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Today the Olympic torch came through my hometown and culminated with a big ceremony at City Hall. I just got home, it was amazing.

Pics and video to come. :)
I fell down a flight of stairs and fucked up my back and elbow on Christmas!
Did you misread the thread title?

Mind you, I'm a fan of schadenfreude, so maybe it is win.[/QUOTE]

It's epic because the baby I was carrying remained unharmed.[/QUOTE]

I did that once. Mind you, it was that robot baby for Family Studies class, but it was epic. I was sitting at the dining room table with my parents, feeding the robot baby. They thought it was just hillarious. Then, for no good reason, the chair collapsed out from under me. Paternal instinct kicked in for that chunk of plastic, and I curled my torso around the little robot baby. A second later, it was all over, I had splinters sticking into me, and I was curled in a ball on the floor, but the 'baby' was 'safe.'


I fell down a flight of stairs and fucked up my back and elbow on Christmas!
Did you misread the thread title?

Mind you, I'm a fan of schadenfreude, so maybe it is win.[/QUOTE]

It's epic because the baby I was carrying remained unharmed.[/QUOTE]

I did that once. Mind you, it was that robot baby for Family Studies class, but it was epic. I was sitting at the dining room table with my parents, feeding the robot baby. They thought it was just hillarious. Then, for no good reason, the chair collapsed out from under me. Paternal instinct kicked in for that chunk of plastic, and I curled my torso around the little robot baby. A second later, it was all over, I had splinters sticking into me, and I was curled in a ball on the floor, but the 'baby' was 'safe.'[/QUOTE]

Then the little buggar tried for third and it all went to hell.
It's something they give to kids in richer school districts in order to teach them what it's like to have to care for a kid, in an attempt to get them to ether not have sex, stop having sex, or wear protection when they do. It generally doesn't work.
Robot baby? Family Studies class?
It was basically a course to scare teenagers out of having sex. One of our projects was to take a doll-thing home for three days and take care of it. It was full of sensors that would tell if it was being held correctly, and would tell if it was wearing a diaper and such ... it would cry at random times, which meant it was either hungry, had 'peed' itself, or wanted to be held.

At the end of the three days, the teacher would plug it in to her computer, download the data, and give you a mark based on how well the baby was taken care of. You lost major marks for head support failures, letting your baby go hungry, neglecting to change it's diaper, etc.

Wasabi Poptart

I had to do something similar to Rob's robot baby, but it was part of my high school's child psychology course. We used an egg shell though. At the end of the week, we had to write a paper about our parenting experience. My "baby" got mashed because I was careless, so I wrote a paper about post-partum depression to try to salvage my grade.
I finally learned that I passed my professional engineering exam in chemical engineering that I took in late October!:high5::clap::aaahhh:
I had to do something similar to Rob's robot baby, but it was part of my high school's child psychology course. We used an egg shell though. At the end of the week, we had to write a paper about our parenting experience. My "baby" got mashed because I was careless, so I wrote a paper about post-partum depression to try to salvage my grade.
We had the egg thing too. My egg died when one of my friends put his backpack down in the "nursery" area and crushed my egg on the very last day. I still got an A for the course, though, since it wasn't my fault.
The Egg and Flour sack versions have been in every child/teenager based comedy or sitcom since the 80's. It's pretty popular as a plot, because the drama is inherent in the act and requires very little padding.
On Saturday (12/26), I pulled up to my house and noticed a package being dropped off. Thinking it was a Christmas gift from a friend (he'd asked me for my address a few days before), I tore into it...then realized it was actually an invitation to interview at Albert Einstein College of Medicine for their Ph.D. program!

Long story short: free trip to New York to talk science with a bunch of smart people!
I spent all of yesterday at Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Florida. It was awsome!

Man, all of this theme park fun is making me want to relaunch my creative efforts to develop a Nintendo theme park idea...


Staff member
On Saturday (12/26), I pulled up to my house and noticed a package being dropped off. Thinking it was a Christmas gift from a friend (he'd asked me for my address a few days before), I tore into it...then realized it was actually an invitation to interview at Albert Einstein College of Medicine for their Ph.D. program!

Long story short: free trip to New York to talk science with a bunch of smart people!
Nice! Congrats, dude! That's HUGE! I was took chicken shit and lazy to continue towards my PhD.
I can now compare sex in a pool, jacuzzi, hammam and sauna from experience. Private sauna rental was a Good Plan.

(also, pool>jacuzzi>hammam>sauna It's jsut plain too hot for continued effort).
I find jacuzzi>pool. There are seats which facilitate that face-to-face woman-straddling-lap position, the water's warmer, and jets for foreplay.

Just my experience ;)
Well, water was the same temperature here...I admit the jets are fun and seats, too, but I don't like the fact that in a jacuzzi you don't see as much due to the stream of bubbles and the jets...Plus, in a pool I can hold my breath much longer.


Started frequenting a fledgling fanfic board a few weeks ago. Now have an apparent fan club and adulatory poetry in my honour. Mein Gott. :wtf:

Kitty Sinatra

The real epic win in that, Iaculus, is that no one there will mistake you for Icarus. ;)
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