Halforums Academy 2 Character Creation Thread

Oh what the hell, I haven't been around much recently, but this was vastly entertaining last time, so if there's still room in class...

Physical Attributes-
Height (Short/Average/Tall): Tall
Figure (Thin/Medium/Chubby): Chubby
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Mediterranean
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): bright, almond, narrow
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): one purple, one green
Makeup (Optional mascara or lipstick, unfortunately no blush options): none
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): none
Additional descriptions (Optional, eg "flatchested," "wasp-waisted," "Mole on chin/eye," "angry bushy eyebrows," etc, describe in detail): remember the epic boobs from last time? that. also, freckles, and if possible ridiculous long bright red nails (think talons)
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): mid-back length, curly/wavey, thick, no bangs, tied back if possible, and if a rainbow of colours is an option, that, if not, dark red.
Feel free to attach a picture for me to work toward if you like.

Name: First and Last: Dirona Underhill
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 4
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 2
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 3
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a brazen slattern, 5 being the morality police): 3
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 2
Fighting Style: One Blow

Personality - Pick One of the following

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Courteous- increases chance of success when inviting someone to go do something.
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: A Saint's Medallion
Token of love: embroidery sampler
Sexual token: journal containing what they say in their sleep

Club- Swim, (or Band or SOS Brigade.)


Staff member
REALLY, @PatrThom, really? "Goober?" Well here's another suspender enthusiast to add to the bunch.


@Officer_Charon's rule 63 persona is back - Lana Karron once more patrols the halls, ready to break some balls - and some hearts. Her Janine Melnitz hairbob has leveled up between semesters.


Speaking of returning names, @Dirona thought she was out... but WE PULLED HER BACK IN! The hairbun's come undone some, but the plus-bust's a must and the self-hate is (hopefully permanently) gone, and now everything's all "Cheesy who?"
(Sorry Dirona, Japanese kids apparently don't have freckles, but I gave you a beauty mark by each eye... best I could do)


And finally, a new contender enters the arena. Still echoing in recent memory was the tragic murder of a @Terrik , and someone's here looking for answers.. and maybe more. Meet Li Jun Jun, the smoking gun.

li jun terrik.png
[DOUBLEPOST=1415158920,1415158817][/DOUBLEPOST]There are two, count em, TWO desks left for prospective students.


Staff member
Ha, love it.
As long as I'm running things, there will always be a smoking gun at Halforums Academy.[DOUBLEPOST=1415159195,1415159108][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, Lana's got that school swimsuit tanline you wanted, O_C, but it ain't likely we'll get to see it now is it? Unless the hand of fate makes somebody invade the girl's showers at just the right moment or something.


Staff member
I kinda thought @Frank and @bhamv3 would turn up for this, actually. Maybe the last two seats will get snagged by everybody's favorite gay couple from semester 1, @Bubble181 and @Shawnacy? I'm not holding out much hope for @Jay. Maybe a dark horse in the form of @klew or @stienman will show up.[DOUBLEPOST=1415159646,1415159598][/DOUBLEPOST]
That DOES raise the question... I didn't see if you were going to be including a teacher in the bunch...
That does raise that question, doesn't it.

I thought about participating, but the last Academy didn't really grab me as much as I thought it would, so I figured I'd let someone else have a chance this time.


Staff member
He's not wearing suspenders. He's asking you to guess in which hand he's holding the Lego minifig.

You said "geek" wasn't the right personality, but you were wrong.[DOUBLEPOST=1415160179,1415160142][/DOUBLEPOST]
I thought about participating, but the last Academy didn't really grab me as much as I thought it would, so I figured I'd let someone else have a chance this time.
Plus it'd be a heck of a time explaining how you got out of jail.
Seems like you have enough girls this time around, so I'm rolling a guy:

Physical Attributes-
Body type: Average
Skin Coloration: Pale
Eye Shape: Large, long eyelashes
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Glasses: Frameless
Additional Descriptions: Thick brown long, almost unbrow - but not quite
Hairstyle and color: Short, parted, business-interview-like

Name: Adam Stienman
Intelligence: 4
Strength: 2
Sociability: 2
Virtue: 5
Sexual Orientation: 1
Fighting Style: One Blow

Personality: Gentle

Traits -
Bad with girls- Has difficulty dealing with girls. Slow to improve relations, refuses to interrupt a girl who is doing something.
Calm- less prone to changing moods, resistant to getting angry, less likely to interrupt conversations.

Friendship token: USB flash drive with virus and malware detection and removal software.
Token of love: A ring
Sexual token: A baby

Club- Culture


Staff member
And just like that, Eve @stienman becomes Adam, and nobody bats an eyelash.
BTW, you didn't specify hair color, so I just assumed it matched your brown eyebrows.


Sexual token: A baby
Oh you got jokes, eh? Yeah, laugh it up. SOMEBODY'S probably gettin' one this time around - it's a feature that's been added.
Of course, you kinda stack the deck against yourself a little bit going 5 morality and "bad with girls."

