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Violent Drunk Ray Romano

Epic win: I get a free trip to Salt Lake City for a Mass Spec conference.

Epic fail: I get a free trip to Salt Lake City for a Mass Spec conference.
Say hi to the mormons for me!

Actually... no, say nothing nice to them from me.

Actually, if you could trip one up for me, that would be awesome. Just like... casually walking along their mormon street and then BAM, chaz foot, out of the blue.
EPIC WIN! I won outstanding teacher for my entire college, which holds the two largest majors on campus (including the department I am in). I am reeling from this, as it came as a bit of a surprise to me.

:rockon: <---me right now
Epic win: I get a free trip to Salt Lake City for a Mass Spec conference.

Epic fail: I get a free trip to Salt Lake City for a Mass Spec conference.
If you are walking with a colleague anywhere near the Temple, be sure to hold his hand and wait for the security to come out and break you up. A good time will be had by all.

---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ----------

Do you get women and beer?
He probably would not even get a song.
Say hi to the mormons for me!

Actually... no, say nothing nice to them from me.

Actually, if you could trip one up for me, that would be awesome. Just like... casually walking along their mormon street and then BAM, chaz foot, out of the blue.
But less than half of the population of Salt Lake City is mormon! You'd have to trip several people to be sure you got one.

Oh, wait, you might be able to tell. If they swear after you trip them, probably not a mormon. If, instead, they offer you a Book of Mormon, then you can guess they are mormon. That oughtta work well enough.


Say hi to the mormons for me!

Actually... no, say nothing nice to them from me.

Actually, if you could trip one up for me, that would be awesome. Just like... casually walking along their mormon street and then BAM, chaz foot, out of the blue.
But less than half of the population of Salt Lake City is mormon! You'd have to trip several people to be sure you got one.

Oh, wait, you might be able to tell. If they swear after you trip them, probably not a mormon. If, instead, they offer you a Book of Mormon, then you can guess they are mormon. That oughtta work well enough.[/QUOTE]

What's up with the Mormon hate?
I'm just back from taking my little sister from the comic shop. She has become an avid comic reader... By reading some crappy disney film adaptations. I'm "making" her begin her own comic book collection with some "real comics" we don't have at home. As we already got Tintin and Asterix, and most american comic books I know could be too complex for her current understanding of comic book language, I bought her some of the first Smurfs books.

She was amazed by all the superhero/star Wars/Indiana Jones figurines and we had a very good time. Nice!
Say hi to the mormons for me!

Actually... no, say nothing nice to them from me.

Actually, if you could trip one up for me, that would be awesome. Just like... casually walking along their mormon street and then BAM, chaz foot, out of the blue.
But less than half of the population of Salt Lake City is mormon! You'd have to trip several people to be sure you got one.

Oh, wait, you might be able to tell. If they swear after you trip them, probably not a mormon. If, instead, they offer you a Book of Mormon, then you can guess they are mormon. That oughtta work well enough.[/QUOTE]

What's up with the Mormon hate?[/QUOTE]

(disclaimer: I'm an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormons)

The Mex meant no harm by his comments, but I knew it was likely that someone might take him seriously. Many people here know I belong to that church, so I figured that by responding humorously as the token Mormon, nothing else need come of it. Plus I snuck in the fact that there are fewer mormons in SLC than people of other faiths - which is generally not well known.

I don't know who Violent Drunk Ray Romano is as I can't keep up with the name changes, but I believe he didn't mean anything significant by his statement. As far as I can tell he's excited about this trip, but wanted to inject humor into his post, and the easiest target was a sly wink about Salt Lake City.

There are a lot of reasons people hate the mormons - but I don't think any of the above posts were meant to be taken seriously. But anyone that wants to continue such a conversation ought to consider a new thread in the politics/religion/etc subforum.

Meanwhile I have to tend to my 3 wives. :eyebrows:



I've only got one week of work left! Woot! A whole summer just spending time with my family and working on fun projects at my own direction! I'll be fitting a few consulting projects in there too, to extend my period of unemployment into the fall, and who knows but one of my own projects might become profitable.

But either way, I'm so excited!


Violent Drunk Ray Romano

Chazwozel = Violent Drunk Ray Romano.

Wow this thread proves Shego's point in the name change thread quite nicely.
If you had been going to, I dunno, Nashville, I'd have ask you to trip some country singer or something, it was meant as a quip about the place not the faith.

Philosopher B.

Nothing is radder than doing a group project with a group comprised of competent, creative people. I've been in some groups with some fucked-up characters (like the one with the dude who worked with zebras and sold colon cleansing over the phone, partly by saying that his imaginary wife had gone through it), and the college algebra presentation I did with the one woman whose boyfriend was in jail, etc., etc. Happily, however, my Radio Industry group this semester is absolute gold. Two other groups went before us last week, one with a so-so game-show idea, the other with a more creative, but less well executed idea. I met with my group today to record a fake radio show, and everybody brought something hilarious to the table. Sooo refreshing.
You do realize that means you're the screw-up of the group, then, right?[/QUOTE]


Philosopher B.

I am a dirty, dirty whore.

