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And I wish I was joking about the dry-humping...
You guys aren't allowed to frequent the brothels, strip-clubs, etc?[/QUOTE]

Well, the problem is that unlike in the States, the cities where military garrisons are present, such services are not readily available as the servicemen never stay for long (service time is 6-12 months, and only a handful go career).

Not to mention that it was an hour's drive to the nearest strip-club. And prostitution's not really that big in Finland.
Yay, out of the hospital.

My boy's favorite part was the food and being waited on hand and foot. Least favorite part was receiving nebulizer treatments while sleeping and having the oxygen tube put back in place while sleeping. Man can he whine when he's half asleep!

They also messed up his IV line so it was quite painful when he received injections through it the second day. The first nurse insisted it was fine - I presume she thought he was just overreacting.

Fortunately the second nurse not only believed him, but removed it and went to the trouble of getting drinkable medicine and reminding him to drink liquids frequently enough so she wouldn't have to have it put back in for fluids.

All in all it was as pleasant a stay as one might hope for in a hospital.

I'm reserving a spot in the rant thread for when we receive the bill...
So ... went to have supper with that friend I mentioned a while ago. We always have a laugh, and we get along great. She's smart as all hell, and probably one of the most beautiful people I know. I didn't know whether to call tonight a date, but it WAS just the two of us cooking supper at her place.

Well it's all immaterial now anyhow, because conversation went somewhere, and I asked her if she wanted to go for supper sometime as a date. She said sure. And then I rocked out.

An approxomation of our conversation:
(A conversation about dating people, strange people being interested in both of us, family members putting pressure on us to find people, leading in to ... )
ME: So maybe this seems like conspicuous timing, but did you want to go for supper sometime?
Her: Sure.
ME: [For some reason I thought she thought I was joking] Really? Like I mean to go out to eat somewhere. As a date.
Her: Okay, yeah. That sounds good.
ME: [Still not sinking in that she's not joking] Are you sure? I'm not kidding.
Her: Yes.

I may not be smooth. I may not have the moves. But the important thing is that I have a date.
Rob, that's solid. That's like... I can hear me having that conversation.

Good news, stienman! (*insert Canuck boast about free healthcare here* :p) Seriously, I'm glad he's doing well.

Wasabi Poptart

Adam - Glad to hear your son is out of the hospital. Nebulizer treatments SUCK whether you're asleep or awake.
Win for me! Maybe a minor win, but still a win!

That girl I mentiond a while back and I finally had our second date. We hung out again in her dorm, chatted for a while and then watched Sunshine Cleaning. Her dormmate arrived during the movie, so no kiss goodnight. We did share a hug, however.

Also, I gave her an early Christmas gift in the form of My Bloody Valentine on DVD. The original 80s film, not the dreadful remake. She absolutely loved it.

Go me!


Staff member
W00t, it's almost the fellow's birthday, which means it's time to make a fuss! He never makes a fuss about his birthday... so I do it for him. :D

First, I've been sending him cheesy e-cards every day (and will until the actual day) with goofy messages, just making fun of how goofy they are and giving him a little chuckle, since work's been extra crappy lately.

Then on the actual day I'm gonna show up at his place with some "Americone Dreams," his favorite ice cream, a rose, and some orange Gatorade.

Then we're gonna go see The Princess and the Frog. (This was his idea, I'm not being selfish with the movie choice!)

Probably gonna cook for him, but I don't know what yet. He loves chicken, so maybe just a nice roast chicken with pan-fried potatoes and peas... and a lemon pie, his favorite. Either that or I'll make meat pies. Fella loves him some meat pies. We'll eat on the couch while watching something on Netflix, probably some standup comedy he likes. Then I'll probably let him win at Soul Calibur... a couple of times. :p

Then I give him his gift... which I actually won't divulge here just in case he actually lurks sometimes. He tells me he doesn't unless I link him to something, but you never know... It's gonna be so cool!

Then on to the other festivities, for which i have gathered many special... articles of clothing. This is where the Gatorade becomes important. :toocool:

It's going to be the weekend to end all weekends! I love Jake's birthday!


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A crazy person, that's who.

No, but really, he didn't have chicken many different ways growing up-- barbecued, in a stew/gumbo, or fried mostly. They're a beef family for the most part. Because he knew I couldn't handle that much beef, he started cooking with more poultry--chicken tacos, turkey meatloaf, etc... Now that he cooks more for himself, I think he really appreciates the versatility of it.
A crazy person, that's who.

Man, i couldn't imagine a world where i had to eat only one type of meat... heck, there are plenty of foods i can't stand any more because i ate too much of them at one time...


Staff member
Same here! We ate a ton of chicken, but in a lot of different ways so it didn't get dull. Plus every Sunday my dad would go to one of the Cajun butcher shops and get a crawfish or eggplant-stuffed boneless chicken or some stuffed pork chops or kebabs. We ate pretty well at my house usually.
Baby may be talking!

He is either saying "Mom" or "Wha'?" Either one is possible as his father says "What'?" all the time to him.

It's hard to tell. The speech therapist with the cleft palate team says that he's most likely going to have a speech impediment because of his palate.



Staff member
Awwwwww, yay! :) It's so cute when they start talking.

---------- Post added at 12:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 PM ----------

I could eat chicken everyday!!!! Keep us posted on your cool gift!!! :D
I'm just giving him a small box with a confirmation number in it, and under the confirmation number, a list of things to pack, and under that, the date we're leaving. We won't know where, but I'm takin him on a trip! :D
Woke up late, studied for a while, thought my PCR/DNA Sequencing final was at 2 PM, and realized at around noon...well, it was at noon, so I got there more than half an hour late.

STILL managed to finish early and rocked face on it. Pretty sure I got an A in one of the most difficult classes I've ever taken, and tomorrow's the start of my winter break.


Staff member
TODAY'S THE TODAY, TODAY'S THE DAY, TODAY'S THE DAY! Work is done, I'm almost packed... in 2-3 hours I'll be back home, and I'll commence the birthday pampering!

:D GOD, I love makin' a fuss.
Well, I'm fully done with my first term of my first year of college. On to Winter Break, in which I shall be celebrating Christmas at my grandma's place and visiting the Universal Orlando theme park complex.

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