Finally sold my ex's bicycle today. I bought it for her last year when we first started dating. Admittedly, I bought it due to a good tax return, and I wanted her to join me on bike rides.

It's been at my place for since before winter last year, before we broke up in January. She never asked for it back. Before we stopped talking, I asked her if it was okay to sell it because I needed help with debt. She said fine (I get the feeling she was still mad about it, though).

Anyway, I finally sold it today, so that's one less ugly visual reminder of a relationship that ended badly.
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If it was important, she would have come back for it. I've contacted exes before for things I've left behind. I didn't want to see them, but I wanted my stuff back. You bought it, she left it, you're well within your rights to sell it. C'est la vie.
If it was important, she would have come back for it. I've contacted exes before for things I've left behind. I didn't want to see them, but I wanted my stuff back. You bought it, she left it, you're well within your rights to sell it. C'est la vie.
She still has a few things of mine, but nothing major. Just some shirts and maybe a sweater. I wish I could get my AC/DC tank top back, since it's a great tank top, but meh, it's no big loss.

I also have about half a dozen pieces of art she's made for me over the years. Some on canvas, some in frames. The wall behind my couch has been jokingly called "The Wall of [Ex's Name]" since her art dominates that wall. None of them have my name on it or anything. They were Christmas or birthday gifts or just random art when she felt inspired. T

I want to get rid of it, too, but I don't know what the best course of action would be. There's only two I might keep: drawings of Dill and Diomedes.. It'd be cathartic to do a ritualistic burning of the rest, but that feels too petty and mean-spirited. Ditto for just throwing them out. I could donate them to Value Village, I suppose (local thrift store). I don't really have room in my apartment to store them if I ever change my mind or regret it.
Can you put them in a box or out of the way somewhere, even if it's just for a month or so? If you let a bit of time pass you might get a sense for whether you miss having it/seeing it, which would make it a lot easier to decide whether it's something to keep and work through the negative feelings you have right now or let it go and get on with healing.
If one or more pieces actually remind you of a more pleasant time, I would honestly keep them as that reminder, but if you don't think that's going to be possible, then I would either try to find someone who will appreciate them or else dispose of them as you see fit. I don't know if any kind of ritual destruction would be required, unless you think doing so would be necessary to more emphatically "set" the break in your mind.

I think I've mentioned on here in the past about my friends the swingers and their overt attempts to draw me into that vortex years and years ago. And Old Frank...(UGH).

Anyways, the friend I'm living with is going on a trip soon and had to explain to me the entire upsidedown pineapple thing which I had honestly never heard word one about (swinging isn't my thinging). I asked the swinger friend and he confirmed it and made fun of me for asking him like a 12 year old asking what a vagina is.
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I think I've mentioned on here in the past about my friends the swingers and their overt attempts to draw me into that vortex years and years ago. And Old Frank...(UGH).

Anyways, the friend I'm living with is going on a trip soon and had to explain to me the entire upsidedown pineapple thing which I had honestly never heard word one about (swinging isn't my thinging). I asked the swinger friend and he confirmed it and made fun of me for asking him like a 12 year old asking what a vagina is.
I don't know what that is either. So brofists given. I think I will keep it a mystery.
She still has a few things of mine, but nothing major. Just some shirts and maybe a sweater. I wish I could get my AC/DC tank top back, since it's a great tank top, but meh, it's no big loss.
I'm feeling antsy and can't seem to sleep, so my ADHD brain got me looking through my closet.

Turns out, the AC/DC shirt was in there. It's still too tight on me but hey, bonus, I thought it was gone for good.


Staff member
I am coming to the conclusion that my cat's dislike of the dog is purely performative. Whenever Schatzi (the dog) has the audacity to exist within sight of Nibbles, and either I or my GF are in the same room, Nibbles will hiss and growl and swat at Schatzi.

