Funny (political, religious) pictures

I get fucked up A LOT, and there's not a chance that would ever happen. The more likely situation is a stoner getting so high they eat the regular candy and don't bother answering the door.
I was gonna say, every stoner I've ever known has known to the centimeter exactly where their weed was at all times, like they have special weed GPS in their brain ;) "My weed is exactly 3000 meters north north-west of me right now, and accounting for the curvature of the earth and the hills on these roads, at least two meters below me."
Weed gummies are like a minimum of $10/gummy. No one* is handing them out on purpose, nor are they eating and mixing the same on-brand version and also keeping them in the same place to where it would happen on accident.

What IS happening, very rarely, is that morons are leaving these out in kid-accessible places and they are getting into them that way, having a bad day and in some cases hospital visits when they have panic attacks because they don't understand what's going on. It's also important to note that technically here at least, packaging that mimics branded candy is illegal and not sold in the legal shops specifically because it's confusing. Though in truth, it's not difficult to buy them and many prefer to since thc and cbd content is much higher than what is sold legally.

This is the exact same dog whistle as "Careful of poison or razor blades in your kids Halloween candy!" which...didn't happen other than by deplorable family members.

*I'm sure someone is gonna find a 1 off instance of it happening so, ok, not no one no one but statistically no one.
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You can tell the dude was trying to be nice and straight up point out it's because they are part of the EU, because doing it would only further put a light on his idiocy, and he was trying not to do that to him, and really had to hold back when the dude was talking about Scotland like it was the same place.

Once again, perhaps it's just my personal compass that's off, but I'm just not sure if the person making this comic is making fun of the lazy Dems, or trying to inspire them, or what. This could, in my mind, be read either way.
It's definitely not ironic. They are trying to convince stay-at-home tech workers to move to those states rather then stuff together in specific areas like Silicon Valley, etc. They just being kind of dickish about it.

It's not exactly wrong. One of the reasons Texas is getting so close to going purple / blue is because they have been rabid about bringing in tech companies, like Apple, Tesla, etc. However, once they get here, the companies realize almost no one here can do the jobs they need, so they just bring in workers from California and push us more and more towards the center with each new three mile long Tesla center. Considering on top of that we are killing off all our rural voters due to the whole vaccination stupidity, the next election here is going to be rather interesting to say the least.


Staff member
Montana is beautiful. Alaska is a barren wasteland of shit. North Dakota is in the middle but closer to Alaska than Montana. Like, neighbors on the barrens wasteland scale. Wyoming really depends on where you are as it ranges wildly between the two extremes.

But the problem with them is that while you'd live there and vote, you'd also have to put up with the most extreme mother fuckers on the planet. Yeah, you'd quietly change things around, but the rabid populace would make you want to say, "Is this senate seat worth my sanity?" or, if you are a POC or LGBTQ, your safety?
I'm also wondering how you're supposed to do your cool WFH job in the middle of nowhere with no reliable internet. Yeah, all of Silicon Valley may have broadband and wifi and 5G, the middle of Alaska doesn't.
Montana is beautiful. Alaska is a barren wasteland of shit. North Dakota is in the middle but closer to Alaska than Montana. Like, neighbors on the barrens wasteland scale. Wyoming really depends on where you are as it ranges wildly between the two extremes.

But the problem with them is that while you'd live there and vote, you'd also have to put up with the most extreme mother fuckers on the planet. Yeah, you'd quietly change things around, but the rabid populace would make you want to say, "Is this senate seat worth my sanity?" or, if you are a POC or LGBTQ, your safety?
It's worth mentioning that Montana especially is a haven for white nationalists and their militias. So even if you moved enough folks there to make a difference, you'd be condemning them to face violence at the hands of communities that don't value the lives of the Left.


Staff member
Also, even though the cost of living in those places are probably lower than where you live, a lot of businesses are making COL adjustments to telework. So that California job you had in San Diego won't net you nearly the cash you would make in Billings.
Alaska is a barren wasteland of shit.
Most of the state is, yes. The southern part, especially where I was from (Kenai) is actually very gorgeous. Lots of evergreen forests, rivers, and mountains. I actually kind of miss it sometimes, but then I remember how ungodly cold it gets there in winter and I get over it. :p
Also, even though the cost of living in those places are probably lower than where you live, a lot of businesses are making COL adjustments to telework. So that California job you had in San Diego won't net you nearly the cash you would make in Billings.
Thankfully, some of them aren't. I moved to VA in 2010 and ended up practically doubling my TX salary over a 10 year period. Now I'm back in TX...with that same DC Metro Area salary. It's.....very nice.
The "Arizona" Solution isn't going to work in Alaska or Montana.

Hold off before you YDTTA me - consider that right now this state has two - TWO - Democratic US Senators (though there's some debate about Sinema, TBH). And, with the amount of bad taste in the mouth the whole Senate Audit fiasco has left, this state could go from red to purple to blue in relatively short order.

Looks like the Leopards are still hungry for some Horse Dewormer. Guess Lindsey forgot the truth since Facebook was down yesterday, as we all know 100% of the people in hospitals are actually vaccinated people shedding spike proteins all over themselves. DUH.