A.I. is B.S.

You get serious nightmare fuel when you try to generate people in an aspect ratio your model wasn't trained on. Most models are trained on 512x512 squares. I've had some horrendous hellish images when I don't follow this rule.


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View attachment 48536
Really wish I had time for that >_<
Unlike a lot of long videos, this one is not a slow paced ramble. It fits in a lot. It's not just "AI is a plagiarism machine" here's how. It goes back to the basics of what is personal property, how capitalism used biased philosophy to justify landowners reaping huge benefits at the expense of workers, and shows how that parallels the modern push from AI and Crypto bros want to get rich while promising to support UBI later. And that's just the highlights I remember. The only time the video isn't throwing tons of information at you is during ads for the Nebula streaming service, or during some of the spot-on humor.
Now it might come as no surprise to some of you that generative A.I. is used by many to generate lurid fantasy images.
And while it might not be a surprise to most of you that this is not the most common thing A.I. is used for, it might surprise you that it is not even #2, or #4.
...no, it's number six:


It seems the most common thing A.I. image creation is used for...is politics.
Artificial intelligence-generated “deepfakes” that impersonate politicians and celebrities are far more prevalent than efforts to use AI to assist cyber attacks, according to the first research by Google’s DeepMind division into the most common malicious uses of the cutting-edge technology.
Yay, I'm contributing to number 6!

Also, it occurs to me that some actions can probably fall into multiple categories, for example there're now plenty of AI-generated salacious pictures of female celebrities.


Staff member
A use for AI that Nick might approve of?
This 'Emotion-Canceling' AI Alters Angry Voices for Call Center Staff

"Customers who phone into support call centers could soon have their voices changed to make them sound less angry or upset to call center workers.

"Japanese telecom company and investment firm Softbank is developing what it calls 'SoftVoice,' an AI-powered 'emotion-canceling' tool for call center workers. SoftVoice allows its users to be able to 'change' the voice they're listening to so that it sounds more calm and less angry with the click of a button. For Softbank, AI's monotone tendencies aren't a bug, but a feature."
A use for AI that Nick might approve of?
This 'Emotion-Canceling' AI Alters Angry Voices for Call Center Staff

"Customers who phone into support call centers could soon have their voices changed to make them sound less angry or upset to call center workers.

"Japanese telecom company and investment firm Softbank is developing what it calls 'SoftVoice,' an AI-powered 'emotion-canceling' tool for call center workers. SoftVoice allows its users to be able to 'change' the voice they're listening to so that it sounds more calm and less angry with the click of a button. For Softbank, AI's monotone tendencies aren't a bug, but a feature."
No, because 1) it uses AI and I will not approve any use of AI. 2) It's unnatural. Let my real voice be heard.
Listening to angry customers can be aggravating. Listening to an Ai drone all day would be maddening. Thanks, but no thanks.
You know one relieving thing about the the last couple of years of AI art and shit is that it has literally never produced one piece of artwork of note. Not one thing anyone has ever cared one God damned iota about. It's all lifeless trash.
You know one relieving thing about the the last couple of years of AI art and shit is that it has literally never produced one piece of artwork of note. Not one thing anyone has ever cared one God damned iota about. It's all lifeless trash.
I have a few friends who have seemingly gained an ai porn addiction, and I don't mean they just like ai porn, I mean they generate hundreds, possibly thousands of images over and over. And the idea of a machine that you push a button on to jerk it to sexualized images of fake women (that are no doubt generated through stolen images of real women) is... It seems real bad. I can't explain it more than "this feels gross and people probably shouldn't do it."


Staff member
I have a few friends who have seemingly gained an ai porn addiction, and I don't mean they just like ai porn, I mean they generate hundreds, possibly thousands of images over and over.

Apropos of nothing, I just recently generated my 2300th...