[Movies] The Upcoming Movies Trailer Thread

Hellboy: The Crooked Man
(Release date: "coming soon")

Well, this is unexpected. I didn't even know a new Hellboy movie was being made. This is apparently co-written by Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola himself.

It feels less like a big budget action flick and more like a horror-mystery, which am I totally okay with.

Not 100% sold on the makeup effects for Hellboy. It feels like a step down from previous entries.

Still, this feels promising.

Hellboy: The Crooked Man
(Release date: "coming soon")

Well, this is unexpected. I didn't even know a new Hellboy movie was being made. This is apparently co-written by Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola himself.

It feels less like a big budget action flick and more like a horror-mystery, which am I totally okay with.

Not 100% sold on the makeup effects for Hellboy. It feels like a step down from previous entries.

Still, this feels promising.

@ThatNickGuy Trailer is capped at 480p for me for some reason. Assumed it was for everyone as there is a youtube comment saying the same.
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Hellboy: The Crooked Man
(Release date: "coming soon")

Well, this is unexpected. I didn't even know a new Hellboy movie was being made. This is apparently co-written by Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola himself.

It feels less like a big budget action flick and more like a horror-mystery, which am I totally okay with.

Not 100% sold on the makeup effects for Hellboy. It feels like a step down from previous entries.

Still, this feels promising.

Feels a bit like Hellboy vs Evil Dead.
Hellboy: The Crooked Man
(Release date: "coming soon")

Well, this is unexpected. I didn't even know a new Hellboy movie was being made. This is apparently co-written by Christopher Golden and Mike Mignola himself.

It feels less like a big budget action flick and more like a horror-mystery, which am I totally okay with.

Not 100% sold on the makeup effects for Hellboy. It feels like a step down from previous entries.

Still, this feels promising.

Feels like a sub standard horror film, So far, other than the lackluster makeup, there isn’t anything here that says “Hellboy”. The complete lack of humor from this trailer has me very disinterested so far.
Oh they are even going for the real goofy shit. Feels kind of shit to replace the entire little person cast like that.

That movie will forever be tied to David Warner's voice for me, the ad that played on the art movie channel in Canada when I was a kid for the original (they played it all the time) featured so much of his dialog.

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We Live in Time

Oh hey, it's Florence Pugh (Yelena from the MCU) and Andrew "I only got two and a half Spider-Man movies" Garfield in a movie that...looks pretty good, actually.

It just occurred to me that this may be the first time I've heard Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield using their natural accents in a movie. Admittedly I don't watch many movies, and I haven't seen that many with either of them, but they've always been playing other nationalities or using other accents.
"I have to admit, I'm still getting used to the new look."

Guys, you already did the "fourth wall breaking comment on the recasting" joke all the way back in Iron Man 2.

Anyway, I'm feeling underwhelmed. I'll probably still watch it eventually, but the trailer did get one thing right... Sam Wilson is no Steve Rogers, and I'm not really vibing with a Captain America movie without Steve Rogers.
I like it. I’ll wait and see on Red Hulk, but I do like that it seems to be more in the vein of Winter Soldier overall. Isaiah Washington seems to be a good continuation from FatWS, and Ford seems to be a good recast on Ross.
I'm ok with that.

I feel like with all the Deadpool stuff that's come out I've seen the movie twice over already. Probably close to the truth since so much of trailer content for Marvel isn't in the final cut as is.
The Killer's Game

This randomly popped up in my YouTube recommendations and...y'know, it looks all right. Probably won't be anything award winning, but it looks fun.

The 4:30 Movie looks fun! I'm looking forward to it. It seems like 90's Smith with a bit more polish. It also looks like a lot of the filming was done in and around the Atlantic Highlands. The move theater is usually known as the Smodcastle, which iirc, Smith revived and runs. Also, there's an amazing BBQ place across the street, which you can kiiiinda see in some shots.
I remember reading about the casting of this. I didn't realize it was going to be out so soon. Seems like they got Chevy Chase down pretty well, attitude-wise.
I remember reading about the casting of this. I didn't realize it was going to be out so soon. Seems like they got Chevy Chase down pretty well, attitude-wise.
That looks like some damn fine casting.
This could succeed on nostalgia alone.
