a right turn only lane, and just all-around asshatery. It's nuts. @Officer_Charon can you come up here for a sabbatical and hand out citations like church-tracts?

@Covar and @filmfanatic tagging y'all since you live in the area too.
Lazy, slow, southern drivers and angry, fast yankee drivers are a very volatile mixture. Extreme care should be taken.
This town has the worst drivers I have ever seen. I said this to a local and he told me it was due to all the influx of people from New England! So, thanks NY, NJ, MD, PA, and MA for exporting your worst drivers. Nearly every member of my lab has been rear-ended since moving here, including me. I have seen so many illegal U-turns, turning left in a right turn only lane, and just all-around asshatery. It's nuts. @Officer_Charon can you come up here for a sabbatical and hand out citations like church-tracts?

@Covar and @filmfanatic tagging y'all since you live in the area too.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland are most certainly not part of New England. New England is Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
I do not have to pick up any children from school today until 4:30 because of after school activities. I am pretty sure around 2:00, my brain is going to start freaking out, and then around 3:30 I will be going into a panic that I haven't left to pick up any kids yet. Even though I know I don't have to. Because that's just how my brain works.
That happened to me at the beginning of this school year. Lily's Pre-K got out last year at 11:45. This year she's in full day kindergarten. Every day at lunch I would get this overwhelming feeling that I was late getting her from school.


Staff member
Man, I have missed my workout for 2 weeks, and I've been working 10-12 hour days trying to debug a piece of software. I got a talking to yesterday about how long it's taking compared to my estimate. I fully admit I suck at estimation. I see a problem like this, and I think, yeah, I can code that up in a day. And I do, but then there's that 3 weeks of debugging and tweaking I always account poorly for. Sometimes more depending on how poorly written the code is that I'm interfacing with.
Fair enough. From NJ's perspective, Maryland is the beginning of The South. Actually, pretty much everything south of Philadelphia and west of Harrisburg is The South.


Staff member
My wife's from the NYC area, and to them, everything that isn't NYC is the south. Including (especially?) the rest of NY.
And anything north of the mason dixon is basically Stalinist Russia.
Da, comrade.
This town has the worst drivers I have ever seen. I said this to a local and he told me it was due to all the influx of people from New England! So, thanks NY, NJ, MD, PA, and MA for exporting your worst drivers.
You're welcome! We had plenty extra! (As others have mentioned, we're the Mid Atlantic, not New England.)