Weed gummies are like a minimum of $10/gummy. No one* is handing them out on purpose, nor are they eating and mixing the same on-brand version and also keeping them in the same place to where it would happen on accident.
What IS happening, very rarely, is that morons are leaving these out in kid-accessible places and they are getting into them that way, having a bad day and in some cases hospital visits when they have panic attacks because they don't understand what's going on. It's also important to note that technically here at least, packaging that mimics branded candy is illegal and not sold in the legal shops specifically because it's confusing. Though in truth, it's not difficult to buy them and many prefer to since thc and cbd content is much higher than what is sold legally.
This is the exact same dog whistle as "Careful of poison or razor blades in your kids Halloween candy!" which...didn't happen other than by deplorable family members.
*I'm sure someone is gonna find a 1 off instance of it happening so, ok, not no one no one but statistically no one.