[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Far as I know, in german it's just der Balkan, singular, for the whole region.
Of course there's Balkan mountain range and stuff, but I keep it simple for myself.
Far as I know, in german it's just der Balkan, singular, for the whole region.
Of course there's Balkan mountain range and stuff, but I keep it simple for myself.
Gas is possibly referring to the Balkan States, as in the group of small nation-states in the region. Often called "The Balkans".
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Staff member
Far as I know, in german it's just der Balkan, singular, for the whole region.
Of course there's Balkan mountain range and stuff, but I keep it simple for myself.
Probably an english thing then. We do it to our own mountains too - "The Rocky Mountains" simply become "the Rockies," likewise for the Appalachians, the Catskills, The Sangre de Cristos, the Sandias, and more.[DOUBLEPOST=1412290684,1412290641][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gas is referring to the Balkan States, as in the group of small nation-states in the region. Often called "The Balkans".
Yeah, that.
Yep, a language thing. And probably also a personal thing. Officially it's the Balkan peninsula,but even the news just talk about the Balkan as the whole region.
Bought a bag of beef jerky, one of the pieces of jerky had what is probably a #2-sized shotgun pellet in it.


You're supposed to save it, send it to the company with a note, "I found the secret pellet in the jerky. I'm returning it for a prize, and so you can put it in another piece for the next winner."

If there's any likelihood of metal contamination in a food line, all food has to go through a metal detector which rejects any food containing metal. Now I'm curious what the process is for their jerky.
The usual process for killing animals (cows, anyway) for processing is for an air-driven projectile or piston to be fired into an animal's skull. Shotgun pellets (actual lead shotgun pellets, mind you, not even bismuth) play no part in this equation.

So why was it there? It's a story, I'm sure.

The usual process for killing animals (cows, anyway) for processing is for an air-driven projectile or piston to be fired into an animal's skull. Shotgun pellets (actual lead shotgun pellets, mind you, not even bismuth) play no part in this equation.

So why was it there? It's a story, I'm sure.

Was it venison jerky? I don't believe we have any large scale production herds of white tail deer. They might just buy the meat from people who process the deer for hunters... everyone wants antlers and hides, but not everyone wants hundreds of pounds of jerky, so they ten to end up with lots of meat come hunting season.
Was it venison jerky? I don't believe we have any large scale production herds of white tail deer. They might just buy the meat from people who process the deer for hunters... everyone wants antlers and hides, but not everyone wants hundreds of pounds of jerky, so they ten to end up with lots of meat come hunting season.
Nope. Beef. I wouldn't have found it unusual if it was venison, duck, goose, or squirrel jerky. But beef? Someone's ranch probably had an "incident."

Nope. Beef. I wouldn't have found it unusual if it was venison, duck, goose, or squirrel jerky. But beef? Someone's ranch probably had an "incident."

It could be a cow got hit by a stray shot, and no one noticed it. It usually happens to at least one person around my area each deer season. You'll hear about a horse or cow that was hit by a stray bullet.
I did not have enough coffee this morning to deal with work.

We're having a Power Pack class this weekend, which is basically trying to cram a semester's worth of classes into 3 weekends. It's the first of the academic year, so a lot of people attending aren't regular students and they don't have network accounts set up.

Every class this weekend has a required online component.

Normal procedure is that we in the library take down names and student ID#s and send them to IT for the account to be created.

IT won't be in until Monday.

Great fucking planning around here, I'll tell you.
Nearly every day for the last 2 months... we just had one in my precinct, looks drug-related.
Yeah, I was being pouty about it. I only get to see my girlfriend on weekends and I spent most of Saturday and until early morning Sunday 3 hours from home dealing with one.

Jesus though, every day. It's so infrequent here in comparison.
Jesus though, every day. It's so infrequent here in comparison.
Wasn't meaning to get into a bitching competition... I feel you on stealing time to spend with those you care about, and having it snatched away by a late call, or needing to work an investigation. Sometimes there's just no getting around it.
You change your avatar to a girl in the rain. You change your banner to something rainy. Then you post this gem: " I am so tired of being lied to. I am done with relationships...."

And my first reaction is to reply "Oh, you mean again? Or is this different...again? Because I feel like I'm having deja vu."
You change your avatar to a girl in the rain. You change your banner to something rainy. Then you post this gem: " I am so tired of being lied to. I am done with relationships...."

And my first reaction is to reply "Oh, you mean again? Or is this different...again? Because I feel like I'm having deja vu."
Especially when it's the third goddamn time this week. Followed hours later by "I'm so happy, love is amazing!" etc, etc.
Get home from work at 0030 or so... fall asleep about 1-ish.

Daughter comes into room at about 2 with breathing issues - seasonal change is apparently murder on her asthma. She climbs into bed with my wife and son and I. I finally climb out and grab a blanket, sitting against the bed next to her, rubbing her back, helping to keep her calm which helps her breathing.

After about 45 minutes or so she sits up and says "Daddy, I wanna go..." and reaches her arms out to me. Not sure where she wants to go, I lift her up, listen to her breathing, and go to wake my wife up, to let her know I'm debating taking her to the ER if her breathing doesn't improve.

Whereupon she pukes down my back. Which ironically enough seems to ease her breathing.

Get her cleaned up and put to bed, lie down in her room with her. We go through this two more times.

So in addition to asthma issues today, she's also got a stomach bug. Lovely.

And this is on the day that I work until 7am, after coming in at 2pm.

There ain't enough coffee in the world, today. But at least Rhiannon seems to be feeling better after she got that last one out.
Get home from work at 0030 or so... fall asleep about 1-ish.

Daughter comes into room at about 2 with breathing issues - seasonal change is apparently murder on her asthma. She climbs into bed with my wife and son and I. I finally climb out and grab a blanket, sitting against the bed next to her, rubbing her back, helping to keep her calm which helps her breathing.

After about 45 minutes or so she sits up and says "Daddy, I wanna go..." and reaches her arms out to me. Not sure where she wants to go, I lift her up, listen to her breathing, and go to wake my wife up, to let her know I'm debating taking her to the ER if her breathing doesn't improve.

Whereupon she pukes down my back. Which ironically enough seems to ease her breathing.

Get her cleaned up and put to bed, lie down in her room with her. We go through this two more times.

So in addition to asthma issues today, she's also got a stomach bug. Lovely.

And this is on the day that I work until 7am, after coming in at 2pm.

There ain't enough coffee in the world, today. But at least Rhiannon seems to be feeling better after she got that last one out.
You are a good person and a good dad. Im sorry that had to happen to you.
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You are a good person and a good dad. Im sorry that had to happen to you.
Whoa whoa whoa. Okay, Bones. We need to give a quick biology lesson. Hemorrhoids are not children. I'm not giving birth to a child out of my ass. Men are actually incapable of giving birth and I'm pretty sure if we did, they wouldn't start as a fleshy lump on the anus. Now, I know this will blow your mind, but it's true. Now, let me go into a long diatribe about -

Ohhhhhhhhhh. You were talking about Officer_Charon!

My bad.