This is what happens when I go to a book sale:

74 books in all.

I have a disease. -_-

- Philosopher B., who is thinking of reading Rage or The Postman first.

Wasabi Poptart

I love The Tommyknockers if nothing else but for the fact that my maiden name, which is not a very common surname, is used for the last name of one of the minor characters. :D
On the subject of books:

All 4 of our current books are now available to order through (ignore the temporarily out of stock notice - an order from them gets sent to us and we fill the order) and can be found here

In addition, all four are being submitted to the ENnies for consideration.
I also have a book disease..but am unable to fulfill it. There are two used book store going tits up around here and I don't have the cash to make the purchases I want!

Oh, God, why do you hate me so?
I went to a North Korean restaurant last night. The waitresses were attractive, the musical performances were cool and I spoke a bit to the N.Koreans in Chinese a bit. All in all, it was good times.
Went on a double date with some friends last night. After dinner, we went to see Little Shop of Horrors at a local professional theater:

It was very, very, very good. I wish I could see live plays more frequently.

Then we went to a fondue restaurant for dessert - I was surprised there was even such a place as a fondue restaurant, and that we had one locally:

It was excellent! I want to go there for a dinner sometime.

Much fun was had by all.
We have a melting pot in Baton Rouge and in NOLA. Hear they are REALLY good, but I haven't made the trip.

I AM MOVED INTO MY HOUSE!!!! Goodbye apartments, HELLO 30 year mortgage!
Congratulations on the house, Vytamindi! I hope the move went well and you'll be able to get settled down soon enough :)

As for myself, I picked up a 120GB PS3 for $60 off its normal price, then found out Blockbuster is doing a Buy 1 Get 1 free sale on all used games $14.99 and under. So, for $28, I got four PS3 games, one PS2 and one DS game to round out my collection (Lair, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Mirror's Edge, Condemned 2, Shadow of the Colossus, and Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon). My Ph.D. program is going to kick my ass this coming summer, but I'm making up for it with a month of little responsibility (aside from setting up the move next month).

Also, a cat was surrendered to the veterinary clinic my girlfriend works at. A very pregnant cat that gave birth to kittens (and no, this is not a repeat of earlier this year), and my girlfriend and I may have found the kitten we've wanted to adopt. She found the tuxedo kitten laying outside the nest, picked it up and rubbed it to keep it warm for a little while, then put it back in the nest. The mom's been sporadically feeding it, so we may simply start bottle-feeding it and adopt it in June when it's big enough to leave the nest.

Last night, I texted my girlfriend to see if we were going to hang out. She informed me that her and her hung-over friend were just starting a disaster movie marathon, and that I was invited.

Near the end of Independence Day, the girlfriend's roommate, and another friend showed up fresh from studying at the library. The first words out of the friend's mouth was "We should go bowling."

We called another friend to ask if he wanted to go bowling. He did, so we went. After an hour and a half of bowling, we realized that if we stayed for our whole two hours the liquor store would close before we got there. We left early to buy booze.

The liquor store is attached to a grocery store, so we went out to buy snacks too. Out there, we met another friend and her boyfriend who were shopping for groceries. They decided to join us for our party as well.

We arrived home, an original disaster movie marathon of two people swelling to eight. We abandoned the disaster movie theme and watched Man on Fire, and some of the girls traded newly learned salsa dancing moves. There was alcohol, and Denzel Washington kicking ass. At about three thirty everyone sort of went home or started crashing on couches.

It was a very good night.


Last night, I texted my girlfriend to see if we were going to hang out. She informed me that her and her hung-over friend were just starting a disaster movie marathon, and that I was invited.

Near the end of Independence Day, the girlfriend's roommate, and another friend showed up fresh from studying at the library. The first words out of the friend's mouth was "We should go bowling."

We called another friend to ask if he wanted to go bowling. He did, so we went. After an hour and a half of bowling, we realized that if we stayed for our whole two hours the liquor store would close before we got there. We left early to buy booze.

The liquor store is attached to a grocery store, so we went out to buy snacks too. Out there, we met another friend and her boyfriend who were shopping for groceries. They decided to join us for our party as well.

We arrived home, an original disaster movie marathon of two people swelling to eight. We abandoned the disaster movie theme and watched Man on Fire, and some of the girls traded newly learned salsa dancing moves. There was alcohol, and Denzel Washington kicking ass. At about three thirty everyone sort of went home or started crashing on couches.

It was a very good night.

Did you get to see some creamy hamstrings?



Staff member
On the subject of books:

All 4 of our current books are now available to order through (ignore the temporarily out of stock notice - an order from them gets sent to us and we fill the order) and can be found here

In addition, all four are being submitted to the ENnies for consideration.
I have them and for the most part they are excellent! The only thing I didn't like was the Anti-Paladin, but that's mostly because I feel it is not original as something fairly similar was in an early Dragon Magazine.

Still, more than worth the money I paid for them.

---------- Post added at 10:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

Last night, I texted my girlfriend to see if we were going to hang out. She informed me that her and her hung-over friend were just starting a disaster movie marathon, and that I was invited.
This story did not end as I'd expected. :unibrow:
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