Crimson Helix is the name of a Transformers knock-off cartoon produced in Japan in the 80s. The main character, also called Crimson Helix, was actually a robot that could transform into a police car. He was neither crimson nor helix-shaped, which led to widespread confusion among audiences when the BBC tried to bring the show to the UK. Due to this, and a variety of other reasons such as the show not being very good, it failed miserably in Britain and was never imported to the US. In Japan, though, the cartoon ran for over a hundred episodes, and still has a small cult following today. One of the episodes dealt with the issue of public urination in Tokyo, which is both illegal and VERY VERY taboo according to Japanese cultural norms. But since this was a kids' show, they had to tackle it in a really roundabout way. For example, they couldn't actually portray anyone peeing in the street, so they had to have Crimson Helix see someone urinating and then show his reaction. This episode involved quite a few close-up shots of Crimson Helix's disgusted expression, which have since become a meme in Asian Internet culture, so basically "Crimson Helix is watching you urinate in the street" is a reference to this cartoon and meme and I totally made all this up but it sounds plausible doesn't it.