[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More


Staff member
I had the opposite experience with a doctor once. Wasn't exactly the worst pain I've ever had, but I could not sleep, and could not walk it off. It was piercing, constant abdominal pain for days. I finally went to a walk-in urgent care, and this--I kid you not--probably 70+ year old Cajun doctor complete with pomade-slicked hair and an accent straight from Waterboy looks at me for 5 minutes, taps the exact spot, and tells me what it is. He gives me a prescription for two ancient meds that I'm pretty sure the pharmacy had to blow the dust off of, and which even in the US cost about $5 total. Boom, pain gone in 2 hours.
I went to the walk in clinic once for a really bad flare of my arthritis and I saw an older Doctor. He listened to what I said and checked my chart. He gave me a brown paper bag full of opiate samples. @HCGLNS nearly fell over laughing. It was a good weekend :)
I had the opposite experience with a doctor once. Wasn't exactly the worst pain I've ever had, but I could not sleep, and could not walk it off. It was piercing, constant abdominal pain for days. I finally went to a walk-in urgent care, and this--I kid you not--probably 70+ year old Cajun doctor complete with pomade-slicked hair and an accent straight from Waterboy looks at me for 5 minutes, taps the exact spot, and tells me what it is. He gives me a prescription for two ancient meds that I'm pretty sure the pharmacy had to blow the dust off of, and which even in the US cost about $5 total. Boom, pain gone in 2 hours.
We found a doctor like that when we moved up here. He was my favorite doctor in my entire life.

A couple of months ago, he just disappeared from his practice. They assigned us a new doctor, and I can't find out if he retired, went somewhere else, or what. :(
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The guy I spent most of December training to do my shift, the one I risked my own safety to cover for last week when he was snowed in, when I'm lying in a hospital bed and the shoe is on the other foot... quits. :facepalm:
The last day I actually *missed* was three years ago for a tooth extraction. When I was in the hospital last January, I made up the days because I hadn't had my scheduled off days yet. No such luck this week. :p
I'll bet the Burning Man folks say the same thing.

They do, I have friends that have gone multiple times. It has a large contingency of rich trust-fund kids that just use it as an excuse to get completely fucked on drugs and booze and then make fools of themselves and ruin what is apparently a pretty calm, fun experience for those into the burner scene.
Comic Con badges went on sale today. I had tried to get passes in the pre-registration session a few months ago, but those sold out the minute I got into the purchase area.

So I logged in early with a couple of friends, each of us with a member ID. We got into the queue without a problem. Then the badges went on sale and the waiting game began. Preview night sold out in about 10 minutes. Friday disappeared just a few minutes later. Then Saturday. Thursday followed and we were left with Sunday. I finally got in after nearly an hour. The site asked me how many people I was buying for. I had intended to buy for two, but then I made the mistake of asking one of my friends (who wanted Thursday or Saturday) if Sunday was okay with her. In the thirty seconds it took for her to reply, EVERYTHING sold out. Passes were probably all gone even when I first got in.

But you know what? This is not a problem, but a cleverly disguised opportunity. This means I can spend that money on Dallas' or Austin's convention instead. I also have another year to work out, drop my spare tire, and get back into superhero shape for Comic Con 2017. That's why this is just a minor rant.
Comic Con badges went on sale today. I had tried to get passes in the pre-registration session a few months ago, but those sold out the minute I got into the purchase area.

So I logged in early with a couple of friends, each of us with a member ID. We got into the queue without a problem. Then the badges went on sale and the waiting game began. Preview night sold out in about 10 minutes. Friday disappeared just a few minutes later. Then Saturday. Thursday followed and we were left with Sunday. I finally got in after nearly an hour. The site asked me how many people I was buying for. I had intended to buy for two, but then I made the mistake of asking one of my friends (who wanted Thursday or Saturday) if Sunday was okay with her. In the thirty seconds it took for her to reply, EVERYTHING sold out. Passes were probably all gone even when I first got in.

