Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread


Staff member
The electronic voting machine I used also spat out a paper ballot... but it would not surprise me to find it different from county to county.
Harris County the largest in U.S. still voting on machines that lack paper trail

" the county will be the largest jurisdiction in the United States that cannot audit its election results because it uses a voting system that does not produce a paper record. "

I can't find any information on which other counties in Texas don't produce a paper trail, but Montgomery county is also among them. (Fort Bend and Travis just got new voting machines, which the article mentions because Harris County bought their old ones. Which does make me wonder if smaller/poorer counties, with more Latine votes, bought the old paper-less models that other counties were selling off...)

Holy shit, this election could have been SO MUCH WORSE:
In 2018 most of Pennsylvania used voting machines that don't produce a paper trail...

In 2020 every PA county got new voting machines that produce a paper trail.

Can you imagine the pile of shit we'd be in right now with PA as battleground state with machines that don't leave a paper trail?
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Harris County the largest in U.S. still voting on machines that lack paper trail

" the county will be the largest jurisdiction in the United States that cannot audit its election results because it uses a voting system that does not produce a paper record. "

I can't find any information on which other counties in Texas don't produce a paper trail, but Montgomery county is also among them. (Fort Bend and Travis just got new voting machines, which the article mentions because Harris County bought their old ones. Which does make me wonder if smaller/poorer counties, with more Latino votes, bought the old paper-less models that other counties were selling off...)

Holy shit, this election could have been SO MUCH WORSE:
In 2018 most of Pennsylvania used voting machines that don't produce a paper trail...

In 2020 every PA county got new voting machines that produce a paper trail.

Can you imagine the pile of shit we'd be in right now with PA as battleground state with machines that don't leave a paper trail?
Let's just say that it wasn't very 2020 of 2020.
Does anybody else think Trump will build his own White House somewhere and act like he is still president? Like Twitter commands to people and then complain they don't do what he says.
Does anybody else think Trump will build his own White House somewhere and act like he is still president? Like Twitter commands to people and then complain they don't do what he says.
Under other circumstances, maybe, but he has no money, his debt is bigger than some states, and the SDNY has a BIG court date waiting for him.
Some are positing that orange boi will resign before the inauguration to let Pence pardon him.

The flaw in that thinking is that he'd even entertain the notion that he lost.
Hey cheeto,

Lemmy said:
What are you going to do now
Out in the lonely times
How will you ever get through now
Remembering all of your crimes
What will you do, what will you do,
Who do you think would attempt a rescue
Dreaming, screaming, knocked right out of your shoes
Who would you blame, who could you sue
If the sky came looking for you
How are you gonna live now
Out in the lonely fields
What do you have to give now
I wonder how do you feel
What will you say, what will you say,
What will you say when god turns away
Running, jumping, praying it wasn't true
How would you look, without a clue
When the sky comes looking for you
Looks like the same old story
Looks like the same old game
Don't think you're bound for glory
I think you might be insane
What do you think, what do you think,
What do you think with your nerves on the brink
Dogging, weaving, trying to find a way through
Gonna be bad whatever you do
When the sky comes looking for you
Two Qannon supporters were arrested in Philly for carrying fire arms. They were in town from VA to deliver fake ballots. SEE? Trump promised a corrupt election and he is trying to deliver...
Some are positing that orange boi will resign before the inauguration to let Pence pardon him.

The flaw in that thinking is that he'd even entertain the notion that he lost.
Doesn't he need to plead guilty to something for there to be anything to pardon?
Google "Four Seasons Landcaping." I have no idea whats going on anymore.
My wife told me they called it for Biden and I had to log on to see what was going on and I had the most confused look on my face seeing Four Seasons Landscaping was trending.

My best guess is that Trump tweeted that he was going to have a conference at the Four Seasons Hotel, but did it before the hotel approved it. When the deal didn't happen his pride couldn't let him be wrong, so he literally googled "Four Seasons" for any other business with the name and landed on the landscapers and offered them a lot of money to do it.
My wife told me they called it for Biden and I had to log on to see what was going on and I had the most confused look on my face seeing Four Seasons Landscaping was trending.

My best guess is that Trump tweeted that he was going to have a conference at the Four Seasons Hotel, but did it before the hotel approved it. When the deal didn't happen his pride couldn't let him be wrong, so he literally googled "Four Seasons" for any other business with the name and landed on the landscapers and offered them a lot of money to do it.
Hope they took the money upfront.
For some reason, Rudy Giuliani doing a fraud press conference in front of a run down landscapers with "Trump 2020" taped onto an old garage door while the press slowly leaves is pretty much peak Trump. Like a washed up actor opening the local EZ SAVE because he can't get a job anywhere else.