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I just read... THE funniest episode synopsis ever. It was about that show Bad Girl's Club:

"Flo unleashes her wrath upon the house."


The fellow: "You'd think they would have caught that."
<-- blonde

I dun get it.[/quote]

uhmm... feminine "issue" that occurs on a regular basis. (pun was NOT intended, wife pointed it out)[/quote]
Yeah, that's what I thought it was supposed to refer to, but still don't see it, heh.[/QUOTE]

Many younger people around here refer to the menstrual cycle as "when aunt flo comes to visit"
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Hawkins Cheezies now sold in Nova Scotia!
Ok, I'm not the fastest ball in the park, but honest-to-goodness the first thing I thought when I read this is, "Oh, I didn't know Steven Hawking had his own line of Cheezies.." And then went on to ponder why and when he marketed his name as a food product, and how they differentiate their cheezies from other cheezies.

Now I want to try Hawking Cheesies. Maybe they're shaped like wheelchairs? I don't know, but I want some now...


Staff member
My parents threw a Christmas party this evening, and it was a lot of work, but it went off very nicely. I had a really good time, and the food was great. Boy am I tired, though.
Hey guys. Today, I attended Universal Studios Florida with my eldest brother and father. Since we ended up getting tickets for an IMAX 3-D screening of Avatar at 3:30 PM and actually got in the park around 11 AM, we didn't get as much time as I would have hoped for. Still, it was pretty cool. The attractions we checked out were The Simpsons Ride, Men in Black: Alien Attack, Revenge of the Mummy and Terminator 2: 3-D. Around 2 PM, we left the park and had a lengthy lunch at Emeril's, followed by Avatar. All in all, it has been a great day.
I worked my second consecutive 14 hour day and an old woman drew blood when she hit me in the scalp with her cane. See, because I called her "ma'am". I guess I should have gone with "Cadaverous Shrew" instead. I got written up for causing an incident.


Staff member
I get to spend the whooooole day with my niece. :D She's making lego guns and shooting bad guys right now... oops, never mind, how she's making a "choo choo train." :heart:
I talked with that girl who was all into me, and she seems to be over it. I've talked with one our mutual friends to confirm. I got a bit of a talk on what I did wrong, which is always uncool, but I understand where the problems came from at least.

Also, the other girl who is/was into me more recently seems to be backing off. We talked about it, and using the knowledge attained from the previous into-me girl, managed to put the kibosh on that.

Which leads me to the real win, which is that hopefully that means things will go okay with the girl I have a date with. We've been chatting a bit on MSN, since she's home in the Caribbean for Christmas. Oh, and her being in the Caribbean for a Christmas wedding means lots of pretty pictures of a pretty girl.

Last time I felt this good about a girl, it only took a day for the universe to turn against me and squash my feeble soul. So stay tuned for the impending rant.
I condensed my entire irish-music website down (sans recordings) into an e-book last month, with the hopes that someone would find it useful.

My first copy sold just a few minutes ago. Woot :)
One more day until Christmas! Also, my wife has been getting up early with me each morning this week to start the dining reservations for our Disney trip in June! That's right, 180 days from now I will be in Animal Kingdom outside of Orlando, Florida, and getting ready for an evening eating at Boma! I'm happy right now!
I am currently at an airport, getting ready to head home for the holidays. Free Wifi is a win, and talking on MSN to an old friend who I'll soon be seeing is also a win. It's a lose that she's really bummed out about Christmas, and lonely because everyone she knows is being couple-ey at the moment.

She didn't even laugh at my suggestion that we have a Christmas fling :(
FINALLY, I am with a woman who'll buy me TOOLS for Christmas!

I have always needed/wanted tools, but I never buy them for myself...nobody ever gets them for me on my birthday or Christmas, no matter how much I hint. I guess I just don't seem like the 'tool guy' type.

but this year, I got a big tool box, a whole socket set, some universal wrenches, a tripod flashlight set and an electric screwdriver...all the cool goodies I've been needing recently :)



Staff member

Got a bonsai tree for Christmas. One day, I'll have the coolest father in law ever. Til then I'll just say I have the coolest other-dad. :D

Wasabi Poptart

My mother made Apple-Cinnamon Tamales tonight! Mmm, mmm, mmmmmmmm!!
I'm hoping my mother-in-law brings us some pineapple ones. *drool!*

Santa's sleigh exploded in our living room. My son has been playing with everything for 3 hours now. Even though the baby doesn't understand Christmas, she seems to like her presents. I got Heat Wave by Richard Castle and a silver chain. The kids and I gave my husband a sonic screwdriver pen, a Darth Vader coffee mug, and a Zombie Repellent t-shirt. And we got a new video camera.

Life is good.:heart:
I talked down a suicidal man tonight - he had a .25 with two in the magazine, had already fired one off whilst on the phone with a friend, and was pretty much in a state of mind to end it all.

Now he's at home with his parents, having leftovers.

I like how Christmas Day ended for me.

Also, Congrats to General for the 1k Get


Staff member
I talked down a suicidal man tonight - he had a .25 with two in the magazine, had already fired one off whilst on the phone with a friend, and was pretty much in a state of mind to end it all.

Now he's at home with his parents, having leftovers.

I like how Christmas Day ended for me.

Also, Congrats to General for the 1k Get
Wait...They let him go home? Not hospitalized or under watch?


Just found out my dog got adopted by a nice family in Maryland. Now she's got another dog, a cat, two acre lot, and 4 humans. This is much better than with me and a lonely apartment. I miss her so much I can barely see to type, but I'm glad she has what she needs.
Writing the first post from the new PC that I built with my father as my Christmas gift!
A few stats:
2.93 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4 Gb RAM
1 Gb GeForce GTS 250 (I can finally play recent games! and on high graphics settings! Woot!)

Now all I have to do is get a DVI/HDMI cable so I can use it on my HDTV properly!
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