But you know what? This is not a problem, but a cleverly disguised opportunity. This means I can spend that money on Dallas' or Austin's convention instead. I also have another year to work out, drop my spare tire, and get back into superhero shape for Comic Con 2017. That's why this is just a minor rant.
Yeah, apparently they sold out within the first hour on just about everything.
Yeah, it gets harder every year. And so long as Doctor Who, Sherlock, Big Bang Theory, and superhero movies remain popular, it'll keep getting worse. But I really don't mind that aspect of it. When I first started going to Comic Con in high school, the general public saw the convention as "nerds on parade." Now the same people who mocked cosplayers 10 years ago would sell their first-born for a pass.
I got past what other people think of my hobbies a long time ago. I'd rather get to go to a convention full of things I'm interested in over what I'm interested in being socially acceptable to a facet of society I barely interact with.
I got past what other people think of my hobbies a long time ago. I'd rather get to go to a convention full of things I'm interested in over what I'm interested in being socially acceptable to a facet of society I barely interact with.
many of the big cons are just glorified media showcases and/or massive parties for trust fund kids these days.
On the bright side of previous post, due to the resulting schedule change, I will wind up making up the days I missed, although not all on one check. On the even brighter side, those hours will be made up at the OT rate instead of the regular pay.
Yeah, it gets harder every year. And so long as Doctor Who, Sherlock, Big Bang Theory, and superhero movies remain popular, it'll keep getting worse. But I really don't mind that aspect of it. When I first started going to Comic Con in high school, the general public saw the convention as "nerds on parade." Now the same people who mocked cosplayers 10 years ago would sell their first-born for a pass.
And along with that, what really IRRITATES me, I've seen a lot of people who go to cons simply to make fun of the people there. Either they win a pass, or their company is going, and then they just mock everyone. I can't stand that at all. And I see it far to much.

Also, hugs to everyone about SDCC because I too am in that boat. :( I miss that con so much and I'm saddened I might not get to go again for many many years. Somehow a slew of my cosplay friends got passes, so I feel even more sad about it all.
The upside is I live an hour from SD, so if I want I can still go wander downtown and the outside areas in the meantime, provided the heat isn't too miserable. It's already pushing 80-90 here some days.
I can't wait for parent teacher conferences for my son on Thursday, on which I will go full on crazy parent while I throw a fit about how my son's IEP needs aren't being met and I'm sick of getting platitudes in reply to my emails.


Staff member
I can't wait for parent teacher conferences for my son on Thursday, on which I will go full on crazy parent while I throw a fit about how my son's IEP needs aren't being met and I'm sick of getting platitudes in reply to my emails.
Get em.


Staff member
A former coworker of mine's husband just got diagnosed with a rare appendix cancer. Stage 4. Dude is only 31. They have 3 kids. Shit.
Well, that sucks. But if it's the appendix, can't it just be removed?
Stage 0: Cancer exists only in a single spot, like a skin mole. Nuke that and it's 100% gone.
Stage 1: Cancer is localized to a single area. Can still be removed 100% but might mean losing a little bit of healthy tissue around the edges.
Stage 2: Cancer has started to invade the surrounding lymph nodes. Cancerous stuff is leaving the source area but is still confined mainly to the lymphatic system. Eradication will be invasive. Chemo is probably likely.
Stage 3: Cancer has gone exploring further into the lymphatic system, no longer confined to just those nodes nearest the source. Eradication will be difficult and very invasive (think "lose an entire lung" or "amputate a limb"). Chemo is pretty much guaranteed.
Stage 4: Cancerous cells have taken root elsewhere in the organism, or "metastasized." This means that cells from the appendix have started squatting elsewhere in the body and turning into lumps of appendix tissue, disrupting normal function wherever they land. Eradication at this stage is almost impossible because it is very difficult to target "only the bad guys" throughout the body.

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Jesus. That's horrible. I know a woman who found out she had stage 3 cancer about 2 months after her third child was born. The symptoms were masked by the pregnancy. She was experiencing mild pain that doctors mistook for pregnancy discomfort. There was nothing wrong with the baby, so they assumed it was nothing. She's fighting hard, but it doesn't look great. I hate when anyone gets cancer, but when little children are getting left behind, it just breaks my heart.