The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

I don't really care one way or the other. But then again, I don't generally care when all of the internet uproar happens because they change anyone's skin color from tradition (Nick Fury, anyone?) If the actor does a good job in the role, that's good enough for me. But maybe me being a white guy makes me less sensitive to racial considerations, because I know there's a whole fury whenever they 'white wash' a role to put a white actor in a part that's traditionally played by non-white characters. But, for the most part, I can't bring myself to care about it very much.
But maybe me being a white guy makes me less sensitive to racial considerations, because I know there's a whole fury whenever they 'white wash' a role to put a white actor in a part that's traditionally played by non-white characters. But, for the most part, I can't bring myself to care about it very much.
The issue with "white washing" is that most white characters don't have a stake in their ethnicity. Kingpin isn't Kingpin because he is "white", so bringing someone in like Michael Clark Duncan to play him in the Daredevil movie shouldn't really be a huge issue, because Wilson Fisk is not defined by his whiteness, only that he is an American mob boss.

This would be a different story for someone like Mile Morales, who is partially defined by his mixed race heritage, so having say Zack Efron come play him in the next Spider-Man movie would be kind of weird.

Not saying every outrage over white washing is justified, some movies even play with the idea of white washing in interesting ways (Ghost in the Shell) while others just do it because, well, don't even know why (Dragon Ball).


Staff member
I don't know if it's color-washing or not, but I'm still butthurt about the casting of Triss in Netflix Witcher.

Though, source-material Fringilla is supposed to look so similar to Yennefer that Geralt sleeps with her, and that plot point has probably gone by the wayside, but in this case for some reason I fail to care.

Wonder what the difference is.
Oh no, if they cast someone who isn't #FFFFFF white as Snow White then where are we going to get white representation from? All of this diversity in previously euro-centric fairy tails is... It's like a replacement. Like a great replacement...

That said, it's a Disney live action adaptation of a previously well regarded animated movie, so it's gonna suck and no one will care.
They could get around this issue by having the "Snow White" aspect of her name refer to something else. Like, I dunno, make her have white hair. Or white eyes.

Huh, now I kinda want a Snow White story starring Storm.
The Boba Fett finale was the third best episode of the series (below the Mandalorian episodes). It paid off everything previously set up and had a lot of really fun moments.

Not a great series overall, since the best stuff was anything without Fett, but they stuck the landing.
My Elemental Nature lightsaber build in Disneyland back in December (same day Book of Boba Fett debuted), they were out of free carrier sheaths, so they gave a second crystal.
Good for you! I mean that. They’ve basically run out of bags so much lately that it’s basically, sorry nothing we can do about that.
I was at Disneyland. At the same time, Disneyworld gave people a plastic umbrella bag and took a lot of heat. Eventually they said they would give a 10% discount, which I would prefer to a second crystal. 10% is $22, buying that crystal would be $18 plus tax, so you'd still have a little cash left over (and the bought crystal would come in a container, and a chance at a black crystal if you were buying red). The free sheath would still be ideal, as the only one for sale was a heavier-duty canvas one for $50.


Staff member
I think it was brought up in another thread, too.

Strikes me as kind of a Chip and Dale version of Bojack Horseman, though maybe a bit less bleak.
...I dunno. I mean, as a series, eww. As a movie....It might work? My initial reaction was horror, but depending on how heavy they go on the jokes and the nostalgia and so on, this might be fun.
I'll admit to not being terribly attached to the RR though - I liked them well enough, but they were never shown in any proper order here and they were on at the same time as....I don't remember what other cartoon, but anyone, something I liked better, so that might help. Though obviously, focusing on "people who grew up with us but aren't overly attached"is a recipe for disaster.
The trailer has an air of "is this what madness feels like to it?", which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Biggest negative -- the generic-sounding, celebrity voice cast.

Biggest positive -- "CGI surgery" -- It's a good gag, and it's fascinating that they committed to the bit, with one character remaining in traditional animation and one in CGI for the entire trailer.
One problem I have is the bad animation of Chip. He looks really flat. I know that he is supposed to look like a 2d animated tv cartoon but they make two direct references to similiar things that blend 2d and real life. And both looked better 30 years ago.


Staff member
Speaking of Rescue Rangers, does anyone know why that show on Disney+ is in HD when none of the other Disney Afternoon shows are? Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Tale Spin, and Gummi Bears are all 4:3 SD, and often pretty blurry for SD at that. Rescue Rangers is widescreen and looking very crisp in comparison. Did they remaster it just because of this movie?
One problem I have is the bad animation of Chip. He looks really flat. I know that he is supposed to look like a 2d animated tv cartoon but they make two direct references to similiar things that blend 2d and real life. And both looked better 30 years ago.
I think it's because it's still clearly CGI, but made to look like it's 2D. And it just winds up looking awkward.
See, I was sort of on board until Seth Rogan. He is just an awful voice actor. Or as I should say..."voice" "actor". At least TRY and do something other than yourself and your own annoying stoner laugh.
That was my breaking point too.