[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

If you want to avoid confusion, either:
A) stock to one set of units, imperial or metric;
B) say "metric ton", just like you'd say "metric fuckton";
C) use the actually correct SI unit, which is megagram, which has the additional benefit of sounding way cooler.
Oh you gloriously nieve European bastard, Canada is both metric and imperial at the same time. I blame America.


Staff member
We had my aunt’s funeral today. That’s not the rant. We took pictures and THAT took almost a half hour. But that’s not the rant either. The rant is that my fucking sister posted the pictures on fucking Facebook knowing that my Department of Homeland Security cousin is NOT allowed any sort of media presence, including - you guessed it - having his picture on fucking Facebook.
My family is having a big birthday party for my mother in a few weeks. My VERY religious aunt will likely be there. She's done things like picket outside abortion clinics, and sent a homophobic letter to my cousin who was getting married to her partner. Years ago, when I'd moved in with a girlfriend at the time, she called me to "congratulate me." In fact, she called specifically to ask "Soooo...now that you've moved in? What's the next step?" and said she didn't think it was right that we were living together but not under the "right eyes of authority." (in other words, God's authority, as in marriage).

I dread seeing her.

On the one hand, I'm half-tempted to get and wear a blatant pro-pride shirt just to screw with her. Maybe even finally use this as an excuse to order Steph Sterling's "The Gays Can Do Whatever They Want" t-shirt.

On the other hand, that feels like creating unnecessary drama when it's my mother's day. I'm already going over ways in my head on how to deal with this aunt on the day.
The party was today. As expected, I mostly hung out with my girlfriend and my sister's dog. Got to chat a little bit with my other sister who lives further away. And a few other family members.

I was putting things away in my bag when my aunt and her family arrived. I nodded and said "Hey [aunt's name]." She immediately came in for a hug. I very gently brushed her arm away, saying "Nope nope nope" and walked away. Then I purposely avoided her the rest of the party, barely making so much as eye contact.

She briefly chatted with my girlfriend when i wasn't there, but it was just small talk. She didn't confront me and no one asked why I wouldn't speak to her.

So...it went about as well as it could have, I suppose. I feel bad for not rescuing my girlfriend from her, but that was a short interaction, at least.


Staff member
I got rear ended in the car wash today by a lady who couldn't speak english and thus didn't understand she was supposed to have her car in neutral and let the conveyor push her through. She panic stomped the gas instead of the brake and bashed me forward a good foot (since I WAS in neutral).

They stopped the carwash and the staff came inside and instructed us both to pull around front to exchange info. I did so... and she took off out the exit and onto the freeway.

The carwash refused to give me plate numbers or camera footage, said the cops would have to come get it.

Called the cops, two squad cars came an hour later (I'm pretty sure that's overkill for just basically taking an after-the-fact statement), looked at my bumper and shrugged "no damage, we can't start a case, here's the sequencing number if you want to make something of it" and left. Come on, guys... the parts that crumple are UNDER the bumper cover and not visible. And I'm pretty sure leaving the scene of an accident is a crime regardless of damage or injury. Hell, this is an EV, I've got 65,000 watt-hours of lithium ion up under there, who knows if it's cracked and about to burst into fucking flames now? But whatever, I guess. Thanks, Deputy Dawg.

Gonna take the Bolt down to the body shop tomorrow and get it looked over. The dealership refused to even touch it because they "don't have a body shop" so if they open it up and stuff starts falling out they don't have the wherewithal/legal ability to put it back together.

I should have fuckin just stopped at the tunnel exit and photographed the lady behind me. It was a gold toyota, couldn't tell if it was a corolla or an avalon or what because it was all sudsed up. Didn't get the plate number obviously because I didn't think she'd dash. Maybe she also didn't understand the staff telling her to pull around front.

You can bet I'm going to be the biggest asshole about this. This car is brand fucking new and I will flense the cost of every tiny dent from her carcass if I have to do it with my bare incisors.


Staff member
And I'm pretty sure leaving the scene of an accident is a crime regardless of damage or injury.
When I was rear-ended in a Taco Bell parking lot, decades ago, and the other car left the scene, I was told that it's not illegal if the accident happens on private property. Which seemed strange to me, but you might have better luck getting your insurance company to track down theirs than trying to get the cops to do it directly.
I should have fuckin just stopped at the tunnel exit and photographed the lady behind me. It was a gold toyota, couldn't tell if it was a corolla or an avalon or what because it was all sudsed up. Didn't get the plate number obviously because I didn't think she'd dash. Maybe she also didn't understand the staff telling her to pull around front.
I'd bet money that she was undocumented or had a warrant.


Staff member
Did you tell the cops the woman didn’t speak English? That probably woudlve gotten them to investigate harder.
Not that our cops aren't racist, but their laziness trumps their racism. No pun intended.

Every interaction I've had with Bryan PD has basically been them shrugging at me and leaving and never hearing anything back afterwards. My house got burglarized 10 or 15 years ago and it was the same then.

I should have called the Brazos County Sherriff's Office, those deputies are practically rabid. (I know, I know, they'd have just told me this is the City PD's jurisdiction)


Staff member
Got back from the body shop, looks like I got lucky and there's no appreciable damage under the bumper cover, other than it "feeling" a little smushy. Just some broken plastic connectors on the bumper cover that would have kept it faux-rigid in spaces where there's actually no structure behind the cover.

I guess I'll just let the whole thing drop.