[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


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Same. Most places I've worked have been polos and jeans kinds of places, which means when I had to go to an interview after work, I'd have to bring a suit and change in the bathroom in the lobby of whatever building the job was in...or at a fast food joint if they owned the whole building. Blah, the things we do for money.
I used to change in phone booths for my second job. But then everybody got cellphones, and I have to change at starbucks. On the plus side, now every time Luthor makes a giant deathbot, caramel mocha latte.
No one will be arguing, they will be saying stupid things that Donald Trump would say and I will be ignoring them and coloring! Brilliant!
I brought my new Game of Thrones colouring book to work today. Hopefully I'll colour and not stab anyone with my pencil crayons.
My kids have taken over two of my coloring books. They like the designs more than what's in the coloring books for them. I have one that is mine, all mine! MUAHAHAH! Because I hid it!!
Blech, a friend of mine who started dating another friend just broke up with him and now she tells me she can't see me anymore because of bad feelings and such. That's cool I guess.

She defriended me on Facebook and everything.

Nice to see that I can get dumped in a relationship I wasn't actually involved in.
Blech, a friend of mine who started dating another friend just broke up with him and now she tells me she can't see me anymore because of bad feelings and such. That's cool I guess.

She defriended me on Facebook and everything.

Nice to see that I can get dumped in a relationship I wasn't actually involved in.
Honestly dude it sounds like the trash taking itself out.
Honestly dude it sounds like the trash taking itself out.
You don't know her and that's a terrible thing to say. She's actually a wonderful person who's friendship I've come to cherish greatly over the past quite a few years. I'm going to give her her space right now. The breakup was obviously not a great one. I was just taken aback to get caught up in it's drama.
Well, if she's taking her hurt feelings out on you over a relationship you aren't even involved in, that's a shitty thing to do.


Staff member
Friend breakups sometimes happen as a result of romantic break-ups. I'm sure she had her reasons. Sometimes it's the only way to get closure. I'm sorry that happened to you, @Frank. Maybe down the line things can change.
Friend breakups sometimes happen as a result of romantic break-ups. I'm sure she had her reasons. Sometimes it's the only way to get closure. I'm sorry that happened to you, @Frank. Maybe down the line things can change.
Kinda why I don't go to football games anymore. The crew I hung out with were almost all students of my ex-brother-in-law. So it's too awkward for me to hang out after the divorce. :(
I did that with the recent breakup: unfriended all of her friends, who I only knew through her. And I never really talked to them, anyway, so it's not like it was a big loss for either side.
Wife's closest uncle had been missing/incommunicado for a few weeks. Turns out he's dead, so Thanksgiving is cancelled. We don't have any details right now, but her parents have to do the day-drive and spend the holiday cleaning up the house and trying to find a will. Wheeeeee.
I Facebook friended my cousin's girlfriend when they were together. They broke up two years ago, and unfriended each other on Facebook, but I still have her on my friend list. We never interact, not even a like on each other's posts or pictures. I just keep her there because she's hot and I like seeing her pictures.
Another super late work night reviewing reports. I'm past being annoyed by the OT and now I'm finding this whole thing ridiculous and hilarious.

I can not wait for next week. I have already booked a me day and blocked off my whole day on the calendar as "not here". Can't wait!!! I hope it's good photography weather. Otherwise good Diablo weather :D

8 more sleeps!


Staff member
My grandfather's closest neighbor out in the woods west of town moved out... but left behind/abandoned his basset hound. Poor thing comes to my grandfather's porch to beg for scraps, sleeps out in the woods. Some people need to get beat with a tire iron.
My mom saved up the nagging guilt trippery for today. Six hours until the airport, six hours until the airport...
I'm a programmer. I am surrounded by nerds. And yet, can anyone tell me how to use my desktop as a pinboard for documents? Not without goofy "save it as a picture" suggestions. Surely someone has wanted this feature before me. Icons are fucking useless. Let me stack papers, like a properly messy IRL desktop.
I'm a programmer. I am surrounded by nerds. And yet, can anyone tell me how to use my desktop as a pinboard for documents? Not without goofy "save it as a picture" suggestions. Surely someone has wanted this feature before me. Icons are fucking useless. Let me stack papers, like a properly messy IRL desktop.
I use Evernote for that, after I noticed a bunch of my PhD users had become more productive (and their computers less cluttered) after installing it. Give it a try if you haven't :) It's not IRL messy, but it *is* bucket based.

Alternatively (assuming a Windows machine):
  • Turn icon size to large
  • Turn icon grid and auto-arrange off
  • For each type of document you like to stack on your desktop, divide them into two types:
    • Thumbnails (document previews) are shown
    • Thumbnails not shown:
      • Google something like "windows thumbnail preview FILETYPE" (e.g. PDF, DOCX)
      • Follow the instructions in the first useful link you find
  • Done!


Staff member
You know what I found far superior to Evernote (and it pre-dates evernote) was Devonthink. Unfortunately, it's mac only. But it is great for acting as a docu-dump with organization features.
You know what I found far superior to Evernote (and it pre-dates evernote) was Devonthink. Unfortunately, it's mac only. But it is great for acting as a docu-dump with organization features.
Part of Evernote's appeal for me is its availability on any device I can get my hands on (either through the Mac/Win/Mobile app or through their website on nearly any web-capable device). Devonthink's product description is kind of confusing, but it looks much more device-bound. Is the "web sharing" option anything like Evernote's web interface?