Despite the fact that I'm still happily drowning in Monster Hunter, and that I'm picking up Bloodborne on Tuesday, I bought Code Name Steam. I'm ... still mostly playing Monster Hunter, but I've been playing it in spots and it's great, like in the demo. Just a couple problems:
1. They make a point about how you can now bring in certain Amiibos to play, as in, a character explicitly says they can be recruited. Good luck finding a fucking Fire Emblem Amiibo though.
2. Everything you did in the demo? Have fun doing that again. And I mean everything--you can carry over the gold you earned and put it towards unlockable sub-weapons, but the missions and gears you acquired must be re-done, and if you played the demo to death like I did, that can make the beginning of the game kind of a drag.
On the other hand, it's nice to have space beyond the demo to finally proceed into, and the enemy turns do go slightly faster now (though still no option to speed them up or skip them). I expect I'll be taking my time with this one, but hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as other tactical RPGs.