On our way back from Montreal following the latest oncology appointment for my wife. Was supposed to be on 20 December, but we had to postpone it due to influenza.

All the numbers are still trending in the right direction! They were alrrady back in the normal range in August, the improvements are continuing!

Next steps are a CT scan in April (the doc is expecting good news) and then the next appointment is on 7 June.

The war continues, but it's going insanely well (the doc is still baffled, actually).
And on top of that, one of my favourite bands, Blind Guardian, is coming to Montreal on 10 May touring behind their latest album, The God Machine, which topped my 2022 album of the year list and is the best thing they've done in at least 20 years (IMHO, of course). And I got a ticket! So hyped!
Hailey and her soccer club team epically took home first place in a weekend-long tournament. It is their first time getting into the finals for one of these events, let alone winning the whole thing.
Their final game was intense. Despite a great lead that put her team ahead at 5 to 2 with fifteen minutes left in the 2nd half, the opposing team managed to tie the game in those fifteen. The game came down to penalty shots where they finally triumphed. I am so very proud of them all. Their teamwork was on point.


Hailey and her soccer club team epically took home first place in a weekend-long tournament. It is their first time getting into the finals for one of these events, let alone winning the whole thing.
Their final game was intense. Despite a great lead that put her team ahead at 5 to 2 with fifteen minutes left in the 2nd half, the opposing team managed to tie the game in those fifteen. The game came down to penalty shots where they finally triumphed. I am so very proud of them all. Their teamwork was on point.
That's awesome! Although, I might recommend deleting the picture. I don't know if your ex is aware of Halforums, but she might not react well to pictures of Hailey being posted.
My current Laz-E-Boy computer chair, popped to many springs last weekend, I went ahead and made an order for a new one Sunday night. New chair arrived this morning, made a pretty serious upgrade from my old model to my new "Heavy Boy" model. I need a new side table for setting my drinks etc, but otherwise it seems fantastic.


Staff member
Finally heard back from Crestron. They are experiencing a bug I can't reproduce that prevents 70% of the program's function from... functioning.

I have until Jan 20th to fix and resubmit.

Oh, and I only get one resubmittal, so if I fix this "bug" (which again, I can't even reproduce on my end) and they find another "bug" somewhere behind it, I just fail and have pissed away 120+ hours on this project for nothing and get to start over from square one with a new scope of work, being a huge disappointment to everyone in my professional circle (especially my boss who really went to bat for me to be able to do this project while on the clock), and bring shame and disgrace on my family name for generations to come etc etc.

And naturally my schedule is already crammed wall-to-wall/ceiling-to-ceiling with actual work with immediate deadlines.

So yeah. I'm so stressed I'm now getting involuntary muscle spasms. Which is not a nice feeling.
Resubmitted my updated code last night.

Heard back today.

Guess who is now a Crestron Certified Programmer?

apparently its spelled La-Z-Boy, today I learned, I guess, not sure why you couldn't have just mentioned I had their name wrong.
I'm not sure if you're just in a bad mood, forgot who posted it, or didn't pick up on it, but saying it like that is 100% Patrick's type of humor. And mine, to be fair.
guess the joke is lost on someone like me? lets just say you both are extremely funny, and move on from this point of contention.
My nephew just got accepted into law school. :D

This is a kid I held as an infant and watched grow up, and now he's going to law school. :D
Congrats, you're now officially old.
You can go get your Old Man Club Membership Card from our founding member. I'm sure you know who I mean.
I have just been accepted for a week-long faculty seminar at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans. Accommodations and a lot of the meals will be paid for. It will start the week after my NYC workshop. I'm going to have a busy June.

The hotel I'll be staying it is modeled after a 1940s hotel, with art deco architecture and decor. For a week I'll feel like I'm getting ready to ship out to Europe and give Harry Hun a damn good thrashing. Six of the best, trousers down, what?
I mentioned in the minor victory thread that I've been playing a Heroes Unlimited/TMNT tabletop game with Dill.

It's been an absolute blast, slipping right back into character with Dill. Some hilarious moments, like fighting with a teleporting villain over a volcano (after Dill jumped on his back, because he jumps first without thinking). I was trying to get the villain's helmet off, but my hands were busy wrestling or holding on not to fall. So, I had Dill use his prehensile TONGUE to pull it off. Which both disgusted the GM and made him laugh.

Here's the best part: another player does a lot of knitting and crocheting. And she MADE DILL FOR ME, complete with a removable trench coat. I love him so much.

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