[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

So I'm pretty sure there's a switch somewhere in my network I don't know about, causing problems. I know this because the basic topography of the building goes...

The vast majority of the building is fed off a switch in the server room (the one that died today). In the process of installing the new switch, I started having all kinds of problems, mostly to the tune of nothing being able to ping the router.

In the process of figuring out what cable went where, I noticed that the cable that was supposed to go from the server room to Engineering (blue) never went dead. I unplug it, go back to engineering, there's still activity on the line. I unplug that end, plug it back in in the server room, activity is still there. But still can't ping the routers from any computer with a "red" connection illustrated above.

Now, the blue cables all go into the ceiling. In most places in the building, it's not a drop ceiling, either, it's a solid ceiling. So that makes doing anything in the ceiling a SUPER FUCKING PAIN.

So, not wanting to go looking for whateverthefuck is at "???" in the above map, which could literally be anywhere in the building, including anywhere in any room's ceiling, I decide instead to reactivate a dead ethernet port (designation D-22) next to engineering (by plugging it into the server room switch) and just run a patch cable in there to the routers. I do so, and bada bing, bada boom, internet's back.

I sit there grousing at the blue uplink cable that supposedly connects the server room to engineering for a while, as it CLEARLY has some other device in the middle which is being fucky today, and I have no idea how I'm going to find it. I unplug the blue cable, internet keeps going. I plug it back in, it's still got activity. I unplug D-22, INTERNET KEEPS GOING. WHAT THE FUCK.

I quietly decommission D-22 again, tuck everything back into the rack, and tell the Engineer I'm done fiddling with the network today. So done. 150% done. I can't even.

Only thing I can think of is either there's a switch or some other device in the blue cable as I said, or somewhere else over on the left on those other blue cables, something's bridging blue and red that doesn't want to play nice when it sees too much traffic.

I don't know, I'm just... BLEH. Fuckity fuck fuck BLEH.
Could you ask your switch what it thinks is connected to "???"? That would probably give you a MAC address which you could then ask your server if it has a name reference for that address. It wouldn't tell you the physical location of the mystery machine, of course, but it might give you some idea what you're looking for and if it's remotely accessible.
That's kind of what I was going after with the netscan utility. If you can pull a MAC address, then you can reference the vendor ID of that MAC address to at least find out if it's connected to the type/brand of router/switch you think it is.

Failing that, doing some tracert-ing might reveal that the mysterious behavior of D22 might be because some people have routing/Internet Sharing enabled, allowing packets to hop around where they otherwise wouldn't go.



Staff member
Could you ask your switch what it thinks is connected to "???"? That would probably give you a MAC address which you could then ask your server if it has a name reference for that address. It wouldn't tell you the physical location of the mystery machine, of course, but it might give you some idea what you're looking for and if it's remotely accessible.
It's not a managed switch unfortunately.
Oh my mother also said she doesn't think my son should have to ride a bus next year, because people are just having sex in the back of high school buses all the time.



She also completely misused the term friends with benefits while explaining this to me.
Oh my mother also said she doesn't think my son should have to ride a bus next year, because people are just having sex in the back of high school buses all the time.



She also completely misused the term friends with benefits while explaining this to me.
What buses is she riding??


Staff member
Just remove all the drop ceiling tiles and go spelunking. Right over your boss's coffee.
It's not a drop ceiling >_< also, unfortunately, my boss's office is in the lower right hand corner, by far the least likely place for the mystery device to be.


Staff member
Damn, I didn't keep up. I just wanted to make the joke about a bunch of dust hitting the boss square in the caffeine. I figured if it was that easy, you'd have done it.


Staff member
Well, if anybody's going to be climbing around in the ceiling, it ain't gonna be me. I doubt it'd hold me, really. Fortunately the engineer is much skinnier than me - seriously, he's like 130 soaking wet, built like a rail - so he's already said he'll be the one to shimmy into the crawlspace if it comes to that.