There is now only 1 slot available for a student.[DOUBLEPOST=1415197999,1415197966][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, I was going to but decided to let some new folks try.
Suit yourself, man. Won't be quite the same though without Frank the Tank beatin' asses and bedding lasses.
As a way to harass @Dirona, let's get in on this:

Physical Attributes-
Body type (Pick one- Delicate, Average, Tall, Fat): Tall (Like 6 1/2 feet), "not thin" build
Skin Coloration (Describe. "Pale," "Tanned," "Sallow," "Olive," etc): Pale
Eye Shape (large, small, slanted, round, almond, vacant, etc, be descriptive): Normal Almond
Eye Color (Describe any color you wish, heterochromia is ok): Hazel
Glasses (Optional - thin, thick, half-framed, frameless, pick color of frames): Thin half-frames, Gunmetal silver color
Additional Descriptions (With guys, this is limited to custom eyebrow tailoring): Average eyebrows, but he also has pierced ears and (possibly) a few in non-visible places.
Hairstyle and color (Be descriptive as possible - length, color, style, thickness, curls, unrulyness, tails, etc): Think the modern movie-version of "Thor Hair" and that'll be cool. Hell, take that idea to the whole physique and I'm good.

Name: Eriol Ancalagon
Intelligence (on a scale of 1-5, 1 being moronic, 5 being genius): 3
Strength (1-5, 1 being feeble, 5 being super-athletic): 5
Sociability (1-5, 1 being a shut-in, 5 being a social butterfly): 5
Virtue (1-5, 1 being a flagrant manwhore, 5 being the morality police): 1
Sexual Orientation (1-5, where 1 is completely Hetero and 5 is completely Homo): 2
Fighting Style: No Restraint

Personality- Pick one of the following, vast and overwhelmingly numerous options: Positive- Boisterous and loud, perhaps hyperactive, always open and transparent. Too many blows to the ego might cause a crisis of confidence, however.

Traits - Pick up to two of the following (or 0 if you want to be boring)
Affable- Easy to get along with, becomes friends easily.
Impulsive- prone to wildly changing moods, good or bad.

Tokens- You have three items you may name that you can give to people to show you like them.
Friendship token: Handmade (by him) metal paperweight. Can be anything, but each is unique.
Token of love: Handmade earrings. When with somebody, he often wears a similar "set" for himself too.
Sexual token: One of his piercings, given to his mate. Not from a visible place.

Club- Kendo

I hope that's enough to get along with. Should be interesting...


Staff member
Ohhh daaaaaaayummm. Heh heh heh.[DOUBLEPOST=1415200516,1415200390][/DOUBLEPOST]Also jezus you people and all your damn hazel eyes


Staff member
Alright, @Eriol, you're our final contestant. Sorry, no visible piercings (violates school dresscode), but hey, your ears aren't visible in any case what with that Chris Hemsfield L'oreal commercial thing you got going on. That was actually an interesting challenge, as movie-Thor has this little braid on the back of his head. I think I managed pretty well, actually.


But without Frank who will unintentionally cock block the entire student body?!
From the look of it, probably Lana and maybe Stienman, if he can get over his "bad with girls" enough to interrupt.

Plus, just about anybody with morality 4 or higher will still try to turn the hose on any public schtoinking (3 tends to flee, 2 tends to watch, 1 tends to either watch and fap, or straight up ask to join in).


Staff member
Alright, I guess it's time to tear the wrapper off the twist I've been saving.

Yes, you'll have a teacher.

Here she is.


Name: Petra Dieb (Teacher "That's Ms. Dieb to you!")
Height: Tall
Figure: Medium
Skin Coloration: Medium
Eye shape: Angry, accusing glare
Eye Color: Red
Makeup: Minimal mascara, red lipstick
Glasses: None
Hairstyle and color: Heinz beans can-blue, ankle length, obscuring left side of face almost completely.

Intelligence- 4
Strength- 4
Sociability- 2
Virtue- 3
Sexual Orientation- 3
Fighting Style- Irregular

Bitchy- Negative, abusive, dismissive. Even mean to people she likes.
Serious- Never skips class, tries not to skip clubs, more likely to interrupt any lewdness she sees.
Evil- X_x;

Friend: Ms. Dieb's Cell number
Love: Ms. Dieb's Heirloom Gold Ring
Sexual: Ms. Dieb's Spikey Restraints

Club: The S.O.S. Brigade


Staff member
At this time, the class roster is full, but you never know, spots may open up during the course of the semester, so people can be put on a waiting list to get in if they like.[DOUBLEPOST=1415203243,1415203194][/DOUBLEPOST]
So when someone gets murdered by the teacher, we can thank GB. ;)

I had a number of contingency plans, ranging from "no teacher" to this. This was the contingency if nobody rolled evil.
That said, Ms. Dieb's personality, status as a teacher, and level 3 virtue means it will be very difficult (though not impossible) to become romantically entangled with her, which makes it difficult to trigger a stabby episode.
Alright, I guess it's time to tear the wrapper off the twist I've been saving.

Yes, you'll have a teacher.

Here she is.

View attachment 16540

Name: Petra Dieb (Teacher "That's Ms. Dieb to you!")
Height: Tall
Figure: Medium
Skin Coloration: Medium
Eye shape: Angry, accusing glare
Eye Color: Red
Makeup: Minimal mascara, red lipstick
Glasses: None
Hairstyle and color: Heinz beans can-blue, ankle length, obscuring left side of face almost completely.

Intelligence- 4
Strength- 4
Sociability- 2
Virtue- 3
Sexual Orientation- 3
Fighting Style- Irregular

Bitchy- Negative, abusive, dismissive. Even mean to people she likes.
Serious- Never skips class, tries not to skip clubs, more likely to interrupt any lewdness she sees.
Evil- X_x;

Friend: Ms. Dieb's Cell number
Love: Ms. Dieb's Heirloom Gold Ring
Sexual: Ms. Dieb's Spikey Restraints

Club: The S.O.S. Brigade
Yeah, I can't quote posts at work - Internet Explorer. So, I have to quote them on my phone, post it, then go in and edit with what I want to say/add.
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