For Christmas I bought myself some boxes. I got all the event skins I wanted out of it! Winston, Torbjorn, Zenyatta, Lucio, McCree, Pharah, and Reaper. That means the only ones I am missing are Mei, Tracer, Roadhog, and Sombra . I also got the Widowmaker Highlight Intro, which I will never, ever see...
The last thing I really want is the Symmetra Highlight Intro, and maybe the Mei skin. The rest I can probably live without.
Also the new Brawl... It's like GasBandit's greatest nightmare. I know it's kind of a cheeky event, but with the antarctic map, the night sky, the dozens of Mei's running around, and the terror of being out of ammo and collecting snow knowing any minute an enemy Mei can show up and snowball your rooted ass dead, it feels more like a horror game, even more so when your whole team dies leaving you wandering the halls trying to survive 6 enemy Mei's.
The last thing I really want is the Symmetra Highlight Intro, and maybe the Mei skin. The rest I can probably live without.
Also the new Brawl... It's like GasBandit's greatest nightmare. I know it's kind of a cheeky event, but with the antarctic map, the night sky, the dozens of Mei's running around, and the terror of being out of ammo and collecting snow knowing any minute an enemy Mei can show up and snowball your rooted ass dead, it feels more like a horror game, even more so when your whole team dies leaving you wandering the halls trying to survive 6 enemy Mei's.