Rant VIII: The Reckoning

You must never have had the pleasure of the constant calls and emails from their billing department... WEEKS BEFORE THE BILL IS EVEN DUE.
Nope. That's because I canceled my XM account once. I got rid of the radio when I moved up here... and then got one for my car a few years later.

They love me.

And dude: Kroger isn't open? Go get yourself something you can make for yourself. Hell, Pizza would be a better option.
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The reality of the upcoming weekend is starting to sink in. With mom in the hospital, no other family within 200 miles, and friends I don't hang out with much anymore because of third shift, this is looking to be the worst Christmas ever. The house will be completely empty except for our four cats. The hotel will be virtually deserted besides the front desk shifts.

And to top that off, every effort to get decent to eat today has hit a roadblock. Sandwich shop sold out of their special the one day I can actually order. I had a coupon for a free pizza, but the Dominos driver had a flat tire, so they've cut that off (yesterday I called about a minute too late.) Brandy I had to add to some eggnog hadn't been opened in so long, the cork crumbled into the bottle.

Unless I manage to order some pizza tomorrow night before they close, Xmas "dinner" is looking like ramen noodles. Sure there's lasagna and meatloaf in the freezer, but with no one else in the house, it would go to waste before I had a chance to finish it off. So in the freezer it stays.

Act fucking surprised.

At eleven fucking thirty.

Merry Christmas.

I'm really sorry to hear about the issues your baby is having, and particularly the insurance struggles. We have had a very similar trajectory with our latest addition. You'd think after so many kids we'd have seen it all, but wow, he's thrown us for a loop.

Hopefully the surgery will resolve your child's feeding!

I'm really sorry to hear about the issues your baby is having, and particularly the insurance struggles. We have had a very similar trajectory with our latest addition. You'd think after so many kids we'd have seen it all, but wow, he's thrown us for a loop.

Hopefully the surgery will resolve your child's feeding!
Well it's only been about 9 or so hours but she seems to be taking a bottle better already without having to pull off in order to catch her breath every little bit. So that's good.

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Act fucking surprised.

At eleven fucking thirty.

Merry Christmas.
Make that 11 fucking oclock.

Christ what is up with the stun bunnies in your state not knowing what hours they are open on Xmas eve?


Staff member
*cop cuts open pic-a-nick-a basket and sticks in a pinky. Tastes*

100% pure, uncut Sunbeam white. My god. You were going to flood the parks with this. These sandwiches have a street value of $11.
Those freaking robotic telemarketer calls have gotten so annoying now that voice recognition has gotten more ubiquitous. I've gotten a half dozen of them over the last few months, and they go something like this:

"Hello, is Mike there?" <---it's always the same name.
"You've got the wrong number."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe you can help me."
<interrupts> "Oh, it's that robot again."
<pause> "I'm sorry, but you're talking to a real live person." <-- this caught me the first time.
"Really? I'm pretty sure you're a robot."
<pause> "I'm sorry, but you're talking to a real live person."
"oh yeah? Then spell 'robot'"
<pause> "I'm sorry, but you're talking to a real live person."

What's annoying is that they got both male and female voice talent to make these recordings, so it took me a second to recognize the script when the gender changed. I wonder if those people appreciated the irony as they were recording "I'm sorry, but you're talking to a real live person." :p
I always tell them to spell a word. When they ignore me I hang up.
Or answer them back in a robotic voice.
...I wonder if there's any money to be made in a device that answers your phone and does audio CAPTCHAs to screen out fake robocallers oh wait that exists and it's called voicemail.
