Halforums Academy 2 Character Creation Thread

@Zero Esc

FYI guys, other available hairstyles include all kinds of tails, braids, and lengths ranging from "ankle length" to "super sayian".
Actually, mine's perfect! That's almost exactly how my haircut looks right now! (Maybe not The Little Mermaid shade of red, but I love that, too!)
Physical Attributes-
Body type ( Average):
Skin Coloration (Pale):
Eye Shape (large vacant eyes):
Eye Color (Deep Blue):
Glasses (thin, black, metal, rounded rectangle shaped glasses):
Additional Descriptions (thickish eyebrows):
Hairstyle and color Dark Brown, parted on the sides, short
ame: Doc Cupcake
Intelligence (4):
Strength (3):
Sociability (3):
Virtue (3):
Sexual Orientation (3):
Fighting Style: One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."
Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.
Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Perverted- Prone to being horny, easier to talk into lewd acts, never runs when they see naughty things.
Studious- hangs around the library, more likely to accept invitations to study
Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Keys to Bone's "Vault of Anime"
Token of love: The script to that one anime, signed by the staff and covered in lipstick marks from all those hot VA's
Sexual token: That one porno mag, you know the one, borderline acceptable smut, "The Idol of Rule 34"
Club- The SOS Brigade.
Physical Attributes-
Body type Fat
Skin Coloration Somewhere between tan and pale.
Eye Shape almond
Eye Color Grey
Glasses thin half-framed
Additional Descriptions n/a
Hairstyle and color Short, slightly unruly brown hair.

Name: Gregory Mahan
Intelligence 5
Strength 4
Sociability 3
Virtue 1
Sexual Orientation 2
Fighting Style:
One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Schemer- Calculating and intellectual, outwardly polite but seeks to get ahead through intrigue and manipulation.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Easygoing- "Clicks" easier with romantic interests, easy to fall in love, has chemistry with more people.
Perverted- Prone to being horny, easier to talk into lewd acts, never runs when they see naughty things.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: "Wish you were here" card
Token of love: Claddagh ring
Sexual token: a permanent hicky

Club- Kendo
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I will be either male or female as needed.

Physical Attributes-
Height (Short/Average/Tall): Tall
Figure (Thin/Medium/Chubby): Thin
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): Round
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Grey, with a tinge of green/blue
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options): Nah
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): thick framed, black
Additional descriptions (Optional, eg "flatchested," "wasp-waisted," "Mole on chin/eye," "angry bushy eyebrows," etc, describe in detail): Smallish breast size
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Tousled, blonde, pixie-cut
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: Mindy Tective
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 3
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 3
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 3
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 3
Fighting Style: Irregular
(Pick one of the following:
No Restraint - this style foregoes all defense on an all out barrage of offense, seeking to overwhelm the unprepared. Generally beats "Irregular."
One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."
Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow.")

Personality - Pick One of the following
Tomboy- A girl of few words. Rough around the edges. Respects those who can keep up with her on the leaderboard.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Class President- unlikely to become romantically involved with teachers. Can get teachers fired if catching them with students inappropriately, more frequently suggests group activities to everyone present.
Scheming- increases the chance of success in spreading negative rumors, increased chance of taking advantage of the exploitable.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: signed photo
Token of love: photo album
Sexual token: naughty photo

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- The SOS Brigade.
Once again, guys get less options unfortunately.

Physical Attributes-
Body type (Pick one- Delicate, Average, Tall, Fat): Tall
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): round
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): grey, with blue/green tinge
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): Thick, black
Additional Descriptions (With guys, this is limited to custom eyebrow tailoring): blond, thin eyebrows
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Totally bald, if possible. Blond, shortest cut, otherwise.
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: Min Tective
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 3
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 3
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police): 3
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 1
Fighting Style:
(Pick one of the following: Irregular
No Restraint - this style foregoes all defense on an all out barrage of offense, seeking to overwhelm the unprepared. Generally beats "Irregular."
One Blow - this style carefully defends until an opening is presented, then attempts to end the fight in one decisive strike. Generally beats "No Restraint."
Irregular - this style balances attack and defense, attempting to be unpredictable to gain the upper hand. Generally beats "One Blow.")

