On our way back from Montreal following the latest oncology appointment for my wife. Was supposed to be on 20 December, but we had to postpone it due to influenza.
All the numbers are still trending in the right direction! They were alrrady back in the normal range in August, the improvements are continuing!
Next steps are a CT scan in April (the doc is expecting good news) and then the next appointment is on 7 June.
The war continues, but it's going insanely well (the doc is still baffled, actually).
All the numbers are still trending in the right direction! They were alrrady back in the normal range in August, the improvements are continuing!
Next steps are a CT scan in April (the doc is expecting good news) and then the next appointment is on 7 June.
The war continues, but it's going insanely well (the doc is still baffled, actually).