Funny Pictures Thread. It begins again


Staff member
I thought @Dave DID take comedy on the road years ago? Or am I conflating and/or misunderstanding what he does and/or has done?
I had the chance to be a road dog comic, traveling the country. But I had just gotten married and had kids, so I gave up the dream. I haven't actually traveled that much outside of my immediate area, although I have done stuff in Chicago, Denver, Columbus, and one-off places like that. I did some road stuff years ago but nothing like a real road dog comic would do.
I'm sure I haven't heard of a LOT of things, and I also am pretty sure that for a number of them that I should be GLAD that I haven't!
Well, you're not wrong. :)
I know I'm unusual in that I want to know it all, even the squicky stuff, just to know it.

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