[TV] S.H.I.E.L.D.

Another good episode, though pretty by the numbers.

I knew Mockingbird was going to turn out to be SHIELD and save Simmons by the end of it, however the scene where she goes to confront Sunil before cutting to black, only for it to cut back to her running from a gun brandishing minion, makes me worried we will see her as a sleeper agent. I honestly hope that does not happen (that was the coolest thing about Ward last season and I would rather it not be repeated)

Skye's father working for Hydra is going to be bad news for everyone though.
So we finally have a reveal on all that crazy alien writing.
It's a city. Seems all the symbols and such were supposed to be seen with depth, rather then flat on a wall. Once he got that chance he saw that it was the shapes of a cityscape.

This information, combined with Skye's father, the artifact, and the Kree body, pretty much confirms to me that this is leading up to Inhumans. The city is likely Attilan, and Skye's father is likely Maximus (or a new inhuman they made that just has a penchant for psychotic outbreaks) There is really no other way I can see them go with this now.
I actually caught up yesterday, life has been busy lately. I'm guessing the "winter finale," Dec 9, will be the episode to introduce the Inhumans, or at least tease it with shadowy figures on screen. I like what they've done so far, liked the subplot with Sen. Ward and I'm really curious about just who's side Grant is on.

Spoiler just in case,
"Her name isn't Skye!"
I'm still watching but as someone who knows nothing off Marvel's cosmic universe I have no theories on where they are going with this season. From your description it sounds like it is setting up the inhumans. Which is cool. But I got nothing to expound on that with.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. Don't know much about the Inhumans, except that they exist and I'd bet money that the famous city turns out to be Attilan.
So, just a thought, do we want to continue the Agent Carter talk in here? I personally think that the two series will be linked enough to justify it, plus SHIELD won't be airing while Carter is on.
So, just a thought, do we want to continue the Agent Carter talk in here? I personally think that the two series will be linked enough to justify it, plus SHIELD won't be airing while Carter is on.
I don't see why not. It's all going to be relevant to the current story, I think.
So as far as I am concerned we can just call the Inhumans connection official.
Rayna had a chat with Skye talking about how she could hold the Diviner without it killing her, how it read her DNA and saw her as special, and that the same would likely happen with Skye. Rayna then continued talking about how her grandmother told her an old legend about her ancestors meeting with powerful beings from the sky, the Kree, who came down to improve humanity. The teaser for the next episode shows both Rayna and Skye down in the mysterious city, with Rayna saying something about how she can't wait to learn what she becomes, which to me is setting up the two of them to be saturated in the Terrigen Mists.
I've noticed that Fitz has gradually become more intelligible throughout the season. When it started, he could barely string a coherent sentence together. Now he can articulate his emotions albeit in a halting manner.
I've noticed that Fitz has gradually become more intelligible throughout the season. When it started, he could barely string a coherent sentence together. Now he can articulate his emotions albeit in a halting manner.
It's because he's being forced to interact, which is forcing his brain to forge new connections in his brain to get around the damaged areas. He's probably never going to be 100%, but he's getting better.
He's probably never going to be 100%, but he's getting better.
Sure, you'd say that... i'd say he'd better be getting the power to see the structural weakness in everything next season.

Also, anyone else disappointed by the lack of an actual robotic Kree Sentry? (although it was expected, tv budgets and all that)
Also, anyone else disappointed by the lack of an actual robotic Kree Sentry? (although it was expected, tv budgets and all that)
When Mac went down into the hole, and he was looking at the ground, they had it framed in such a way that you could easily see behind him, and I swore there was some shadow looming back there in the dust and gloom. I was half expecting something to suddenly jump out at him since the angle was so reminiscent of what you would find in a horror movie jump scare, but then he had the whole getting zapped by the Kree glyph, and they never went back to that angle.
The fact they just had him fall in the hole pretty much tells me he will be back, even if just to be a final obstacle for entrance into the city.
And it happened, winter finale has come and gone.
Whitehall has a rather uninspired death at the hands of Coulson half way through the episode, Skye and Rayna officially become Inhuman, and Tripp gets stuck in the middle and killed. Mac comes back to his senses, and Ward runs off with Fake Malinda after getting shot coldly by Skye.

Overall it was a fun episode, but I still can't believe that they killed off what had become the "big bad" of this season in such a simple, almost throw away fashion. I was really hoping if he did die at the half-season finale, that it would be more of an ironic death due to his own hubris, like down in the place of Tripp when the Terrigen Mist was unleashed. A sort of "Indiana Jones" type of moment.

The thing that took me by surprise was how cold Skye shot Ward. No exchange. No hesitation. He unties her with the intention of helping her escape, turns around, and gets like four bullets right to the chest. Glad they have yet to give Ward any real redeeming moment.
Oh and one more thing...
It looks like with the revelation that Skye's real name is Daisy and the earthquake she causes at the end, it's pretty obvious her character is Daisy Johnson. The fact her father went by "Cal" and his penchant for losing his shit puts him as a dead ringer for Calvin Zabo, AKA Mister Hyde. Interesting that they are merging the characters with the Inhumans for the cinematic universe.
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Good episode, love the idea that there are more out there. Wide open question of how many more?

And I can not believe that it took me this long to think that the May Clone Agent 33 is the new Madame Hydra (Viper being owned by the Xmen movie people, though it's the same character)
Good episode, love the idea that there are more out there. Wide open question of how many more?

And I can not believe that it took me this long to think that the May Clone Agent 33 is the new Madame Hydra (Viper being owned by the Xmen movie people, though it's the same character)
I think she's Madam Mask right now.
It looks like with the revelation that Skye's real name is Daisy and the earthquake she causes at the end, it's pretty obvious her character is Daisy Johnson. The fact her father went by "Cal" and his penchant for losing his shit puts him as a dead ringer for Calvin Zabo, AKA Mister Hyde. Interesting that they are merging the characters with the Inhumans for the cinematic universe.
Well making all the mutates Inhumans makes sense, considering that the only difference is that Inhumans use terrigen mist to activate the genetic "seed" the Celestial left (if that's still canon) while mutates have it activates by "gamma radiation/radioactive spiders/lightning/random events"...

Also, does anyone remember what mutant or inhuman has spikey-face... pretty sure i remember one with the exact pattern that "whateveryouspellit" had at the end there...
And what's up with Bobbi Morse?
who's she working for?
I'm thinking Stark. His privatized security company would be keeping an eye on SHIELD, right? But I've read a theory that it could be SWORD, or even that in the MCU, It will be Stark who starts SWORD in the first place, adding conflict for Civil War.

the possibilities this show presents are really exciting.
Am I the only one that thought those quills were thorns, and that Rayna is going to have plant-based powers, since supervillains always accessorize based on their ability.