Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

HOW could you ever make the case that anything related to that case was official? Argh.
I swear, the Deep State Judicial System is completely in the hands of Trump.
Files from 2016. It's all known.
He's a depraved, sick, sinful man, he's a wannabe-dictator with a cult-like following and his people will follow him straight into a theocractic nightmare if he was young and lucid enough to realize that.
And he's, by all expectations, going to be the Leader of the Free World again, because apparently the rest of the damn country can't get their heads togther enough to have a decent alternative other than an ocotgenarian who I really sympathize with and really wasn't that bad 15 years ago, but is genuinely sliding into senility as we speak.
We're probably not in the Worst Possible Timeline, but this one still fucking sucks.
According to my parents, it's because they tear down Confederate statues. People won't know history without them
My in-laws get so deeply offended whenever a Confederate statue is removed. I've written pieces for my university about the racist motivations behind putting those statues up in the first place and why they have no place today. The in-laws have no idea that I'm part of the effort to knock 'em down. I'll hear them gripe about how nobody respects their heritage anymore while I look like the picture of innocence. Inwardly, I am bursting with smug satisfaction like so:

I don't necessarily think literally every statue of a Confederate has to go. We still have (some) statues of our King Leopold II up, too. In some cases they're historically valuable, and can better be contextualized (with a plaque, with a modern piece of art accompanying them, being placed in a museum,...). There's plenty of historical figures with statues and being celebrated who were terrible people/dictators/mass murders/war criminals by modern standards.

However, the vast majority of Confederate statues were put up during the '60s era, during desegregation etc, and are just plain White Power propaganda, and those just need to be bulldozed into the ground.
I don't necessarily think literally every statue of a Confederate has to go. We still have (some) statues of our King Leopold II up, too. In some cases they're historically valuable, and can better be contextualized (with a plaque, with a modern piece of art accompanying them, being placed in a museum,...).
I will never understand the defense of a monument to one of history's greatest monsters.

Might as well have Hitler statues all over Germany and Austria.

Also shows how much Europeans value African lives.
I don't necessarily think literally every statue of a Confederate has to go. We still have (some) statues of our King Leopold II up, too. In some cases they're historically valuable, and can better be contextualized (with a plaque, with a modern piece of art accompanying them, being placed in a museum,...). There's plenty of historical figures with statues and being celebrated who were terrible people/dictators/mass murders/war criminals by modern standards.
Nah it’s just gross that you do (the exception being the one with the hands cut off).
I'm almost dreading the time around the election certification process, because this time any insurrectionists are likely to be met by a more "we're prepared this time and we're not fucking around" attitude.

I was actually looking for this yesterday, figuring he was virtually guaranteed to release one, but couldn't find any.
Looks like I was just impatient, is all.