Staff member
You guys are so behind the times. Of course everybody's having sex in the back of the school buses. These days that's nothing.



Staff member
Reminds me of this toast a friend of mind from Oklahoma used to use when cracking open a coldbeer: "Sugar in the bowl, coffee in the cup. Poke 'er in the butt, you won't knock 'er up". Classy.
And would like annual passes?
Who wants to do the FTFY thing on her post? I can't bring myself to do it.

Instead :

I was waiting one sunny day at the curb
Reading, rereading the phamplet's blurb
I got the anal pass
Everyday, new ass!
Commuting to work now will be superb.
Who wants to do the FTFY thing on her post? I can't bring myself to do it.

Instead :

I was waiting one sunny day at the curb
Reading, rereading the phamplet's blurb
I got the anal pass
Everyday, new ass!
Commuting to work now will be superb.
I need to see you in my office, sweetie.
Going to her office! She called me sweetie!
I've gone head over heels completely.
And now I got the call
I'm David Lee Roth y'all
And I'm eager for her to punish me.
My SI is an evil jerk. Tonight (even very medicated) its alternating between fiery stabbing that radiates down to my ankle and halfway up my back and this weird ice cold pain eruptions that feel like water is running down the inside of my leg and/or something is rupturing inside.

My husband's drug company is being weird about approving it this year as well. My work has amazing catastrophic drug coverage and they only have to make a super small co-pay but they are sooooooo picky. I called their 1-800 number and the lady on the phone had never heard of the medication, knew nothing about their biologic approvals. At least she was super nice.


Staff member
Motherfucker...Our new governor has been in office for...one month? Our previous governor saw a surplus turn into enormous debt, and he decided to hold off on reducing our enormous, now unsustainable scholarship for native LA college students. The budget crisis and the suspension of the scholarship is being blamed on him. I'm not a huge fan of this guy, and I hate to see this scholarship go for now, but has anyone been paying attention to how we got here in the first place? People who hated Jindal before are now waxing nostalgic. gaaaaaah. I know politics suck all over, but I just need to get away from this stupid city for a while.
Motherfucker...Our new governor has been in office for...one month? Our previous governor saw a surplus turn into enormous debt, and he decided to hold off on reducing our enormous, now unsustainable scholarship for native LA college students. The budget crisis and the suspension of the scholarship is being blamed on him. I'm not a huge fan of this guy, and I hate to see this scholarship go for now, but has anyone been paying attention to how we got here in the first place? People who hated Jindal before are now waxing nostalgic. gaaaaaah. I know politics suck all over, but I just need to get away from this stupid city for a while.
Suggestion: Don't come to Wisconsin.
Motherfucker...Our new governor has been in office for...one month? Our previous governor saw a surplus turn into enormous debt, and he decided to hold off on reducing our enormous, now unsustainable scholarship for native LA college students. The budget crisis and the suspension of the scholarship is being blamed on him. I'm not a huge fan of this guy, and I hate to see this scholarship go for now, but has anyone been paying attention to how we got here in the first place? People who hated Jindal before are now waxing nostalgic. gaaaaaah. I know politics suck all over, but I just need to get away from this stupid city for a while.
Gov has threatened to cancel the LSU football season. That's grounds for execution, let alone impeachment.


Staff member
Motherfucker...Our new governor has been in office for...one month? Our previous governor saw a surplus turn into enormous debt, and he decided to hold off on reducing our enormous, now unsustainable scholarship for native LA college students. The budget crisis and the suspension of the scholarship is being blamed on him. I'm not a huge fan of this guy, and I hate to see this scholarship go for now, but has anyone been paying attention to how we got here in the first place? People who hated Jindal before are now waxing nostalgic. gaaaaaah. I know politics suck all over, but I just need to get away from this stupid city for a while.
The other thing I disliked about this scholarship program was that it encouraged a bunch of people who shouldn't really be in college to go to college.