[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

talk to my friend about hanging out tonight, said that would be good, asked him at the end of work day if he was still cool to hang out? get a message that his roommate was going to snowboard so he was doing that instead. not feeling wanted around atm. -_-
Sometimes I wish I was still living in the cities. I'd love to hang out some time. I seriously doubt I'll ever find a forumite near Brainerd.


Staff member
You... didn't... back it up?
Well, the music is, but as part of a much larger "everything I've ever owned or downloaded" mass collection from which I'd taken selections that I enjoyed most and put on the SD card for long car trips. It'll take time away from doing other things to replicate, time I would rather not redirect right now as I've got so many other irons in the fire as it is.

Mostly what I'm grumpy about are the ringtones. I had customized ringtones for most of my contacts, and the SD card's absence has made all those settings now return to the default ringtone. So not only will I have to track down the ringtones again, but reassign them one by one, and some of them I can't even remember. It's just a big hassle.


Staff member
Owner: "We need to move around a bunch of music and audio, can you set us up an FTP site to do that?"
Me: Sure thing. Here's the address and the login credentials.

This morning:
Owner and his two friends: "We can't get the site to work, when we put the address in our browser it just loads the main webpage."
Me: "... to access an FTP site, you should use your FTP client, not your web browser."
Them: "What's that?"


My new job is Electrical Sales for a home improvement company. We are the guys who field all the Christmas light questions. The main question I get is, "I need a Male/Male coupler for my light string to go to a extension cord" My Manager fielded the first question, after the customer was told we could not provide them said adapter, it was explained to me that they refer to said adapter as the "suicide plug". I quickly learned that when plugs and sockets do not fit each other it is always on purpose and generally to reduce or prevent electrical fires. in this case the outdoor extension cords are 8-10 gauge wire, the light strings are 20-24 gauge, mix and match is a really bad idea!


Staff member
Could just change the URL to start with ftp:// instead of http:// also.
...you might want to bookmark that on each of their machines.

They need to upload and create folders as well as download, and are using 3 different OSes and presumably, browsers.

Nope. Filezilla for the lot of them.


Staff member
God made girls.

God made girls.

fuckin day after day

hour after hour

"God made girls"
"Gahd ma-heed gurrrrlz"

I can't remember the last time a song drove me to want to bludgeon and burn so very much.

I hope it's a flash in the pan that goes away soon because I can't take much more of that shit.
God made girls.

God made girls.

fuckin day after day

hour after hour

"God made girls"
"Gahd ma-heed gurrrrlz"

I can't remember the last time a song drove me to want to bludgeon and burn so very much.

I hope it's a flash in the pan that goes away soon because I can't take much more of that shit.
I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm happy to keep it that way.


Staff member
I have no idea what you're talking about and I'm happy to keep it that way.
I think the low battery indicators have finally driven him over the edge.
Y'all just be glad you're damn yankees and don't have to work at a country music radio station.

Because this auditory atrocity makes Taylor Swift look like Tchaikovsky.

In fact, here. SHARE MY PAIN. Put this on repeat and listen to it at least 10 times.

That accent hurts. And I live in Newfoundland!

And it's just so... faux sweet, and blarg.

I can see someone remixing the song and have it not be AS painful, but oh, god, I just got to the chorus, and ak!

And the lyrics are really iffy at best too.

Ug. I'm so sorry.
I love girls and all, but if that song isn't emblematic of the narcissism that our culture is actively promoting I'm Charlie's uncle.


Staff member
Pandering saccharine crapfest. I can think of at least 5 classmates/relatives who are singing this is the car right now.
Y'all just be glad you're damn yankees and don't have to work at a country music radio station.

Because this auditory atrocity makes Taylor Swift look like Tchaikovsky.

In fact, here. SHARE MY PAIN. Put this on repeat and listen to it at least 10 times.

I made it about a minute thirty into the video, before it just became too painful.


Staff member
Taylor Swift is irritating me on a whole different level lately. She's in that category of "liberals" I wish would just stop "helping" the rest of us. Like the whole thing about how no one picks on Adam Levine about writing about breakups, too, because he has a penis. What? Look, there're mountains of sexism out there, but, really, that's like exactly what people pick on Adam Levine about.
Y'all just be glad you're damn yankees and don't have to work at a country music radio station.

Because this auditory atrocity makes Taylor Swift look like Tchaikovsky.

In fact, here. SHARE MY PAIN. Put this on repeat and listen to it at least 10 times.

Gods below, that's not a song; that's an ipecac!
Taylor Swift is irritating me on a whole different level lately. She's in that category of "liberals" I wish would just stop "helping" the rest of us. Like the whole thing about how no one picks on Adam Levine about writing about breakups, too, because he has a penis. What? Look, there're mountains of sexism out there, but, really, that's like exactly what people pick on Adam Levine about.
I've never heard Adam Levine get the same level of criticism as Swift.

also LMAO at thinking Taylor Swift is a liberal

edit: I dunno, she might be? I just highly doubt it considering how fucking rich her family was and now she is. I shouldn't discriminate


Staff member
And really "God made girls" has the same problems as "all about that base" did. It basically says the purpose behind the creation of the female, the reason for female existence, is to look pretty and do stuff for boys.


Staff member
not to mention reinforcing the child-like lie of "god"
It's a bad message whether you have Faith or don't. Substitute "Evolution selected" for "God made" and you still get an anthem to the subservience and vapidity of the human female.

Someone's gotta wear the pretty skirts. Someone's gotta teach boys to dance. So females evolved.