[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Whoa whoa whoa. Okay, Bones. We need to give a quick biology lesson. Hemorrhoids are not children. I'm not giving birth to a child out of my ass. Men are actually incapable of giving birth and I'm pretty sure if we did, they wouldn't start as a fleshy lump on the anus. Now, I know this will blow your mind, but it's true. Now, let me go into a long diatribe about -

Ohhhhhhhhhh. You were talking about Officer_Charon!

My bad.
Im sorry, I was busy at work and wrote the message but took an hour to post it.
You can look at it one of two ways:
Southern Catholic girls are extremely easy.
Southern Catholic girls wear skirts as part of their school uniform.

Gods, I hated those skirts.
So you moved to Canada, where you'd never be expected to wear a skirt again. ;)
Get home from work at 0030 or so... fall asleep about 1-ish.

Daughter comes into room at about 2 with breathing issues - seasonal change is apparently murder on her asthma. She climbs into bed with my wife and son and I. I finally climb out and grab a blanket, sitting against the bed next to her, rubbing her back, helping to keep her calm which helps her breathing.

After about 45 minutes or so she sits up and says "Daddy, I wanna go..." and reaches her arms out to me. Not sure where she wants to go, I lift her up, listen to her breathing, and go to wake my wife up, to let her know I'm debating taking her to the ER if her breathing doesn't improve.

Whereupon she pukes down my back. Which ironically enough seems to ease her breathing.

Get her cleaned up and put to bed, lie down in her room with her. We go through this two more times.

So in addition to asthma issues today, she's also got a stomach bug. Lovely.

And this is on the day that I work until 7am, after coming in at 2pm.

There ain't enough coffee in the world, today. But at least Rhiannon seems to be feeling better after she got that last one out.
I had a cousin with terrible asthma as a kid. Everytime she had an asthma attack she would puke a lot.

But yeah I've been there except it was all down my front.
It sounds so repugnant but there are some that might find it fragrant. Your significant other might say, "I like the stench of your balls" or "I wish I could bottle the stench and apply it to my own nethers." It could happen. You don't know.


Staff member
It sounds so repugnant but there are some that might find it fragrant. Your significant other might say, "I like the stench of your balls" or "I wish I could bottle the stench and apply it to my own nethers." It could happen. You don't know.
I do know.
Blew out a tire going about 80 mph on the expresssway this evening.

Still alive, no injuries.

Car's wheel well is pretty well shot though.

Decided between a major car rant and a minor life victory it's a minor rant.
So, hit the 5 month mark with the girlfriend and it's tension city. We've never really fought but there's certainly an issue with space, distance and timing that's causing some friction. I usually spend weekends at her place and the past two weekends have been tough with her and work and how she would like to be able to relax, but doesn't feel like she can because I'm there for 3 days 24/7. So now I've pulled back completely and am a little gun shy about spending a weekend up there again in the immediate future.

She's an awesome girl, definitely A+, but I also recognize that I've been putting a lot of effort in that maybe was working against me simply because she's unaccustomed to having someone around that much, especially because she's a little introverted and needs recovery time. So I'll focus on me in the meantime and give her a bunch of space and let her make some decisions.

Edit: And a long phone call resolves the majority of it. Not sure what it is, but this girl sneaks past all my defenses and it drives me bonkers.
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So, hit the 5 month mark with the girlfriend and it's tension city. We've never really fought but there's certainly an issue with space, distance and timing that's causing some friction. I usually spend weekends at her place and the past two weekends have been tough with her and work and how she would like to be able to relax, but doesn't feel like she can because I'm there for 3 days 24/7. So now I've pulled back completely and am a little gun shy about spending a weekend up there again in the immediate future.

She's an awesome girl, definitely A+, but I also recognize that I've been putting a lot of effort in that maybe was working against me simply because she's unaccustomed to having someone around that much, especially because she's a little introverted and needs recovery time. So I'll focus on me in the meantime and give her a bunch of space and let her make some decisions.
So I have been spending most of my time at my girlfriends place. Coming home only to get new clothes and wash the used ones. Seems that my roommate has done the same.

Nobody took out the trash.

Came home, pulled out the trashbag and got greeted by the most offensive smell in my whole life. I have been maced and it wasnt this painfull. Put the bag into a larger trashbag tied the top,ran into the bath and vomited into the toillet. Now the trash is gone and I scrubbed every freaking surface in the kitchen to get the smell away.
Does anyone have a tip to get your room smelling cleaner without having to buy air freshener?


Staff member
A flat, open pan of vinegar works pretty well. The more of it exposed to the air the better. Just plain white vinegar. It'll stink itself for a while, but it will get rid of the smell.


Staff member
A flat, open pan of vinegar works pretty well. The more of it exposed to the air the better. Just plain white vinegar. It'll stink itself for a while, but it will get rid of the smell.
I do this once a month to freshen up my house. It works wonders.


Staff member
Today I had only limited time for lunch because I had to run some chores first. Figure I'd drop by BK on the way back (plain chicken sandwich, diet lemonade, apple slices instead of fries). I'm turning out of the bank and this guy starts to go when it's not his turn. He stops after realizing his mistake and waves at me, so I wave him through. I shoulda just been an asshole and gone.

He drives fucking slow as shit in front of me and then turns into BK ahead of me. He's obviously ordering for the entire office because it took almost 15 minutes for him to leave the speaker. Oh, and because there were cars behind me I couldn't back out & drive off. He gets to the window and is still talking to the guy by the time I get up there after giving my order. I wait again behind this douche and I realize he's ordering more stuff at the window! He leaves and I find out that he took the last hot chicken sandwich. Would I like a spicy one or do I want to wait 5 minutes? Spicy it is.

Got back late to work for a meeting so I had shit time to eat. All because I was nice in traffic.