[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

Spoilered for size. A local Tim Horton's store has posted its upcoming holiday hours.

(Edited to relieve anyone of worry that I'm showing the results of my doctor's appointment.)



Staff member

Steel worker Carl Russell sits at 1,222 feet (400 meters) on top of a steel beam casually waving to the cameraman, who risks his life climbing into a crane to be able to make this photo. Empire State Building, 18 september 1930.


Staff member
The worst of it is you can see some "stuff" get flicked off the comb after it passes through the hair, so there's just a random scattering of lice somewhere off to the right of the camera.
I think the 'stuff getting flicked off' is just light reflecting from the comb off the lens. At least, that is what I choose to believe.
That's a lotta lice*.
But that comb running through his hair must've felt soooo goooooood.

*I've had 'em. Couldn't get anyone to believe that's what I had until I scratched one out of my head and mashed it on a tabletop. THEN it was all quarantine, and laundry, and lindane shampoo, and fine-tooth combs, etc.