You know, the MOBAWATCH brawl really shows why Hero switching is needed. I wanted just a few quick stress relief games and went in there, but the game is pretty much pre-deteremined based on who you choose. I went Winston on Offense since I knew a lot of the time the defending team would have at least one sniper, and was lucky enough that the defending team went Widowmaker (weak versus Winston, can't keep distance), Genji (weak versus Winston, can't reflect Lightening Gun) S76 (medium versus Winston, if he can keep distance), Reinhardt (Lightening Gun ignores Shield), Torbjorn (which is good versus Winston if he knows what he is doing, but this one didn't and couldn't keep his turret up), and Mercy (weak versus Winston). It was even better because we had a Zenyatta on the team that really knew how to use my shield to throw out some devistating blasts, keep me healed, and make my job hunting them even easier with Discord.
We steamrolled the match and I ended it with close to 60% kill participation. It was so crazy that by the last leg I just used my ultimate and held off the whole team by myself at the final payload point allowing my team to walk it from the door all the way to the trailer with little resistance. While it felt nice to have such a strong win, it's because they couldn't switch out to counter our composition. Super glad they are not listening to people in that regard (there are some vocal people that don't want switching).