[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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I'm a big believer in the concept of jury nullification, if the case calls for it.
You gotta be slick how you work it in when they're asking you questions, though. If you just start chanting "Ju-ry-Nuh-luh-fih-kay-shun! (stomp stomp)" you might get the business end of a bailiff.


Staff member

I'm not up on legal matters, but I just looked up jury nullification. Isn't that most of the point of separating the judicial branch from the legislative?
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Staff member

I'm not up on legal matters, but I just looked up jury nullification. Isn't that the most of the point of separating the judicial branch from the legislative?
Judicial activism is a little more understandable when 12 strangers can agree it needs to be done.
So I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with sinusitis, and got prescribed a bunch of pills. The pills did their work over the weekend. Now there's no pain, and my other cold symptoms are subsiding too. This is good.

But the smell is persisting. This is bad. I've blown my nose more times than I can count, but I can't get rid of the smell.

Hope this isn't going to be permanent.
Last time I got called for jury duty I called the sick line and said I had the flu. They never called back.

The shit's out in Riverside, which means it's an enormous waste of time and gas for me, on top of the ridiculous freeway situation between here and there.
So I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with sinusitis, and got prescribed a bunch of pills. The pills did their work over the weekend. Now there's no pain, and my other cold symptoms are subsiding too. This is good.

But the smell is persisting. This is bad. I've blown my nose more times than I can count, but I can't get rid of the smell.

Hope this isn't going to be permanent.
It'll go away after a few more days. The infection is probably still there even though you feel better.
So, in the whine thread there I talked about girlfriend going out in the field. Got a call from her tonight and found out that the company she contracts to just laid off most of her coworkers. She still has a job but she knows it's going to be a slow cut of days she's allowed to work until her company isn't viable and now she's going to have to compete with a lot of people she's made look good with her seriously excellent management (why she was one of the people not let go immediately) over the years. Being a woman in a massively male dominated industry that's now in recession is another big strike against her when she doesn't have the same college connections a lot of the guys she works with does (didn't go to college here). She's already struggled with it when Alberta was prospering and now with the massive upcoming recession the province is about to head into thanks to the Saudi oil dump it's about to get real fucking miserable here.

I can't wait for my job to get more "interesting" too.

On the positive side, she does still have work.


Staff member
It depends. Everyone here knows that this game can't run indefinitely, so there's still a lot of spec work going on. Also, no one is exactly sure why the oil price is down. On the one hand it seems clear that the Saudis are strategically gaming against the US. On the other, they claim they're being hit, too, and blame recent massive Chinese discoveries. There's definitely truth to that. Probably a little of both sprinkled in with weak economies.


Staff member
Stupid fucking goddamn day care in my classroom. Shut the fuck up. Dumbass college girls: stop talking to the children like they're recovering from a head injury. Children...i can't blame you because you're all 3-5 and not developed. But if you could shut up for 2 seconds I'd just do motherfucking backflips. Why do I bother trying to work?
It depends. Everyone here knows that this game can't run indefinitely, so there's still a lot of spec work going on. Also, no one is exactly sure why the oil price is down. On the one hand it seems clear that the Saudis are strategically gaming against the US. On the other, they claim they're being hit, too, and blame recent massive Chinese discoveries. There's definitely truth to that. Probably a little of both sprinkled in with weak economies.
And the combined effect is absolutely demolishing the Russian economy. Between all the economic sanctions, and Russia needing crude oil to be at around $100 a barrel to stay solvent, the ruble is going down harder than the actress in a bangbros video.


Staff member
So many cusses. I got to go home early and work there so that was nice. Also i got my first set of comments for my resume from my sister. Tomorrow I won't forget my headphones and I'll be more patient..
I could fucking end my brother's life right now. I get home really God damn late and he's on my couch and some random fucking asshole is sleeping on my love seat. I try to wake them up but by the amount of my God damn liquor spread throughout the room in empty bottles, wasn't fucking possible. Piece of fucking shit has so little respect for me that he'd do this. I'm....just so blindly furious. He's lucky I leave my fucking service pistol at work because I'm in such a state that I might have popped both of them (I'm kidding of course). Just spent the last ten minutes pacing my whole house looking at the fucking wreckage.
I could fucking end my brother's life right now. I get home really God damn late and he's on my couch and some random fucking asshole is sleeping on my love seat. I try to wake them up but by the amount of my God damn liquor spread throughout the room in empty bottles, wasn't fucking possible. Piece of fucking shit has so little respect for me that he'd do this. I'm....just so blindly furious. He's lucky I leave my fucking service pistol at work because I'm in such a state that I might have popped both of them (I'm kidding of course). Just spent the last ten minutes pacing my whole house looking at the fucking wreckage.
I may have missed something, but wasn't he moving out?
Just want to share the brother rage @Frank - my brother stole my grandmother's credit card and charged >5K on it. He is probably looking at jail time; though it won't likely do any good.

My folks keep giving him chance after chance and he always screws them over. He's a 35 year old criminal teenager. The desire to beat the snot out of him is quite strong.


Staff member
Just want to share the brother rage @Frank - my brother stole my grandmother's credit card and charged >5K on it. He is probably looking at jail time; though it won't likely do any good.

My folks keep giving him chance after chance and he always screws them over. He's a 35 year old criminal teenager. The desire to beat the snot out of him is quite strong.
What...the HELL?! Stealing from old people... that's a one-way ticket to ultra-hell.[DOUBLEPOST=1421339530,1421339231][/DOUBLEPOST]
What...the HELL?! Stealing from old people... that's a one-way ticket to ultra-hell.
Ultra-hell, where "Don't Stop Believin" featuring Yoko Ono plays in a loop, and the only beverage is curdled milk from Nancy Grace's breasts.
I think my body hates me. It has reason to, I mean, I smoked for half my life, ate too much sugar (while knowing I was diabetic), drank way too much soda and coffee to be good for anyone's kidneys, and didn't exercise for a good decade or so; but this is not the week that I need it to register its displeasure with me. In the past week I've had to completely give up added sugar (and cut way, way, way back on all sugar. We're talking like, as little as I can get away with while eating salads and Fiber One), quit smoking (I've had one in 7 days, because I forgot to my patch on when I left the house yesterday and was catatonic by noon), and reduce my caffeine consumption to one (1) 10oz cup of coffee per day. You'd think that would be plenty for one body to handle in one week, but nooooooo... my stupid body decided that today would be a brilliant time to pass a fucking kidney stone. Stupid body.