I really want to get it, but I'm trying not to buy new games lately.Stray
I am teh bad kitteh & I keep scratching walls & furniture every chance I get.
I miss being able to just buy whatever game I wanted, but I sleep better at night now I guess.I really want to get it, but I'm trying not to buy new games lately.
Of course, if someone were to buy it for me, they could have their pick of anything from my Steam keys list. Literally, anything, even multiple keys even if it's not a fair trade value.
From watching someone play on their stream, it inverts the controls when the bag is on the cat's head.10/10
Yeah, it does, that was my video. That's why you see me take a half second to get used to that and run into the pillarFrom watching someone play on their stream, it inverts the controls when the bag is on the cat's head.
Are we talking about the terrible remake?I just rage uninstalled A Boy and His Blob
This game is cute, starts off with some decent puzzles, but the controls are absolute shit, and there are boss fights that require fast action. I was starting to get frustrated at puzzles that requiring tight timing, but the slime-bird boss just pissed me off too much. This was good as a puzzle game, but dodging boss projectiles while trying to do tasks that lock you into animations is annoying. Especially when the boss starts throwing stuff at you without enough time in between to actually do anything.
I wanted to like this game, I really did, but the designers just have no idea how to make a boss puzzle.
Yes, the 2016 PC versionAre we talking about the terrible remake?
1) Not that I have seenI have a question for Stray players please.
Is there cat death? Is it a super sad game?
I have a question for Stray players please.
Is there cat death? Is it a super sad game?
Did you play Xenoblade Chronicles 1&2?Were they fun? I am thinking about starting those two, but that is a large time investment.Xenoblade Chronicles 3
I'm in the first third of Chapter 3 and the game is everything I expected to be. I'm really enjoying the gameplay, the fights and characters.
Did you play Xenoblade Chronicles 1&2?Were they fun? I am thinking about starting those two, but that is a large time investment.
I played 1and 2 and liked both. But I have to agree with @Frank in some parts. You will probably enjoy XB1 more than XB2. XB2 can be annoying for the reasons above. The english voice acting is bad and it feels they didn't get any direction to work with. The best solution for this was downloading the japanese voice file (it's a free download) and never looking back. The game can feel sluggish at times and the textures need a bit of loading time. One thing he didn't mentioned what many feel is a big annoying thing is the gatcha game mechanic of drawing Blades and the field abilities. In this game you don't buy weapons you get personefied weapons called "Blades" by resonate with core crystals you can find in the game. However you never know what you get. Either regular common blades or unique blades designed by different artist.2 is annoying. That's the best I can say about it. Voice actors, character design, random enemies 120 levels above you in starting areas and there is a massive, massive glitch (or there was when I played 60 hours of this fucking game) that will corrupt your save file.
It's a really decent game that you can completely fuck yourself if you don't set up your units right. For example, right now I'm on mission #9 and I just can't get past it. I'm even save scumming. But there's a part of the mission to protect some suicidal AI that has horses and just goes way faster into the enemy than you can block. Stupid AI.@Dave
I see you have Symphony of War on steam. Can you give me your opinion on it?
After finishing FE: 3 Houses i have a itch, that i hope this game might scratch.