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Schemer- Calculating and intellectual, outwardly polite but seeks to get ahead through intrigue and manipulation.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Class President- unlikely to become romantically involved with teachers. Can get teachers fired if catching them with students inappropriately, more frequently suggests group activities to everyone present.
Scheming- increases the chance of successfully spreading negative rumors, increased chance of taking advantage of the exploitable.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: stick-on-tattoo
Token of love: poem
Sexual token: underwear

Club- Pick one, can change during the game. Sports raise strength, arts raise intelligence, SOS Brigade raises both but much more slowly- The SOS Brigade.


Staff member
The @MindDetective twins want to have it both ways, and are here to start trouble.


(We can decide which one to use as it becomes more apparent which gender we're short on)[DOUBLEPOST=1414970836,1414970675][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually, mine's perfect! That's almost exactly how my haircut looks right now! (Maybe not The Little Mermaid shade of red, but I love that, too!)
Oh and I even toned down the red. That's not the reddest red available. There is a full blown ruby-laser FIRE ENGINE RED that is one of the default options.[DOUBLEPOST=1414971004][/DOUBLEPOST]Gad dammit I forgot the glasses on female MD again. Sec.
Physical Attributes-
Body type Average
Skin Coloration Pale
Eye Shape vacant, average size
Eye Color Blue
Glasses None
Additional Descriptions Quick phone picture (hair is mostly brown, noticeable grey):

Name: Chris En
Intelligence 4
Strength 3
Sociability 2
Virtue 3
Sexual Orientation 1
Fighting Style: One Blow

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:
Geek(Otaku)- Acts like a dork, invokes comic/videogame culture in social interactions, talks like someone out of a novel or movie.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Courteous- increases chance of success when inviting someone to go do something.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: action figure
Token of love: mp3 mix
Sexual token: favorite shirt

Club- Band


Staff member
Physical Attributes-
Body type (Pick one- Delicate, Average, Tall, Fat): Average
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Between Pale and Tanned?
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): Round
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Green
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames):
Additional Descriptions (With guys, this is limited to custom eyebrow tailoring): Bushy eyebrows
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Dirty blonde, medium length, thick, parted down middle

Name: Fade McFadey
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 5 (duh)
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 4
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 1
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police): 3
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 1
Fighting Style: Irregular

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options:

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Scheming- increases the chance of successfully spreading negative rumors, increased chance of taking advantage of the exploitable.
Studious- hangs around the library, more likely to accept invitations to study

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: A coupon for Denny's
Token of love: Partly chewed gum with some flavor left
Sexual token: A lock of chest hair. Possibly even mine.

Club- Culture
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Staff member
Mkay. Wow, the schemers are coming out of the woodwork. I won't be able to build your char until after I get home from work, obviously.


Staff member
If there's too many, Rough works for me, too.
Nah, you're just the third. We're way over on Geeks. Kinda surprised nobody's chosen rough though, and only one "positive." Though I guess Frank and Jay haven't made their appearance yet, though I wouldn't wager on Jay showing up this time.

But still, it'd have been nice if the guys had more options than "Wimp, Dudebro, Geek, Punk, or Slimeball."

... Actually that kind of covers most of the bases, doesn't it.
Every time I look at Mind Detective's or Tinwhistler's pose, all I can think of is this:
(at around 2:35)


Staff member
Apparently there are fans who are tired of that pose on their schemers too, there's actually a mod available out there to "make the Schemer personality stop checking his pulse every 3 seconds"
Gonna pass this time 'round. Things could be getting a little... difficult... in this state in the near future.


Staff member
Gonna pass this time 'round. Things could be getting a little... difficult... in this state in the near future.
Jeez, sorry to hear that, man. I shudder to think how... difficult... things have to get for a corrections officer to not afford him time to read a blog. Good luck to ya.
If we have too many Geek/Otaku types, I could play something different, if it wouldn't be too major a fix.