But several times I have caught them when Nibbles didn't know I was looking, seeing cat and dog curled up on the floor only a foot or so apart, with no issues whatsoever. But as soon as the cat realizes I can see them, IT IS ON, YOU MANGY MUTT
I am coming to the conclusion that my cat's dislike of the dog is purely performative. Whenever Schatzi (the dog) has the audacity to exist within sight of Nibbles, and either I or my GF are in the same room, Nibbles will hiss and growl and swat at Schatzi.

But several times I have caught them when Nibbles didn't know I was looking, seeing cat and dog curled up on the floor only a foot or so apart, with no issues whatsoever. But as soon as the cat realizes I can see them, IT IS ON, YOU MANGY MUTT
That’s very much like our older cat, Merlin (5). The cat puts on a show the he seems to think the dog wants to eat him, even though all she wants to do and would be so happy if she could just sniff him without getting a paw to the snout. But I’ve caught them existing peacefully at one of the water bowls when the cat doesn’t think anyone is around to see it. They’ve even gotten to the point that they can “share” the love seat. Cat on to of the back of one side and the dog lying on the other side in the seat.
Do kids even get computer classes anymore?

It's nuts that we were all taught basic programming and shit even at a young age. I learned basic HTML in grade 10. Etc. My buddy works at a place that has a marketing department and he has to explain to the people there how to use software to touch up photos beyond what is just automatically done by their phones. It's insane.
My boys learn MIT's Scratch in school and my eldest has dabbled a bit with other languages but they are a bit above his level still. They can use a word processor app, like Google Docs or Word, and have played around with video editing. File structure and troubleshooting are not high on their skill list yet.
It's crazy how if you were born between 1975 and 1995 you know how computers work, and if you weren't, you don't.

The teenager in my house has less tech literacy than my father, much less how much I had at his age.
I shall blow your hypothesis, I was born several years before your start date.


Staff member
On the other hand, there's lots of articles like "Gen-Z workers struggle with technology, like printers" Ok, listen, printers have never really worked right and everybody struggles with them, even us Xennial IT professionals.
You are a statistical outlier :p
I'm saying that you've set your start date too late. I think you should be looking at birth in the mid-sixties instead of 70s. Lots of us with earlier birth dates took classes in middle and high school for computers both operation and programming. We were usually having to explain to our college professors how the computer systems they were using really worked.
were all taught basic programming and shit even at a young age. I learned basic HTML in grade 10. Etc.
The ONLY reason I'm not a hotshot coder/web developer right now is that I did not grow up in the socioeconomic class that would've allowed me to actually have access to the required technology on the regular.

On the other hand, there's lots of articles like "Gen-Z workers struggle with technology, like printers" Ok, listen, printers have never really worked right and everybody struggles with them, even us Xennial IT professionals.
"Oh hey, you know how to fix computers and stuff, right?"

'Oh, sure. In fact I just built myself a new one.'

"Can you fix a printer?"

'Absolutely not. Those things don't work the way anything should, no one really knows what they do.'
On the other hand, there's lots of articles like "Gen-Z workers struggle with technology, like printers" Ok, listen, printers have never really worked right and everybody struggles with them, even us Xennial IT professionals.
There's a reason why this scene resonated with so many people back in the day.

To be fair, if printer mfrs were more concerned about making them easy to us and to function reliably than they were about using them as an excuse to establish a long tail, exclusive vendor lock-in, we wouldn't HAVE these problems.

We don't really have a "Well, This Sucks" thread, so best place for this, I guess.

"Halifax Water is advising that there is a possibility of unsafe drinking water for customers in the area(s) described in this notice.


"This boil water order results from a power interruption at the JD Kline (Pockwock) Lake Water Treatment Facility. This interruption has allowed a limited amount of unchlorinated water to enter the system. Staff are tracking this issue and are working on options to flush this untreated drinking water out of the system."

Halifax Water.JPG
Yeah I've noticed Youtube showing me posts from months ago. Maybe someone messed with something they shouldn't have behind the scenes.