@figmentPez and any other Houston forumites, I am setting aside Sunday, July 23 for our official meetup. Plans to be made probably by you because I won't know where to go. My son will be with me as will possibly be other family members like my new sister and possibly brother. Or neither. Who knows? It's up to them.
Then, on Wednesday, July 26, I'm going to hit a comedy open mic in Austin. If I can find one. Any Austin peeps that want to meet the old guy can let me know and I'll fill them in.
I leave on Thursday for Cowboy's Stadium and then home.
I will also be in Oklahoma City on Friday the 21st and Thursday the 27th. But I don't know of any OKC people here. Maybe I just forgot.
So that's it. 2 weeks from tomorrow I get a'movin'.